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Posts posted by firstngoal

  1. What don't you get about the fact that there is no evidence that he battered his girlfriend at all? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Maybe he's a creep, maybe she was just angry and made something up. No way to know for sure.


    I remember reading the article when the cops were called to her apartment and she had bruises after the incident. Unless "she beat herself up" :rolleyes: I'm quite sure Lynch played a part in it. :rolleyes:

    I'm quite sure "hush-money" from his agent played a part in her not pursuing the matter and dropping the charges. :rolleyes:

  2. Actually, it didn't even go that far. No charges were ever filed.


    True, but the fact that he battered his girlfriend certainly can't sit too well with Marv. :rolleyes:


    Plus, he did grow up in a poor neighborhood etc. and because of his "lack of smarts" he is what NFL teams consider a risk come Draft time because they don't know what he will do when a player with his mentality gets millions dropped into his hands.

  3. To win in this league you have to run the ball and stop the run" a quote from Marv Levy back in the days when the Bills dominated the AFC!


    After suffering through last season with a patchwork offensive line, Marv is going back to what he believes in to bulid this team. :P


    As I have stated before on this forum, I tell it like it is = No Candy-Coating!


    With all that said, I like the agressiveness of the Bills organization today!



  4. I'm not sure I buy its the "talk of the league". I watch NFL Live on ESPN; I watch NFL Total Access like its a religion. I'm not even sure I've seen mention of it, let alone anything that would classify it as talk of the league. All the Bills talk I've seen has been in reference to McGahee and Clements, with Fletcher being a distant 3rd. So, I'd have to request some documentation on that one.


    Sirius NFL Radio

  5. The entire premise of this thread is absurd and I'm a lesser person for commenting on it, but I just can't read anymore without saying something...


    First we bash Marv and the Bills' Mgmt. because they're not spending any money and we're gonna lose all our FAs. None of the players want to be here and the organization is a mess. Willis must go.. why doesn't Marv do something.


    Now, Marv has re-signed Kelsay and did so by opening Ralph's wallet a little so Kelsay never even tested the Market - yet you say this is bad. We tender offers to 2 other guys - yet no congratulations.


    You immediately rush to the judgement that Kelsay is overpayed. Price is overpayed (talk about dragging out skeletons). It sounds like everyone Marv signs is overpayed, yet everyone that is released its because Marv's too cheap to pay them. So which is it? Is Marv cheap or a spend thrift?


    I know you'll want to say, he's just dumb and making bad decisisons. But, free agency hasn't even started, so Marv could very likely be attempting to keep other players like Clements here as we speak. And we've had no time to wait and see what other DEs earn on the open market. So, to make any inferences on Marv's decision this offseason is premature at best.


    Not that it matters, but what would be the suggestion regarding Kelsay. Offer him league minimum, piss him off, allow him to test the open market, re-enforce the notion that the Bills are cheap just so everyone can say see I told you so, getting in a bidding war with other teams, sign someone with more promise that doesn't know our system just to save a little money. What's the best move here? I, personally, thought resigning Kelsay was a great move.


    Resiging Kelsay was a goood move, never said it wasn't!


    But what they PAID for him was ridiculous!


    Case in point = The Sporting News Scouting Guide for NFL Players has Kelsay rated as the 53rd Best DE in the game (doesn't make enough big plays is one of their assessments). Rated as an ADEQUATE STARTER.


    I haven't seen the production on the field to warrant such a contract.


    Would you go to the grocery store and pay $50 dollars for a 16oz container of mustard??? Well, thats what they did!


    It's not just me that is bringing this up, it's the talk of the league!

  6. There were about 4 other teams interested in Price... the Pats were one of them. The moment they realized that Price was going to get a salary in the $2M range from the Bills, they laughed, turned around and signed Jabar Gafney and Reche Caldwell for $1.6M COMBINED. The Pats have a huge money advantage over the Bills... but they always sign players according to their value.... which is why they are where they are and the Bills are where they are.


    I don't recall there being 4 other teams interested in Price (but if they were it would have been for somewhere just over the veteran minimum) but you hit the nail right on the head and it's the point that I'm trying to make:


    Paying players according to value! :thumbsup:

  7. except that in "over-paying" him we made him happy and he was a positive force in the locker room for the first time in years(on a pretty young team). all those reports about him taking Parrish under his wing....


    there are so many intangibles that you "buy" when you pay a player what he wants (or more) that to sit here and gripe about over-paying is pretty futile.


    My whole point is:


    The Bills are griping about Money and they go out and overpay Kelsay. Makes no sence!

  8. Whitner was shocked to be selected at #8. Do you think that he was a good or bad pick based on this alone?


    Whitner was a good pick in the Draft, but he was taken too high. I feel they overpaid for him too because they had to pay him Top 10 money because they drafted him in the 8th slot when they could have moved down to #15 Denvers slot which would have made more sence.


    Kelsay is a fringe starter who would likely be a backup End on most other NFL teams. His production on the field doesn't warrant that type of contract, plus the Draft is deep at the defensive end position.

  9. Again, how was Price "Over paid" ? We were not in cap trouble and he got 10 mil for 4 years. Big Deal!

    Plus he directly contributed hugely to 2 of our wins last season.


    It doesn't matter if we weren't in cap trouble the deal was bad from a business standpoint because there wasn't a market for Price (nobody wanted him). We could have probably offered him somewhere around the veteran minumum and he would still have signed. Just like the Cowboys deal with T.O.,they too waaay overpaid for him because the only other team that was interested in him was the Broncos and they decided to pass on him before the Cowboys offered him the money.

  10. Have you seen the contract? Do you know how it is structured? Do you know what his exact salary is for each year? Do you know how much money was a signing bonus, which counts to this year's "cash to cap"? Do you know how much of that bonuses are roster bonuses, which count to other year's cash to cap?


    I doubt it. I suggest you learn those things before you say he's paid too much money. Hell, his salary in 4 years might be 12 million, making the total value of the contract bigger than the 6mil per year figure thrown around.


    Before you decide you don't believe the numbers, you might want to understand the numbers first.


    Right from the horses mouth:


    I saw the Kelsay interview and HE even admitted that the Bills EXCEEDED his expectations!


    I just feel they could have signed him for less and from what Kelsay said, they could have.


    My Point is:

    Super Pirss Poor Money Management, just like overpaying Price last year!

  11. Willis would have had a great 2007 season: JPLosman is more comfortable, the OL is stronger, and, of course, Willis wants the big pay-day (and yes, for a guy like Willis and his pal, Drew Rosenhaus, this is a big big motivator).


    Apparently Marv thought that the trade discussions could proceed with complete secrecy, hence the "Bills officials annoyed" reports. This is just more proof of Marv's inexperience.


    I agree that this will not sit well with McGahee. He has a record of being unhappy about his contract and Buffalo. So now, instead of having a good offense led by a motivated, talented RB that knows the offense, we'll either have:

    • a disgruntled McGahee that could potentially be a team cancer all year if Marv doesn't trade him or
    • an extra mid-round draft pick; and Bills are forced to use an early draft pick on an unproven RB

    Do we get nothing for him after 2007? That's right. But is a 4th-round pick worth all the negatives? No.


    Oh, (and just to stoke the fires even more), Marv's other two huge mistakes:

    • Agreeing last season NOT to franchise Clements for 2007, avoiding a preseason holdout. What did we get? A full team all pre-season. What did we lose? A top-flight CB for all of 2007. Inexcusable.
    • The draft: should have traded down and landed Whitner later, picking up extra first-day picks; should NOT have traded up and gotten McCargo (the third best D-lineman on his COLLEGE team). Inexcusable in any draft, but worse in a deep draft.

    Marv Levy, HoF coach, has once again proved his inexperience at being a GM.


    I've been critical of Marv in the past and I've posted several threads about how I feel the team will take a step back this season, but I do think that trading Willis is the thing to do while you can get something for him which they should have done with Clements last season.


    I'll take a 4th round pick (hopefully a high 4th) for him and move on. There are plenty of good players still available in the 4th round.


    If they do trade Willis, my guess is they will be targeting PSU Hb Tony Hunt in the second round IF he is still available when we pick.

  12. There is some team that would be willing to pay a 1st rounder or at the very least a 2nd rounder. If we don't get that then we are in a worse case scenario because we are going to need 2 RBs and no where to get them from with a 3rd or later pick.


    But willis isn't worth a 1st rounder you say?


    Not true. For many of us yes, but for some teams he's an attractive option.


    Willis is cap friendly right now. No major hit for any team that wants an experienced RB. The team can see how he responds to his contract year on the field and then roll the dice on him. No commitment!


    Indy RB Rhodes was mainly a setup guy for adai in the red zone; don't know what he would be like for the full load. Wouldn't want tpo pay that much money to find out.


    Add to the fact willis had had national exposure, has the OL and QB as scapegoats, and can give a team like the giants instant credability to assess their team (QB & GM), he has alot of value for the right team.


    Someone will pay a 1st rounder for him. But who?


    The Bills would be very lucky to get a second round pick for Willis!


    A first round pick is out of the question.

  13. I've been watching a lot of draft coverage and people are really talking about this kid and the dreaded "upside" alot.


    Anyone seeing him begin move past Branch and be the 1st DT off the board? Of course that could all change after the DL day of the combine but how great would it be have him fall into our laps?


    I have to say I think its probably going to happen.


    I can see him going before Branch because the kid is just 19 years old and should easily become a 315 lb lineman in a few years. He has a tremendous upside and won't get past the Falcons picking 10th since his former Coach Petrino will have a hard time passing him up. I like Branch, but Okoye has a better upside.

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