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Posts posted by LewPort71

  1. Seat belt,,,EVERY time...5 feet or 500 miles.....

    Mrs. Lew too.When she totaled the van in July her only injury was a bruise from the seatbelt...Otherwise, the State Troopers said she would have gone through the windshield....


    Our company has a seat belt policy for ALL vehicles too....

  2. Structured activities,,,AARRGGHH..

    I see so few kids today playing spontaneous pick up games...Soccer, football, basketball, etc are seemingly all in structured leagues....There is a field in our neighborhood that would be perfect for football, soccer, or baseball,,,But the kids are never there playing...

    Growing up in Lewiston in the '60s was just fine...We played games ALL the time and our parents did not worry about us...

    I think we learned to take responsibility for our actions rather than to blame others for a bad outcome such as a broken window....

  3. National Championship ...only need to know 3 letters....






    LOL.....If they can get past Marshall in game one....

    WVU has a cream puff schedule and Coach Rod has to get the players in a strong mindset for each game...So they don't get over confident....

    Actually, I'd love to see Marshall beat WVU in the first game ....

    I have 1 daughter at each school....

  4. Update....

    It has been a week since the accident...Mrs. Lew has very few seatbelt marks remaining...and the soreness is gone...

    The insurance co. 'totaled' the van and we have received 80% of the $$. The remaining 20% will be sent when they get the title , which was mailed Friday....and the $$ amount is more than we expected...YAY.

    New vehicle >> an acquaintance has a used Avalon that is loaded and the $$ they asked for is reasonable. She will test drive it on Sunday night (they are out of town this weekend) and if she likes it, we will buy it.

  5. Belatedly,,,congrats meazza on the victory by the Azzurri...


    I got home from work JUST as the PKs were completed....

    Then I had a HS soccer referee meeting and the topic was Zindane's headbutt...

    Us old timers were wondering where CoCo Brazil was...

    Now there's a guy who could head butt...


    If a kid head butts during a HS game we agreed to give him or her 2 red cards

  6. She is very fortunate...in any vehicle, a frontal 55 mph crash generally causes catastrophic deceleration forces regardless of vehicle construction.


    Perhaps the mph was less - I would think the other fellow would have been thrust rightward to his demise.



    The 55 moph number was a guess onn her part...The State Troopers report will have the 'impact' speed...Nonetheless, the air bag (no, not Mrs. Lew) and the seat belt were very effective and provided a favorable result

  7. Thanks for the good infor about the Camry..

    Camry is VERY high on my list...

    Well,,, Mrs. Lew's list as she is gonna be the driver..


    And thanks for the good wishes...The seat belt //air bag combination

    sure did what it is supposed to do

  8. Thanks eball...Mrs. Lew is sore today...and missing her van...It was her 'baby'...


    It was a great vehicle and now the search for the replacement begins...

    What is amazing is that there was no glass breakage...and the front end is smushed like an accordian....

  9. It will most likely open up the game, but I will be in cardiac arrest and unable to appreciate it.



    Two more hours Meazza...Two more hours..Are you doing OK??


    I am listening to XM radio and the callers are even split between France and Italy...

    I called in ..and got through ...but had to vote quickly as I am at work, supposedly working...

  10. I have the full insurance package so that'll be OK..But there might be a hassle because the other guy might not have it...Anyways,,we'll see how this process goes...

    Mrs. Lew is OK and that is the key thing,,,She is sore today...


    Next vehicle >>> Honda Fit ???











    Probably a Toyota...We have had Camrys in the past and have been satisfied..

  11. Gotta go buy a new vehicle....


    Mrs. Lew totaled the van Friday night...She is ok,,,seatbelts ,,airbag,,,Toyota safety engineering saved the day.....Now if she could have avoided the old fart who , from the RH lane on the Interstate, tried to turn LEFT into the median in an effort to turn around in the lil road marked for "Emergency Vehicles Only".....and Mrs. Lew then broadsided the guy going ~ 55 mph after a futile braking attempt....


    plus the guy had no Insurance card,, the license plate did not match the registration number and the guy appeared not to be in good driving condition...Not drunk, but seemed 'challenged'...


    We are gonna get screwed in this situation.


    The van was a 1999 Sienna,,,just getting 'broken in', too...Only had 249,992 miles on it.....

  12. IF les Bleus were to go up 1--0 early, then there would be 50 million French fans looking for their cardiac meds since Barthez is in Goal..


    and replay in FIFA ?? I can't see it...As a referee, I can not see how it could be implemented....There is no timeout or other stoppage....How could a coach 'challenge" a call...

    9 more hours,.....

  13. I have no true favorites in this final match...At least the cry-baby, whiney Portugese are out...


    If Italy wins,,,then its good for the US, who can say that we tied the champs...

    If France wins, then it would be a nice final curtain call for Zidane who is one of the best to ever play the game.....


    or should the choice be made by wine...Do I like French wine OR Italian...???

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