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DC Mom

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Posts posted by DC Mom

  1. I think that's what Marv wants. Everyone knows he still wants to coach. If Jauron goes 1-5, enough people will call for his head and Marv can step in and try to be a hero.  I hope Jauron does well but I think this set the team back 5 years. We're no better now than when they fired Wade.



    Wrong. Levy has long-respected Jauron. Levy probably views Jauron as a younger version of himself: highly educated person who had a head coach stint elsewhere but never got a fair shot by upper management--just like Levy at KC.


    Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Chill everyone.

  2. The Black Bear had a thread about his/her identity...why not SOPRANNO?



    Black Bear was a genius.. look at where he was at in 2004:


    Black Bear Brilliance


    The Bills should also look at Jason Peters for the left tackle and left guard spot. They want a pulling guard for the the left guard spot and Peters is a former tight end. He has to be able to move if he played tight end. Might be a good fit at left guard or left tackle. (left tackles also have to be able to move)


    Met the following response:

    i was with ya till i saw this line. Do you think peters can keep jason taylor from getting 10 sacks in 2 games with the bills??????


    what did J.P ever do to you???


    Pat Williams and Sam Adams: Whatever else the Bills do they HAVE TO keep both Sam Adams and Pat William. If they lose just one of those guys the defense will go from one of the best to one of the worse. Hopefully Donahoe realizes this!


    Everyone wanted to get rid of Fat Pat...


    Like Van Gogh or something... the Black Bear was reviled in his own time only later to be discovered as the genius he was.


    Now there is no BillsOutsider web page and now the Stadium Wall's masses are waiting for a new leader to bring them nuggets of truth. We have a possibility in Soprano, but everyone wants to chase this guy away.

  3. I watched a complete interveiw with him last night on Quite Frankly. He came off as being WAY to nice and undisciplined to be a head coach. He was almost begging for someone to recognize him. It was pathetic.



    By recognize you mean like pick him out from the crowd or like you "better recognize, foo"?

  4. Capers has gone to more conference championship games than Sherman and Jauron combined.


    But Jauron looks like Mike Shanahan when he wears a baseball cap and Shanahan did win two Super Bowls. If Jauron's looks can get him half of that--then I am sold!!!

  5. If you're the Bills with J.P. Losman, would you rather run the West Coast offense or the "Screw it, maybe we can draw some flags" offense?


    Kinda of a cheap shot.  But I always thought if I had Randy Moss, why not just chuck it down the field 10 times a game and see what happens.



    When I read that, I laughed at first but then I got sad b/c it's true.

  6. The more the merrier. Let em bring in everyone.


    Last time we complained they pulled the trigger too quick. We cant now complain that they are being thorough.


    But then again...this is TSW.



    You are actually trying to look for consistency among this message board? You'll be lucky to find one poster who does not contradict himself in the span of 24 hours.

  7. There are plenty of times where the Bills have been hosed by officiating in favor of the Patriots in recent years. For that matter, instances where other teams have fallen victim as well. I am sure someone here would be able to respond to Bill Simmons' complaints about the Broncos/Patroits game here: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/060118


    I would do it myself, but I feel that someone else probably can articulate the point far better than me.

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