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Everything posted by nero47

  1. From what I have read, this problem has been chronic. If that is the case, the surgery should have been done in the off season, or at least at the beginning of camp. What we don't know is was the IR put on after the surgery or before. How bad are the knees? Will he need more extensive surgery to repair whatever damage is in there?
  2. Consider yourself wrong. an MRI will show many things at a deeper level than mere x-rays, which is why even after an x-ray is taken and shown to be negative, they also do an MRI. An MRI is very good at detecting hairline fractures as well as tumors, muscle tears etc. Been there, experienced that. However, these films are not usuallly passed around for general viewing.
  3. Until the era of big rookie contracts and instant gratification, QB's Did not start in the NFL until their fourth or fifth year. The time to absorb the game took that long. Some were able to start immediately (ie- marino, good team instant stardom). Others even when thay started immediately took two to three years to develop into solid or star QB's (ie - Namath, Bradshaw, Aikman, Elway, and Kelly-who played in the "B" league his first years). JP when he leaves may or may not be a solid starter, but his time to show it would be now. sidenote - Rothlisberger started for a team that bulldozed its way. He is just now coming into his own. Rivers Finally got his major start last year on a very talented team. Prayerfully, we are now fielding a talented team to take the pressure off TE.
  4. You can call yourself most anything you want. FCC doesn't monitor your nickname, as it doesn't relate to truth in advertising.
  5. Peters gets injured at the end of last season. He is voted to the Pro-Bowl. He has a contract which pays 3.5Mil per year (5.0 with incentive of playing half the snaps - Highly probable). Instead of coming in for OTA's or even mandatory Workouts, he cuts off all communication with the team, presumably on the advice of his agent. His agent and the team are no longer talking to one another. Who is at fault? Neither, in the world of negotiation there is an old adage,"Once all the information is on the table, shut up. The first one to speak loses." This is what is happening and both sides are playing it well. The Bills know what JP is worth in terms of going to the playoffs. He is the better player to protect the QB, so they can get there. JP's agent knows this and is hoping for Walker to get seriously injured, to give his client more leverage. On the other hand if the QB's go down, the season is shot and JP may as well sit until next year, as he will not be needed this year. As for the money, I believe JP got a longer contract when he signed, with a bonus and incentives. Does anyone know what that contract was? I've heard 15mil for five years. It must have seemed like an awful lot two years ago. Now it's not about money but the recognition that the money brings
  6. JP is coming off an injury and surgery (sports hernia), that does not always heal properly in 6 months ( case in point - Grant Hill NBA Magic - his succesful surgery took two years before he became effective again, and even then he lost much of his explosiveness). Was JP a budding superstar before the injury? - Yes. Is he as athletically agile after, we don't know. Remember he has stayed away since January. We would like to have the old JP back, but we don't know if he is the same and neither does the bills brass. Consider this, the bills agree to a new contract in principle and JP comes in, passes his physical, gets on the field, and looks no better than walker. The team now has another overpaid average LT. As a business person would you take that risk with your money? Had he finished the last season healthy, then there would probably be no problem renegotiationing a new contract.
  7. Just reviewed game and and came up with following stats start D vs their starting O: 1st Series: 7 plays - 5 passes (7,13,19,5, int) total 44yds. 3 rushes (-1,2,4) total 5yds. 2nd series: 5 plays - 4 passes (16,4,1,nogain) total 21 yds 1 rush total 6 yds i don't like the 10+ pass plays, but I do like the stops.
  8. If they don't communicate, they can't figure anything out.
  9. MARV'S Record was also dismal until he had all the right pieces.
  10. Good point. Has he been seen by the doctors to see if he has benn physically cleared to play?
  11. Peters needed to find a spot or he would have been cut. He was offered his contract after playing very well at RT, with some work at LT. He and his agent agreed to take an extension rather than play out the contract he had. it turns out he has developed into an excellent LT after an above average LG was brought in, instead of the bums he was playing next to. Now it is time to come in from the cold, get on the field and then negotiate a new contract. i have watched athletes over the years " sit out the season", and never return to their previous form. My gut says Peters has not recovered well from his off season surgery. until the bills see him on the field he will not get an extra dime.
  12. On PPV, I live in Florida and would gladly pay to see the bills every sunday without having to go to a bar or buy direct tv. My one concern iis the money be split between the bills and the team they are playing that Sunday. in that way the Franchises would gain more revenue. Those who live in the region would still get the game free.
  13. Sounds like the attorneys went looking for her. These two appear to be very high priced. On the other hand why hasn't Lynch's attorney gotten this thing resolved as any intelligent one would. He's killing his clients future earning potential.
  14. Welcome to the JFK and MLK syndrome. Tim was, as far as I know, an exceptional person, but his legacy is in what he did not what he did't do. No Ring of honor at the stadium. No streets named after him. and, especially no holidays in his honor.
  15. A thought that has been rumbling around for awhile. JP has no pressure to secure the number one this year. Dopn't know what he has been doing during the off season, but working on his deficiencies would have been a good idea.
  16. it would be better if you looked up Marv Levy's 43% NFL winning percentage before he got to Buffalo and the first two years here, before the Bills became the great team of the early 90's. This team has been built as that team was through the draft. jauron hopefully is on the same track, using the same formula.
  17. I agree on most counts, especially on the fact that we lost or rather let go talennted players. However, the question that has to be asked is " Are their talents suited to our style of play?". Fletcher was not making plays at the line of scrimmage. It can be said that the fault lies with the line in front of him, but the coaching staff obviously didn't think so. Clements was a salary casualty. The money I think was better spent on upgrading the offensive line. TKO is still recovering from his achilles injury. At a position which requires speed quickness and agility, it is very hard to say that a player who missed one season due to rehab, and spent most of the next season trying to regain his previous abilities and suffering assorted nagging injuries, is going to be effective for you in year three. McGahee was not a premier back at the college level except for one year at Miami, then suffered his devastating injury. When he returned to the field of play he was a demon possessed to get that starting position. Once secured he was not the same rb, and did not want to play here or be an integral part of the organization as shown by his unwillingness to train with his teammates here. How else do you learn to run behind your blockers to maximum effect, even if they are not all pros. We are building a team that depends upon each other, not one to merely send people to the pro bowl. Team play with players suited to your style will have a better chance to get to the super bowl, than a team filled with highly talented individuals that didn't even get us to the playoffs in the last 7 years. IMHO
  18. Especially since it now appears TKO was looking to get traded.
  19. if you have excel on your computer right click over the chart and you should be able to export to excel. You can also download an excel viewer for free from microsoft.
  20. I don't begrudge any player getting what he can. My objection is using the family argument to justify it. I have not lived in the city of Buffalo for years, but as I remember it was a great place to live. I grew up going to school there so unless it has changed greatly, the education I received was excellent. If a team owner wants to pay exhorbitant money to a player, that player would be foolish not to take it, unless he was going to a team which had little to no chance of making the playoffs and a ring was his main goal for playing.
  21. Players using the "I have to take my family into account" reason for outlandish contracts. What have they been doing with the money they have already made, albeit making only 250,000+ per year isn't much . Be honest and say "I'm going to get as much as I can, because i'm as greedy as the next player". Don't try to soften going to another team by giving us stupid "family" statements. clements and fletcher.
  22. no player is worth that kind of money. It is a team game. All parts must play together to be a winner. Champ Bailey, as good as he is, still hasn't seen the Super Bowl with Denver. Making the playoffs should not be the goal. Making and winning the Superbowl should. Stoping the run on defense will go a long way toward that goal. Spend the money on runn stoppers, Then the pass rush can cause hurries on third down to force turnovers by the secondary. assante Samuel is said to not be in the same class as Clements, yet he had a banner year, because the opposition was forced to throw ill advised passes. As much as I would like to have clements, I wouldn't break the bank for him.
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