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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Michael Cohen wasn't the only witness and his account was corroborated with documentary evidence and other witnesses. If it was only Cohen's testimony, Trump would have walked (even though Trump is a greater pathological liar than Cohen). Even the judge instructed the jury that they couldn't convict on Cohen's testimony alone.
  2. So you intentionally lied in your first post. Edwards was found not guilty on one charge but the jury hung on the remaining charges. These are two different cases with different evidence and it is understandable that there can be different outcomes. Your logic seems whackadoodle. You seem to be saying if one person beat a murder charge, nobody else should ever be charged with murder again.
  3. Who did Obama murder in a red district?
  4. I guess Trump shouldn't have committed the crimes in Manhattan.
  5. It doesn't signal much of anything. Susan Collins always falls in line.
  6. Yeah like Congressmen and Senators have never been prosecuted before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_federal_politicians_convicted_of_crimes
  7. 1. I see nothing wrong with an extended voting period. I liked that I could vote anywhere in my state and had 5 weeks to do so. I drove by a couple of polling locations on my way to or from work and could choose a time when there was no line. 2. What is the problem with mail in ballots? They've been used for years. How do you think members of the military, State Department and citizens overseas vote? Even Trump has voted by mail in the past. 3. Irrelevant. 4. Irrelevant. 5. Florida learned from the past, particularly the 2000 election. Florida counts mail in and early in person votes before election day, so all they have to do is add the election day votes to the total. Most states do not start counting until election day, so naturally those states will take longer.
  8. How was the 2020 election not legitimate?
  9. It was Trump who claimed he fell in love with Kim Jong Un wasn't it?
  10. Seriously? Trump had his press secretary go lie about his crowd size on day one. Trump has the disposition of the 3 year old.
  11. For me, democracy is on the ballot. Trump has never accepted an election that he hasn't won. Biden has accepted elections he hasn't won. I'll accept Biden's policies that I disagree with if that means our democratic republic survives. Can't you see how terrible and option Trump is?
  12. How do you know he isn't in the toilet paper business? Or mask manufacturer, or other PPE or disinfectant?
  13. Well, he did represent Trump, and OJ Simpson and Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein.
  14. Your beef is with Special Counsel Robert Hur, a Republican originally appointed DA by Trump. I personally would have no problem with Biden being charged with that but am also mindful that Biden's transgressions were nothing of the order of Trump's and Biden cooperated with investigators and Trump did just the opposite.
  15. You mean all those legal scholars that the Orange Jesus cherry picked?
  16. The crimes Trump committed in this case occurred before he was president. If Obama or Biden committed crimes prior to becoming POTUS or after leaving office, they too should be charged.
  17. It couldn't be that Trump was more distasteful to parts of the electorate like suburban women and younger voters than other GOP candidates?
  18. As I stated, it was the first story after a search. I really don't care to satisfy your bad judgement. What exactly did Biden do?
  19. The election wasn't stolen.
  20. The Orange Jesus truthed it. I did a google search and linked to the first hit. There were plenty more. Its not my fault that you've cocooned yourself in the Magasphere.
  21. He said (truthed) it. Should I not take him at his word?
  22. And maybe women who fear Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which are considered misogynistic and represent a threat to the rights of women. We could say its deja vu all over again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Women's_March
  23. I don't know. Your Orange Jesus suggested it. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/05/trump-terminate-constitution-00072230
  24. The same constitution that Trump wants to suspend?
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