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  1. Cool. Did Gerald Ford say they were good people and have dinner with them in the midst of their highest controversy? Or were they dismissed as fringe bad actors? And condemned by US leaders?
  2. I can’t remember a Jews Will Not Replace Us chant at a racist rally in a major city in the 80s, 90s, 00s…and a president who said the rallyers were “good people.” Nice work Big Blitz-ing this topic.
  3. Couldn’t find the Jews Will Not Replace Us chants video from Charlottesville? Good people in that chant right?
  4. Making up stories about words I didn’t say. How original for PPP. I’m sure most Jewish people feel great about the rising acceptance of anti-Semitism in America.
  5. Thank you for quoting me and making my point about how little time passed, ######. Re tard is the word auto censor
  6. Asinine even for you. It’s not DNA. It’s literally memory, as I noted by saying how recent it was. Did you try to be this ignorant or does it come naturally? Ask your Jewish friends my question.
  7. Thanks for making the stupid leap. I made no such comparison. I noted that many are one generation removed from it. Ask a Jewish person if things are changing for the better or worse for Jews in the US.
  8. What comparison. I’m saying that Jewish people recognize a sea change because they are not so removed from that time. You went to Lehnard’s school. Avoid the question. Avoid.
  9. Asking again: What do your Jewish friends say? I know what mine are saying. They’ve never seen a rise of American acceptance of anti-Semitism like this and they don’t feel like there’s a counter trend, especially when it’s being normalized by leading politicians, entertainers, and some of the media. Nazi-ism and the holocaust are not in most people’s lifetimes but many Jewish folk only need look back one generation to know victims of it.
  10. Ask a Jewish American how they feel since Charlottesville. Normalizing anti-Semitism, such as when a president has dinner with someone who says Hitler is good, is a pretty big step in normalizing it.
  11. That's not a WHY answer. That's just an observation that has applicability in some but hardly all circumstances. English famously has far fewer words for snow than other northern languages. So let's try again: Why do you want two words for marriage? We don't have different words for horse and zebra because they are different species. If you want to describe a brown horse or a white horse, you add a color adjective. Marriage is marriage. Why do you want two words for marriage?
  12. I asked this too. I want a word for when an ugly guy marries a hot woman. That deserves its own word before marriage between men gets a new word.
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