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In space no one can hear

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Posts posted by In space no one can hear

  1. There is no chance I would have been able to sit through that videotape without totally breaking down. None.


    Especially not after watching my cousin go through the same thing, at almost the same age: Miss you, cuz.



    I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. As was Stefanie, taken much to soon.


    The videotape is worth watching at a time you find appropriate. I shed a few tears watching it, but more than than anything it left me in awe of Stefanie's courage, and her ability to shine a light on those who needed strength. What a beautiful, beautiful person.



    In regards to the loss of your much loved cousin Randy-


    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

    Kahlil Gibran

  2. I'm surprised Jerry Glanville's name is being thrown aroung here as a joke. When Tom Donahoe was doing his intial coaching search in 2001, Wilson wanted him to interview Glanville for the job. Donahoe was able to fend Wilson off.


    Here is a blurb about it from 2001:

    Donahoe said people will have to be patient because there are two candidates for the head coaching job still playing. Those candidates are Marvin Lewis and John Fox. He received permission to talk to Fox late in the week and he has yet to ask for permission to speak with Lewis but that appears to be a foregone conclusion. Ted Cottrell is the only person to interview for the job, he interviewed on Monday and it went well. Dom Capers was granted permission to speak with the Bills but he accepted the Houston job before interviewing with the Bills. A late addition to the candidates' list appears to be Tennessee defensive coordinator Gregg Williams. One other name that has surfaced is Jerry Glanville giving his longtime relationship with Ralph Wilson





  3. May peace be with the Spielman family.


    Here is a link to the memorial service they had after Stefanie passed.




    "I am somewhere unbelievably beautiful. I'm OK. I'm so OK. And you're going to be OK, too."


    Those words from the mouth of Stefanie Spielman, on videotape, opened her memorial service today in Trinity United Methodist Church in Marble Cliff.


    "I trust God's plan. I hope, right now, that you are trusting God's plan," she said.

  4. If we're talking about Marty as GM- I'd be sure to find out who he wants as his head coach, and if he will force his family on the new head coach.


    One of the main reasons he was fired in San Diego is he wanted to name his brother Kurt to take over as defensive coordinator after Wade left. The owner said no, and Marty threw a tantrum. He already had his son Brian on staff.


    I'm a fan of Marty, but truly wonder if he and Ralph could co-exist.

  5. Remember:

    It has been reported that Marty and Buddy Nix were very close friends when they were in San Diego together.



    From A.J. Smith when Marty and Nix were being considered in Atlanta:


    “I have not heard about Buddy Nix, but I have heard the Coach Schottenheimer rumors,” Chargers GM AJ Smith said. “If true, I believe a Buddy Nix-Marty Schottenheimer team in Atlanta would be a perfect fit. ... Buddy got along well with Coach Schottenheimer. They socialized together, went out to dinner, golfed together, sat together on the plane, talked football all the time."

  6. Remember when everybody was soooo jealous of the playoff bound Jets and 49ers because they had fiery head coaches who yelled at people? Both of those teams are on major slides and currently stand at 4-6.


    Granted, I'd take both of them over Jauron, but can everybody finally agree that the degree to which a coach manifests his emotion on the sidelines has nothing to do with results?


    Mediocre coaches coaching mediocre teams.



    I agree with you-

    I just think it is a natural reaction by people after, basically having a corpse on the sidelines the last 3 1/2 years.

  7. Here is Mort's tweet:


    Even though the Bills are taking their shots at Shanahan & Cowher, one name under discussion is Marty Schottenheimer, as well.

    about 3 hours ago from web




    I saw it posted on the NFP, I couldn't bring myself to suscribe to Donahoe's lover.

  8. I'll forgive Brandon for everything if he does his best selling job this week and bags Shanahan. If he can do that, and Shanny comes to Buffalo, then Brandon is worth everything he's being paid.


    GET ER DONE RUSS. Along with Ralph's money of course.



    Brandon should just be sure to get Ralph's pin number to his ATM card BEFORE the meeting.

    The cash should be brought to the meeting in suitcases.

  9. Lynch has been a non factor since returning from his suspension.

    The Bills running game has tanked rather than be re-energized.


    In baseball there is a term that is used when deciding to resign a player- "value over replacement player".

    From what I have seen on the field this year, Lynch can easily be replaced.

  10. Adrian Wilson cracked TEs head like a coconut. He has not been the same since that hit.


    Before that hit, players like Lee were saying how just having TE on the team and in the huddle gave them confidence that the game could be won even down late in the fourth quarter. Back when we were 5-1.


    Never been said since.


    Agreed. If one could erase that hit, what might have been. He has seemed like a completely different player since.

  11. I disagree about Billick.


    Ozzie Newsome WAS and IS the star of the Baltimore franchise.


    BB was supposed to be an offensive guru when he came to Baltimore.

    Billick was head coach for 9 years and in only 1 of those years did they rank in the top 10 on offense.


    Check with Baltimore fans about his ego, his brutal play-calling, and how happy they were to see him get canned.



  12. Mallet is certainly the most intriguing QB prospect potentially available. His upside is unreal, especially for a team with deep threats at WR like Buffalo. But his lack of experience means very high risk. Really wasn't that long ago that Andrew Walter was a freshman at ASU setting records and looking like Mallet does now. Time exposes things like, ability to read defenses, stay healthy, handle pressure, deal with adversity, etc.. By the time Walter came out, he was tainted goods.



    Dick Drawn: I very much agree with you that he is intriguing and that's why I originally wanted to throw his name out here on the board. Like you said he still has much to prove. If he runs the gauntlet of playing well against LSU when they meet and he wows at both the combine and his pro day, I can see him making a big rise in the draft (like Cutler and Flacco did).

    I'm not saying the Bills MUST draft him, just throwing him out there as a prospect that for any team looking for a franchise QB- he is a MUST watch player.

  13. His new house is currently still under construction being built and will be 35,000 sq.ft. Apparently they needed both more room and privacy.

    New House



    Here is a picture of his old "smaller" house in the same neighborhood that he sold in 2007 for 16 million.

    Old House



    If Shanahan is given a huge contract for many years here with the Bills, where will he be looking to live to continue the lifestyle he is used to and apparently enjoys?


    When it is said that Ralph Wilson is willing to pay for a top coach- do you think he will be speaking in dollar signs that will satisfy Shanahan?

  14. First pick will be Cody or McClain from Alabama. Any other pick would be stupid. They should have taken Cushing insead of loser Maybin. Qb in round 2. Mallet will still be there.



    I agree on the talent of both Cody and McClain and think they will both be in the top 15. (can we get them both? :blink: )


    Even though I realize we have a ton of needs- you can never or at least should never pass up a franchise QB. There looks to be quite a few QB options in this draft, hopefully we will have the right GM in place to make the proper choice.

    Mallett is a very intriguing prospect to me,with his cannon arm and unlimited potential- he will not last to the second round IMHO.

    Arkansas will play LSU before the end of the year, that game could have a huge impact on his standing.


    As far as taking Cushing over Maybin. Too be honest,I really don't think he was a consideration of the Bills at the time. We needed OL,OL,OL. Cushing has transitioned to the pro game better than I think many thought. (including me) He has had a very good season for the Texans.

  15. Update from Rotoworld:


    Nov. 21 - 5:18 pm et


    The Bills will not make any hires until after the season, according to WIVB in Buffalo.

    The TV station stands by their earlier report that Jon Gruden was the top choice to replace Dick Jauron, but now admits there was no face-to-face meeting. The Bills will hold informal talks during the rest of the 2009 campaign, but interim coach Perry Fewell will captain the ship.

  16. Today's Game Stats


    Mallet threw another 5 TD passes today.



    With his size, big time arm, and intelligence he is the kind of QB that will fly up the charts once the draft approaches.


    I think he will be a top 10 selection in the draft this year(if he comes out) and is a strong possibility to be drafted by the Bills.


    This guy has a cannon, and will have no problem throwing at The Ralph or at getting the ball to Evans.

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