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In space no one can hear

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Posts posted by In space no one can hear

  1. My fiance and I are looking to set up a honeymoon and we are searching for others thoughts. The wedding is scheduled for October next year and we are planning on going on the honeymoon immediately after. I'm open to any advice, as I know some of our members are very well traveled.


    We are looking for something that offers activities and adventure. We like water stuff, hiking, challenging activities, and really anything that gets the blood pumping. We aren't locked into tropical either. We have already both discussed cabin kind of stuff in Alaska, Colorado, or Washington. The Grand Canyon was an option discussed, neither of us have ever been there. We have also thought a Carribean experience would be fun.


    I know this is vague but we are overwhelmed with choices.

    Things we don't like:


    -she gets seasick so no cruise (although I'm not sure she would feel it on a cruise ship) She's okay on short boating trips

    -we don't ski

    -we would prefer the comforts of having our own cabin or bungalow in comparison to a hotel. Unless a resort is unique in it's setup.



    Thanks in advance! I appreciate anything you want to share.



    I have stayed at Maho Bay on St. John's(Virgin Islands) several times. I love it.

    They have Eco tents which are really cool to stay in and its basically set in a National Park.

    You can also stay there and use it as a jumping off point to other islands- get a sail boat ride to other islands for day trips or overnight stays.

    Maho Bay


    Maho Bay was the first eco lodge in the world....i think....incredible place-great atmosphere!

  2. finish the season out. It has been possibly revealed unto me the other day that this could possibly be Buffalo's new head coach at seasons end. At this time I will not reveal my source in case I have it wrong. So, please do not ask.

    Darrell Bevell Offensive Coordinator of the Minnesota Vikings.

    As new blood has sometimes to be placed in places, this is the fresh young face Buffalo needs to begin to secure the future.


    If the link does not work, please copy and paste and I apologize if so.




    No interest here.


    So Minnesota's offense is doing well with a Hall of Fame QB and the best RB in football?

  3. FYI


    NFL Hall of Fame head coach Marv Levy will be signing copies of his book “Game Changers: The Greatest Plays in Buffalo Bills Football History” on Friday, October 16th, 2009 at the Barnes & Noble store in Amherst, NY, starting at 7pm.


    Special Instructions

    Marv Levy and co-author Jeff Miller will only sign copies of their book. No memorabilia please. Line numbers will be distributed at 5:00 pm the day of the event. Thank you, The Management.


    Book Synopsis

    This exciting new series relives in dramatic and illuminating fashion the most unforgettable, extraordinary, and gut-wrenching moments in football history. Explore your favorite team’s greatest plays, involving many of the greatest players, in a way no other book ever has. The author provides the fascinating context for each of the plays, the back story, all the relevant circumstances, and the thoughts of many of those directly involved in the play. Including photos that help you follow the play as it unfolds, Game Changers reanimates many of the most thrilling and heart-stopping moments in football.

  4. From The San Diego Tribune at the time Schottenheimer and Nix were being considered for the Falcons openings:


    Chargers General Manager A.J. Smith told the newspaper:

    "I have not heard about Buddy Nix, but I have heard the Coach Schottenheimer rumors. If true, I believe a Buddy Nix-Marty Schottenheimer team in Atlanta would be a perfect fit.... Buddy got along well with Coach Schottenheimer. They socialized together, went out to dinner, golfed together, sat together on the plane, talked football all the time."



    I'm a big fan of David Lynch.


    Eraserhead ALL-Time cult classic, Blue Velvet, The Straight Story, etc.


    I have to admit that years ago in my youth I watched Eraserhead after drinking some beers, smoking some weed and enjoying some 'shrooms.


    Following is a scene from another movie I really enjoyed, it is a bit underrated and one might consider this specific scene to be a bit disturbing:


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