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Posts posted by Poeticlaw

  1. PTR...one of the best posts of the year brother. It all starts with the new GM. I don't care who he hires as long as it is the right man for the job.



    That Right and TD was brought in as a gm and hired Greg Williams and then MM and then a football guy was brought in Marv Levy and he brought us DJ and here we are again talking about a GM you NEED A HC to go head to head with a gm to build a team not a yes men like the previous three.


    Just hire Cower and solve both with one person.

  2. 1. The firing of Wade Phillips.


    2. The firing of Gregg Williams.


    3. The firing of Tom Donohoe.


    4. The resignation of Mike Mularkey.


    5. The firing of Dick Jauron.


    These have been the happiest days here. The others -- the hirings of Mularkey/Willams/Marv/Jauron/Donohoe, the trade for Bledsoe, the signing of TO, and the various draft picks -- don't compare when it comes to outright happiness and enthusiasm here.


    Im sorry the hiring of Jauron was not a happy day for me. Also as much i was displeased with MM and the Qb carousels I was willing to give him another year.


    But of the 5 you listed above Todays Firing is the happiset this team has made me before the hiring of him. Now I can Billieve our team will start going in the right direction.

  3. Other than Bruce Smith, Thurman Thomas, Jim Kelly, and Jairus Byrd (yes he has already been that good) seeing Dick Jauron go is in the top 5 greatest things to happen in the Bills organization in the last 20 years.


    Still, as it has been mentioned on many occasions, firing a coach is simple to do. Replacing a coach that brings a culture of winning is not.


    Let's celebrate the firing of Jauron, but this is just a battle that has been won. The real battle is getting a real GM and a real front office.


    I'm smiling today, but I won't be celebrating until we hear the GM has been fired, the front office has changed and a winning coach is leading the Bills again.





    Well I am ecstatic that the finally realized the mistake in keeping Jauron. Timing is off but the front office was aware enough to stop the bleeding now. Fewell is not the answer unless he proves us wrong in the intrim but the fact that FO has made the right decision and not letting us wait till the end of the seaosn wondering if they would give him another year is a step in the riight direction.


    BRING IN COWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Not sure what I will do yet this week. Gave the points last week, probably do the same this week.



    Was at a friends house watching the JETS/JAGS game and based on how we play and what I saw from them the 8 points is clearly undersated they are going to destroy us. Maurice drew Jones is going to have a two hudred yard day against us. The jets ave not giving up a 100 yard rusher all season and he looked good. Gerrard looking good hitting his receivers.


    Its going to be in Jacksonville so I striongly believe its will be a 33-13 game jacksonville winning.

  5. I decided to put together aquick analysis of the first three quarters vs the 4th qtr and then try and figure how whose to blame. I dint want to hear about fumbles and we should have won that game if sceneraios. I want us to look at it collectively and see if we could possibly attribute our 4th qtr woes to something.


    Team Third quarter us them Fourth Qtr US them Final Score Us them Win/Loss

    NE 17 10 7 15 24 25 loss

    TB 20 14 13 6 33 20 win

    NO 7 10 0 17 7 27 loss

    MIA 3 31 7 7 10 38 loss

    Clev 3 3 0 3 3 6 loss

    NYJ 13 13 0 0 16 13 win

    Car 7 2 13 7 20 9 loss

    Hous 9 10 0 22 10 31 loss

    Tenn 17 17 0 24 17 41 loss


    In 9 games only one team blew us out which was Miami so no matter how you look at that one it was a loss.


    We won three games ugly or not a win is a win.


    That leaves 5 games to look at of those five games we led in one and tied in two others and was down by less then three points in the other two. Of thos 5 games we were outscored 66-0 in the 4th qtr of those games.


    Let me say that again of the five games we trailed or led by less then 3 points by the end of the third qtr we were out scored 66-0 in the 4th qtr. That is a pathetic display not a single point no desire to wind the game, mental mistakes, badd decisions no adjustments or wrong adjustments made, fatique set in, lack of conditioning game planning or lack of desire to win.


    So when I sum this all up being outscored 66-0 in the 4th qtr of FIVE WINNABLE GAMES to me that is attibuted to the head coach not having is staff prepared to play 4 qtrs, not having his players conditioned to play 4 qtrs, not making the proper adjustments to win the game in the 4th qtr.


    I blame DICK JAURON. Who do you blame for the fourth QTR Woes and the object is to blanket it under one individual for 5 games. Because if we won at least half with our team getting the round up we could be 6-3 and in thick of the division race as well as the wild card.

  6. I find it odd when Bills "fans" vehemently and passionately argue that their team is terrible. I mean it's one thing to be like like "Oh, man, the Bills are not very good this year." It's quite another to be like "I am telling you! The Bills are the worst team in the league! They will be lucky to win another game! They are terrible! They might be the worst team in NFL history! Oh yeah, Go Bills." This is obviously an exaggeration, but come on people! This is your team!


    Your optimisim is what you need to get you through the season thats fine. The reality of this season is not a question of our loyalty or how much a fan we are is that the Offense is invisible there is nothing there. On paper this offense should be in the top 15 but its not the case. Is that the OC/QB/OL/RB/WR/TE or HC I dont know what their issue is. The fact is when you have a player Like BYRD creating not only turnovers but excitemnt on Defensive and the O cant get it done its a huge problem. For you to see a bright spot in all of this is amazin keep smoking what your smoking if it gets you through the season. We see the likes of you season in and season out but the reality is the realist such as myself is not going to paint rosy colors on a team that is seriously undercheiving.


    In order for your scenerio you would have to be correct in your facts and your not we are three games out of a wild card spot because we do not hold the tie breaker. Secondly this team would have to win out or at worst 7-1. This team has a problem stopping runners and of the 8 games we have left MIA/JETS/JAX/TEN have power running games then we will have problems against NE/ATL/INDY so that at best will make us 7-9 with the reality of 5-11 and the END of the talent killer Head coach DJ.


    But keep smoking and feel free to come back at the end of the season and say I told you so if your right but also be prepared to come back and say I am not sorry for being optimistic but you were right about the state of our team.

  7. By that logic, we should only want the Bills to make the playoffs if they are likely to win the Super Bowl. That is, for lack of a better term, retarded. And so is the concept that we can't compete with other playoff teams. We did so in week 1.



    I am so TIRED of hearing about week one. PLEEASSSEEE go back an watch that game with no bias. We did not look good not even remotely good. We were lucky to be in a position to possibly win the game so what Leodis fumbled the ball it doesnt mean that we would have had achance the defense was getting rocked in the 4th qtr. But even still the pats scoresd up by one we had plenty of time to get into feild goal range and the team failed miserabley.


    Plus Brady's first game back was a little rusty it didnt make us better then them.


    Come to grips with reality this team is not making the playoffs in any scenario yo put out there. If they ever were they would be 1 and done because we cant be a playoff calibur team PERIOD!!!!

  8. Ponder this - it seems most times teams have a dynasty, it is following a series of abysmal seasons. Bills had back to back 2-14 seasons before becoming great. Cowboys had a 3-13, followed by a 1-15 before beginning their dynasty. Colts - back to back 3-13 seasons. San Francisco - back to back 2-14 seasons. I am not saying that it is always like this, but most of the real good dynasties started as almost a fresh slate as the front office basically dumped everyone and started new and put together a strong core. I think if you are a team that floats between 6-10 and 10-6 for long periods of time, you basically get stuck in a rut and can have a "good" core, but never great. You may make the playoffs on occasion, but you'll never fully get there.


    It hasnt worked for the Detroit Lions so it blow the thoery out of the water. What ends up making a team great is the management/coaching/ scouting players.


    Buffalo wasnt good until Polian took the helm, Colts were not good until Pollian took the helm, THe pats were not good until Parcells put them on the map and Belicheat found Brady In not digging into everyones history but you will find its a person or two in the frontoffice/Coaching staff that makes a team great.

  9. I know this will be met with doubt at the least and possibly outright ridicule, but here goes.


    I see a plausible path to the playoffs for the Bills this season. Stay with me on this. The Bills are currently 3-5 and two games out of the last playoff spot in the AFC, currently held by the Chargers, who are 5-3. A 9-7 record used to give you a decent shot at the playoffs, but in recent years you've needed 10-6 more often than not. I happen to believe that a 9-7 team will make the playoffs this year, since it's not hard to see wild card contenders like the Chargers, Texans, and Ravens finishing the season at 9-7 or even 8-8.


    So my hopeful outlook is partially based on the concept that if the Bills manage to get to 9-7, and happen to win the right games to put themselves in decent tie-breaker position, they could make the playoffs.


    Now how on earth do we get to 9-7? A fair question, especially given the way we've played of late. But let's not forget how the season began. We should have by all rights beaten the Patriots in New England to start the season. We followed that up with a strong win against an admittedly poor team. After the Bucs game, I think most of us would have assumed that 9-7 was entirely possible.


    Granted there have been some ugly losses since (Cleveland and Miami come to mind). But we still managed to win on the road vs. the Jets and Panthers. I would submit to you that those two teams are better than the next two teams on our schedule. If we can beat the Jets and Panthers on the road with Fitz at the helm, why can't we beat the Titans and Jags with Edwards back?


    If we can get past the Titans and Jags, we're back to .500 with two home division games up next. At that point, I think the complexion of the season changes. Fans' confidence grows, and with it so does the team's confidence. Trent starts looking more like the guy who was among the league leaders in passer rating after two games, rather than the guy who looked lost in the next three games. As his play improves, we start converting 3rd downs. We stay on the field longer, and get the running game back on track. Marshawn and Freddy begin to wear defenses down more. The run game opens things up for Lee and T.O. downfield.


    All of the sudden, at 5-5, Vegas has us favored to win home games vs. the Phins and Jets (in TO). We expose Sanchez again and get some revenge vs. the Dolphins, who have never been strong in Buffalo in the cold weather. We're now 7-5, and right back in the thick of the playoff race.


    Who's after that? The Chiefs, who I think we can all agree are one of the 5 worst teams in the league. 8-5.


    Bad news down the stretch, as we finish with the Patriots (home), Falcons (away), and Colts (home). The Falcons game is a loss. The Colts might very well have wrapped up home field by the last game of the season, which would mean we'd be facing Sorgi, not Manning. That's a win at home. That gets us to 9 wins. If 9 isn't enough, the season might well hinge on that Patriots game (which I'll be at), to get that 10th win.


    A rosey outlook? Certainly. Impossible? Certainly not.


    I think it all hinges on Trent. As I mentioned, he looked good the first couple weeks. I remember thinking that he really might be breaking out finally. Then there were injuries on the o-line, his protection failed him, and he lost his confidence. But it's not like his slide was over 8-10 games. He played poorly in just 3 games -- Saints, Dolphins, and Browns.


    He's still young. Young QBs have a few bad games. These next two games will tell us a lot. We need both of them, but if we get them both, at 5-5 with two home division games to follow, we're right back in the hunt.


    I know this goes against the grain of Bills fans because of years and years of disappointment, but don't lose hope quite yet. I haven't.


    FIRST OFF We are 3 games out of a play off spot since we hold no tie breakers. Second off there are 8 games left of those 8 5 are winable but it does not mean we will win. 3 of them are against atlanta/NE and Indy we will not win. whic leaves us at best 8-8 but in al reality either 6-10 or 7-9


    Your playoff talk is just waht you called it crazy. We have no offense and we cannot stop the run that is not a playoff team. But the most important factor is we have DJ as our head coach which really makes a non contending football team.

  10. Bleah, I sure don't want this Turkey. NFL-worst 17 interceptions in all. The guy is just a tease. He's got some talent, but can't put it together. I really don't know why so many people were crying for him.


    I know our QB situation is bad, but he's little improvement.



    Chicago does not have any talented recievers imagine what he could do with his ability to throw down the field with Evans and TO it would be huge!!!

  11. The expectation/assumption by DJ and staff that we can keep our now 2-running back rotation healthy not just for this game but for the balance of the season seems absurd.


    They have created a new hole in order to keep way too many guys in other positions.


    I assume we must pick up another running back, right? Or am I being obtuse? So they still have the problem of who to cut next week or the week after, and who to pick up.




    IF you were paying attention they have done this once before. Josh Reed has RB experience and culd fill in in an emergency situation.

  12. Ill admit Maybin is athletic, but he does not play physical enough. Here is a short clip that Maybin needs to see of just a simple bull rush with force. It takes athletic ability and power to be successful. I know its an Orakpo vid but I dont want this to come off like a "we should have taken Orakpo" thread.




    I wonder if the Bills coaches are addressing this obvious weakness in Maybins game. My guess is no.



    You do understand that MAYBIN isnt consider the Traditonal First Round Pick for a DE he is a Project First Round pick that needs a Min 1 year to possibly two years of grooming. IF ( And i mean big if with this coaching staff) hes groomed properly hes is projected to be a future probowler year in and out.

  13. The following things will occur next year that will catapault the Bills into the playoffs. I know this because I consulted with my crystal (left) ball.


    1. Negotiations between the players union and the owners will get so ugly that the union will strike.


    2. Owners will bring in scabs to play the games.


    3. Since both the union and owners do not recognize the names of any member of the Bills, this allows Ralph to sneak in with his regular roster, making the Bills more competitive.


    4. To keep the fans from rioting, the owners will allow half the teams participate in the playoffs. Thus enabling the Bills to sneak in with our standard 7 - 9 record.


    5. Even though we lose to Oakland in the first playoff game, there is a huge parade in downtown Buffalo, featuring the one additional player who was added... and helped us make it to the playoffs: Vinny Testaverde.


    Did I miss anything?


    YES 2010 is an uncapped year with the potential to strike on 2011. Get your facts straight. Players are not going to strike when they can get paid anything they want to play.

  14. It's difficult to look at the performance of this team over the last several years and put a finger on just one thing responsible for the lack of success. The parade of head coaches hasn't produced results and one could make a case for "bad choices" in that respect, which would be hard to argue with based on the results.


    Would a complete coaching staff makeover produce better results? There's a 50/50 chance of yes or no. None of the recent coaching staff makeovers have produced good results, if good results equates to making the playoffs.


    Volumes have been written about every aspect of this team from Ralph Wilson all the way down to injuries and everything and everyone in between. I'm certain that everyone from Ralph Wilson to the fans is dissatisfied with the status quo.


    Keeping Jauron as head coach if the Bills end up with another losing season, which looks eminent, would be a PR disaster for the organization. Ralph would be eviscerated by sports writers and fans. Statistically, change in and of itself has a 50/50 chance of succeeding or failing. In the case of the Bills, not doing anything will most likely end up with the same results as the last 3 years.


    Replacing Jauron is no guarantee that the results will be different, just as keeping Jauron is no guarantee that the results will be the same. Retaining Jauron however, would give the impression that the organization is convinced that Jauron has the team on the right track and is willing to give him a 4th chance to bear that out. I doubt very many people outside the Bills organization would agree with that.



    Losing seasons are not the #1 reason to fire a head coach. When you look at the circumstance of the seaosn what was the reason for the losses can they be prevented and can it be fixed if the answer was no and yes then its not completely the head coaches fault.


    I love hearing that this team plays hard for Jauron. To me a team that plays hard is out hre making plays and doing their best to win the games. I dont see the players doing their best. We have playmakers on offense why are our third down conversions so pitiful? Why cant these players play a full 4 qtr game? We have been kept in game s and won games thanks to the opposing offenses. That is not a rining bell of a pproval of players playing hard for their head coach.


    THe other thing thing is you want to see improvemnt in your team year after year. Granted this cannot alwyas be don e int he record so 3 years of 7-9 wtih a possible 4th on its way what is improving year in and year out. Is it the QB? Dont see it. Is it our running game? Nope dont see that either Is it our passing offense? nope Is it our total Offefense? Dont see it

    Our we generating more pressure on the oppsing QBs? Dont see it Are we getting better at stopping the run? Havent seen it. Our we better at defending the pass on third down? Absolutely not Are creating more turnovers? Wait we might have one in 4 years. Wait though thats one player only. So would we still be better at creating turnovers with out Byrd? Nope dont see it.


    Essentially nothing about this team has improved on the field of pay over the last 4 years. Each year has the same issues nothing has been resolved. Still having problems at QB/OL/DL/LB which is all an indication of how the Head Coach does his Job and in this case doesnt fdo his job. No if I had seen improvmnet or this team looking a little bit better each year I would say yes contiuity would be grear it worked for Jeff Fisher but on paper we have improved each year yet our record remains the same and statics either remain the same or drop in the rankings each season.

  15. Which song is most fitting? Write ins are welcome... as always.


    Might think its off but....


    Living on a Prayer


    BEcause "We've got to hold on to what we've got

    'Cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.

    We've got each other and that's a lot for love -

    We'll give it a shot.


    We're half way there - Livin' on a prayer


    Take my hand and we'll make it

    I swear - livin' on a prayer"

    Go Bills :cry:

  16. Ive been readin on here in some places that a few might feel Dj should remain. So I have posted a poll to really gage the fans of the board.


    Personally I was pissed when the rumor of an extenstion came out last season. Record aside this team wasnt that good. Blame ot on Edwards concussion all you like but i saw what the really were during there 6-2 start.


    Secondly I was pissed when he was retained after such a nice record start and failing to make the playoffs and losing 7 of the next 8 games in typical pathetic fashion.


    Now he might be loved by his players so was wade philiips I dont want either of them coaching this team.


    Its time to blow it up and start fresh from the top on down.


    My vote his to fire him for all forementioned reasons.

  17. Musical chairs at QB has nothing to do with the Bills? :cry:








    How many QBs can Jauron possibly start in such a short span? The first part of Fisher's interview showed a clear dissatisfaction with Adams. He seems to know that ship has sailed. He then rapidly changed gears and gave his own philosophy of QBing. That philosophy would be refreshing to the Bills who have a QB controversy brewing again. He is not being allowed to implement it with his current employer.



    Bledsoe was never part of the musical chair he took the cut instead.

  18. Why would anyone want to get rid of Jauron anyway. He's a great guy and the players love him. Even Marv Levy said that Dick is the right man to turn this thing around. Just have some patience. Belichick didn't exactly come flying out of the gates as a HC. Cut the guy some slack, GEEEEEZE!



    I know you were not comparing Jauron to Belicheck becuase The NFL could hand Jauron all the teams oppoising plays and Jauron would still to be to conservative to win and still have a record of 7-9.

  19. Next week James Hardy will be added to the active roster and someone will have to be cut. While the logical choice appears to be Roscoe Parrish, I say be bold and cut TO. Here's why: The season's going nowhere, having TO around takes playing time away from Hardy & Johnson. Since Owens is gone after the season, we need to find out this season whether we have a #2 receiver in either Johnson or Hardy or need to dip into the draft or free agency again for a WR. Cutting TO actually can help TO as well. As the team heads for 10 losses or more, how will they keep Owens even remotely interested. If you think he's a little disinterested now, imagine him by week 14. Cutting him frees him to look for a team he can actually contribute to & win. Now there was no way anyone would have traded for him, but they might just be willing to take him in as a free agent, especially if they get an injury at WR this weekend. Cutting TO is a win-win for both sides.


    Cutting parrish is the bold move 4.5 mil to return punts only dont think so. We can save money with his release we will not save any with a TO release. Especailly when they wwant TO to mentor Hardy.


    Bad call on your part.

  20. I am not doubting that players need rest but really the way this offense is playing 4 days off is not what they need they need to work on fixing their problems and they have two very serious problems to work on the first one is there is 4 qtrs in a football game not three. The scond problem is the offense needs to work on third down conversions.


    I really think this type of softness is hurting this team.

  21. This subject was all the rage in the preseason, and it nearly split TSW apart at the seams. Posters argued with such fury and passion you would think Cutler was on the team. I personally was at the heart of the argument and in the Cutler camp. It was a crazy time period with TO, Cutler, Peters, and hope.


    ....now that the dust has settled. I'd like to be the first to say I was wrong. They both suck.



    Are you taking into account what Cutler could have done with this receieving core which is alot more talented then his reciveing core.


    Cutler would be putting up some stats here and the offense wouldnt look so atrocious.

  22. Just like Edwards, Roscoe, Witner, etc I am betting that by game 16 Byrd will be concentrating on his left foot being in the right place, and he is not deep enough on the snap on a trap play and will as the rest have lose his confidence and never intercept another ball. Stop using your abiltiy Byrd before Dickie gets you.

    Jauron coaches in such a negative fashion that Byrd is destined to follow in the footsteps of many....


    Question, except for money what reason is there that Dickie is actually still the coach...


    Byrd has a REAL coach in his Dad I doubt seriously that DJ will have any ill effect on him. On the other Hand his sports hernia might do him in for the season.

  23. As much negativity as Edwards gets, a lot deserved, even the biggest distractors have to admit that there have been flashes of something greater at times. So just how much is coaching?


    I live in Nashville TN and have for 15 years (originally from Hamburg). Having married a southerner, I have developed an appreciation for SEC football and love the Vols! So here's the example: Jonathan Crompton


    Crompton was the heir to Eric Ainge...was highly touted coming out of high school, etc. ..gets the reigns last year with a new OC (ever hear of that?) and played QB like a monkey trying to F&@k a football...stared down receivers, held the ball too long, poor throws, etc....this year Lane Kiffin takes over and everyone here is wondering what he did to get Crompton playing so well...confident, standing tall, etc...so,


    How much is coaching?


    What would a Mike Holmgen do for Edwards?????? makes you wonder


    I have said it before and I will say it again. Trent is not the right fit for Buffalo. Trent does not have the arm strenght to handle the swirling winds in Buffalo. We need a QB who in college has played consitently in cold weather and has the arm strength, Accuracy and intelligence. Not Just the Intelligence.


    Trent is a Qb that would be a good fit for a warm/fair weather team or Dome. We dont need a QB thats only good through the end of October. Plus we dont need a QB whos injury prone and basically a sack or two from never playing again,

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