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Posts posted by Poeticlaw

  1. The best thing that Donahue can take from the Patriots is that a team cannot win with Bledsoe at the helm. Brady a second year QB took over for Bledsoe and has won 3 Superbowls in his 4 years of starting. Before bledsoe was knocked out in the Jets game the reasons for them losing was that Bledsoe needs a better offensive line, Bledsoe needs better recievers. Sound familiar? All those problems dissappeared with Bledsoe and the Pats went from Sub .500 to a "Dynasty".

    I was high on Bledsoe when he was up for trade and loved that we got him. However, I didnt realize at the time how much of a mental weakling he really was. You cant win championships if your feeble minded. Thus he has failed in all of his big games that i can recall such as the Raiders game and the Greenbay game his first year there. The fact the last year he couldnt win 1 out of the last 5 games, pathetic. So the staff was too blame and completley reorganized. We gave him a brand new year an even faster running back with good hands yet he still blunders in a meaningless game from the Steelers perspective to cost out playoff hopes this year. It was after that game, I came to my actualiztion. We cant win the Superbowl with Bledsoe. Especially when you put this little thing in perspective the defending champs the last 3 0f 4 years is the Pats. Bledsoe holds a 1-5 record against the Pats. Odds are not in our Favor if we had to have Bledsoe play against them for say for argument sake the AFC championship game. Bledsoe would have another dismal performance sacked 5 times fumbling twice and a min 3 int and under 100 yds passing. He ended the year number 28 statiscally in the leaugue which means he played worse than most rookies. So my suggestion to Donahue listen to the Defending Champions dump Bledsoe (6mil a year isnt worth a mediocre QB) sign a Vet backup QB and let OUR second year rookie JP Losman a chance to lead our team to the promise land before he start replacing players that probably do not need to be replaced based on Bledsoes operation of the offense.

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