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Posts posted by Poeticlaw

  1. So all Bills the Bills Forums love Scuba Steve. And you know, I'm cool with that I really am. But at the same time, for some reason A lot of Bills fans are down on Hardy. That I don't get.


    Hardy's Career Numbers: He's appeared in 16 career games and started 3. He has 10 career receptions for 96 yards and 2 Touchdowns.


    Link: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HardJa00.htm


    Steve Johnson's Career Numbers: He's appeared in 16 games and started 1. he has 12 career receptions for 112 yards and 1 Touchdown.




    So basically identical career numbers, yet the guy who hurt his knee and didn't really play last year is written off. While the 7th rounder with 1 less TD and 16 more receiving yards is a fan favorite. I don't understand the thought process's off my fellow fan's. Anyone else wanna explain it to me?


    WHen is everyone going to learn its not all about the stats. Hardy was the #2 reciever and looked like crap. Doesnt show much heart or eagerness to play. On the other hand Johnson shows he wants to play and unlike the former #2 reciever I believe if Johnson is given the chance he will prove to be our best receiever.

  2. You speak with passion and I respect that. But really do you know how to build a winning franchise if so you should be making millions to do so. Otherwise let the proffessionals build the team.


    As far as this fans perspective, who says it has to be a first or second round QB that takes us to the promise land? We trade a first round pick t the Patriots for their former first round pick star and only sniffed the playoffs once in three years. He was repkaced on his old team by a 6th rd QB who has won 3 out of 4 superbowls.


    Now Manning, Peyton that is, is a rarety he is a one man offensive machine well wortht he first rd pick has a consistent winning record but only 1-1 in the big game but he makes stars out of no names around him for the most part.


    Now on to the Bills. I know we are all BAh Humbug about this team but look the season hasnt started. Gailey has a better record then anyone after wade phillips. Our team is not without talent. We hve 3 good/great RBS. One deep threat reciever, potentially a second good reciever in Johnson. possibly a diamond or two in the rough recivers.

    Its the OL everyone complais about but Levitre Hangartner and Wood are a solid three if healthy whichmeans the Rt/LT battle someone needs to step and do a good Job, Your no name rant is a moot point here becuase Jason Petteres was an UNDRAFTED TE who stepped up to RT then over to LT so it is possible that a valuedreplacement is already here. I believe as much as the coaching staff believes that one of the three QBS are going to get the job done and personally I think it will be Brohm who gets the keys.( who by the way was a second round pick just saying) The defense was retooled on the line and more deth at LB and a pretty good secondary.


    So what am I saying look at what an incompetent coach did with this team 7-9 I think chan this season gives us +2 becuase he knows QBS and offensive game planning that is 9-7 yeah probably not the playoffs but a couple of good bounces and maybe we slide in. Other then that we are ready to make the playoffs next footabll season.


    Give the team a chance to play a regular season game before you say they suck.

  3. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/AnheuserBusc...set=&ccode=


    No more phallic shaped train beer commercials.


    I understand the NFL is Branding itself and trying to maximize revenue. However SXince the NFL is Made up of TWO conferences the AFC and the NFC why cant the have BUD and COOrs and two other named beers then have them go head to head in the superbowl ads. Same with Reebok and NIKE. Its just makes more sense to take on Two then to alienate all but one.

  4. Interesting article on why Nix is sticking with the QBs he has. Here's the link:




    And here's a small excerpt from it:


    “Here’s the way we looked at it,” said Nix. “We’ve got guys physically that can do anything as well as anybody in the draft physically. Throw the ball well, make all the throws, mobile, can move around and are smart. We’ve got guys like that. Now obviously they’ve been kind of inconsistent and up and down, but there are a lot of reasons for that.”


    Thats what i have been stating all along! See what we have first draft other areas of need get a project Qb in the later rounds and thats what they did!

  5. Unfortunately, both Lynch and Russell have underperformed for their teams. With Buffalo selecting Spiller and the Raiders trading for Campbell, would you be in favor of trading Lynch for Russell?



    This has got to be one of the more ludicrous statements i have ever seen. Jamrcus Russel has been awful the entir time he has been in the leaugue why would you want to trade proven talent for proven garbage!!!!

  6. The brain Trust has done what I hope they would have and thats not draft a QB in the first 3 rounds. I know a good percentage of fans are up in arms over the current Qbs but they are better then anything we could get. Plus they have to prove tthey are worth being a starter instead of brining in Qbs who are not going to push. Chan might be able to turn around Trent or Brohm might finaly prove to be worth something or maybay thers a rabbit under the hat. Im all for Dan Levour in the 4th its one of those if he works out great if not its only a 4th and not all picks work out anyway.


    They got the RB to replace lynch becuase contrary to poplular belief Fred Jackson is not. Im also for keeping all three RBs build one heck of a running game but maybe Spiller is the replacement to Parrish anyone think about that one most likely not but hey I tried. THey got two more DL guys to finish the conversion all thats left is OL and WRs to draft plus a QB/ Im not overly upset about this drft thus far drafting pretty smart for the team.

  7. Apparently he was one of key losses according to ESPN, wondering if anyone else caught it.



    I saw that to. My buddy said if Espn said he was on our team he was becuase they dont make mistakes. I told him he wasnt on our team trust me I would know if he was. Surprised they didnt have TO as a key loss but a player tha never played for our team I feel the lost knowing he was never there.

  8. Fred Jackson in the Second Round


    George Wilson in the Second-Third Round


    Jon Corto would be a third round Pick. The first from Sacred Heart!


    Great question !



    You do undearstand the post right? You actually believe that the aforementioned players are top 90 in the ENTIRE NFL. Sorry to disagree with you but they would be lucky to be in the top 200. You do realize there are over 1500 NFL players

  9. Too many people want to get rid of Lynch, Evans, and Schobel for draft picks. Or trade down in the draft for more picks.


    This team, more than most in the league, needs to BRING IN more talent. Take a look at our division rival, the Jets. So far, they've added Tomlinson, Cromartie, and Holmes. And they're potentially grabbing Jason Taylor as well. These guys are stockpiling talent, and they haven't had to give up much to get it.


    If anything, we need less late round draft picks and more proven talent. If we're making any trades, it should be late round picks for players. Guys like Jared Gaither, Brandon Marshall, Matt Hasselbeck, Albert Haynesworth are worth their weight in gold to Buffalo. If they can be had, we should grab them immediately. Now many of them may not be available, but we need to get out of bottom-dweller mode and start believing we're on the same level as the rest of the NFL.


    Let me be the first to say I wouldnt trade them for picks I would trade them for players. I would trade Evans and Schobel in a heart beat. Lynch on the other hand Im not to quick to pull the trigger. You need two good backs and Lynch is a truck. IF Gailey uses them right both rbs could have a potential of reaching a 1000yds each easy.


    Evans isnt worth his salary and we need more of a possesion WR, Schoebel is changing position so instead of seeing if that will work trade him for a LB. Im not as big on drafting players as others are. I am one of those who is more willing to give up all 7 of my picks for 7 proven NFL players but thats just me.

  10. No one will give a first rounder for Evans! If someone wants to, great! But that is just crackerdogs. Lee's the one decent receiver we have. Let's be realistic on this page!



    Why because on occasion he catches the deep ball that is hardly thrown. He doesnt know how to play in one on one coverage, cannot go over the middle and ppor hands when he hears feet? You think we should keep this overpaid reciever why? Becuase hes the best of the rest come on you must have more intelligence then that. Lee has never been anything more then a deep ball receiver and even then the QBs will either overthrow or underthrow him consistantly.

    This is the year to get rid of him he wasnt worth the resiging in the first place I oppsed it form day one and still do. What has he done and dont blame the QBs for everything the WRs dont do. I cant tell you how many times I watched other teams NO NAME recievers make unbelievable catches because they go after the ball ours dont, period. Get value for him and see who grows up in the WR ranks it happens on every team, why not ours?

  11. It's a good read. I agree with the writer that Campbell is a QB that could lead you to the playoffs, but any farther than that is a huge question. IMO, if the Bills are going to rebuild this team the right way, I'd rather see them go after a guy that has the potiential to be a Superbowl caliber QB. Now whether it's Claussen, Tebow or another QB either in this years or in next years draft, that could possibly build up to being that superbowl caliber QB remains to be seen, but I have more trust in Nix than any other GM we had this past decade, so I feel he'll make the right decision regarding the QB position.



    Tell me something how can you determine whether a QB has potential SUPERBOWL CALIBER. Please inform us as a matter of fact inform the other 30 teams in the leaugue thayt dient make it tot he superbow last year. What tangibles determine whether or not they are Superbowl Caliber. I love how veryone keeps talking draft one of these QBS in the first round this year that arent even 1st round worth they only are becuase theres noone better then them in this QB class. Its a joke you dismiss a players who has proven to get better statistically each year, you route for the plyaer who has declined each year and want the QB whos never thrown a pass in the NFL and believe they are going to be the saviors. Really? look at the history more qbs have failed then they have succeeded, other qbs did better when they went to a different team. I for one would prefer Jason Campbell over anyone in this years draft. Not only because he is NFL ready but becuase hes going to have that huge chip on his shouler to prove to washington that they made an error not allowing him to be the starter.

  12. Awful pun i know. :rolleyes:


    Anyway, all I am saying is for the first time in a very long time I am hopeful for the direction this team is going. I like the FA pick ups in what have been admittedly a bad year for FA's. I like the way Buddy has drafted in the past with the chargers. I like the aquisition of Whaley too. All in all i think we are in better shape than we have been for a long time. I know people are down on this team and I am not one for optimism where the Bills are concerned but I honestly believe we are not that far away. Its obvious he cant please everyone in the draft as judging by peoples views everyone is different. Personally I hope we trade down to get more picks and address the lines and maybe get rushing OLB in the first a NT in the second along with a OT in the second as well as the third but whatever the bills decide I am on board. Claussen, Spiller, Trent Williams, we can all make arguements for and against but whoever we draft I believe in this regime.


    The key to Chans succes in the upcoming year is going to be the Defense. The defense as awful as it was at points last season kept us in alot of games that if we had anytype of offense we would have made the playoffs. Chan brings the O to the offense he knows how to use the players we have. Maybe I am being presumptious but I believe if we were 6-10/7-9 with Jauron the moron. I believe that chan imporves us +2/+3 immeadtely. so that 8-8 to 9-7 this year. IF by some miracle we get Mcnabb I will say 10-6/11-5 with a playoff berth.


    I am one of the few who like the hiring of everyone to this point because the team finally hired for the team. There isnt going to be much turnover on the roster and the staff can win with what they have becuase they play to the players strangth. Too many times we were drafting for Jaurons defense system and not paying attention to the offensive ide of the ball. I belive now we will get the best players availbale that fit our team not a system. and Yes LT is a primary need and hopefully it will be addressed. But look for p[layers like Parrish to be replaced and If they are unhappy with Lynch him too.


    The idea about this year is not to spend outlandishly even though there is no cap because the cap will be back. Buy smart and wait for the real free agents that we would have targeted next year.

  13. If the Bills trade for Mcnabb they would be going against they're "build through the draft" philosophy. I also highly doubt Ralph gives Mcnabb an extension comensurate wth a QB of Mcnabb's caliber. I think the Bills will come out, after Mcnabb is dealt to another team and say, " we were just doing our due diligence, there were never any serious discussions".


    I think the chances of Mcnabb coming to the Bills is about as same as Peyton Manning coming to Buffalo! I really wish I could get excited about the possibility.


    Its a genuine belief to build through the draft but if you can get an experienced QB with succes that Mcnabb has had you take the chance on the veteran because that is almost instant improvement. How many draft picks have we spent on a QB that has not worked out lets see 1&3, 1, 1, 3 so thats three first and two thirds one of the things that Mcnabb can do is allow us the opprotunity to draft and his veteran knowledge should help groom him while giveing us the potential to compete for the playoffs. I say he has a solid 4 years left.


    Now with all the above said the ability of the Bills being able to trade for MCnabb actually comes down to MCnabb. The ae not gong to waste a draft pick for a 1 year player. Mcnabb woould have to sign an extenstion before the trade goes thru. Unfortunatley many say he would not come to Buffalo. I would do what ever it took to entice McNabb to come to buffalo and by giving my second rounder I guarentee that my QB is secured for the next 4 years. Any other draft pick used on a QB in this draft is no huarentee they would be a starter or ever be in the NFL.

  14. Uhm, he won one last year.


    Until we get someone better, or Trent or Brohm majorly pick up their game this offseason, Fitz is the MAN until further notice. Fitz is probably in his back yard throwing through a tire (or missing it) while Trent is in sunny CA working on his golf game. That's the difference.



    UMm No he did not Trent Was the Annointed Starter PERIOD!!!!

  15. Frist off Trent has not won a QB Competition yet!! JP won the last QB competition the BIlls had and ended up losing the Job anyway. FItz was brought in as a Confidence boost for Trent for the simple reason: FITZ CANNOT WIN ANY QB COMPETITion so it comes down to what Brohm can prove and any rookie/Treade or Free agent the acquire before the start of camp!


    SO far in my opinion Trent is in the lead ( not a big Trent fan myself either but I am a fan of a QB finally succeeding in Buffalo and if he can get his head straigh this year then so be it) The only issue I see with trent now is his favorite WR is gone. SO without Josh Reed who does he throw the ball to consitantly. Will he finally learn to be Brady Like and spread the football around? does he finally have someone whocan teach him to overcome and progress instead of the decade of regressed teachings?


    Lt me touch on Brady a second if I may. Considering I live in New engalnd I have seen and heard alot about his play. He was not a deep ball thrower to begin with and it took some time to develop. He was thow an accurate short to mid range QB who relied mostly on SCREEN PASSES ( everyone should know this how many times did we get killed by a 2 yard out to faulk?) and his TEs. One thing we have lacked is TEs so my point is simple he has been compared to Brady for a reason, My buddy of 22 years and die hard pats/ Brady fan believes Trent resembles him perfectly and keeps tellimg me we Need Tight ends and his down feild will improve over time so one more shot with a new staff could be the resurrection he needs.

  16. I think I've figured out the strategy for the buffalo bills. The present admin is looking at Miami signing Dansby, the efforts of Holmgren in Cleveland carelessly discarding dead wood and bringing in free agents and trading, and are laughing up their sleeves at those no-nothings (Holmgren and Parcells). They have a better strategy....


    1. DO NOTHING...if you don't do anything the team will automatically get better, because they have to. Ok..we did bring in a tackle from the oakland raiders who is good at getting penalties, and we did bring in Kelley Washington (a move I liked, but nobody is thinking he is even of Josh Reed's caliber as of yet.)


    2. TELL PEOPLE YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL IN ONE YEAR. This will be very effective for this year. Next year we will switch to the new mantra that you can't do it all in two years.


    3. DRAFT TIM TEBOW or BRADY QUINN---whooops--jimmy clausen. By the time the quarterback busts you can blame it all on the fact that the quarterback was a bust (See...Losman, JP, Edwards, Trent, Collins,Todd, Johnson R.)


    We have the situation under control....


    First let me discredit number 2. Nix has Publicly stated more then once that it cannot be done in one year it might take two. He also stated they were not going to be big in Free agency this year either which probably ha laot to do witht he fact that all out of the players that were suppose to be free agent became restricted free agents.

  17. I know everyone is down on him but just watching him running out front for jackson he certainly has heart. you think if the bills address the O-Line we can actually stick with him next season? When given time he looks solid enough. No doubt I will get harrassed for this :thumbsup:



    NO NO HELL NO> HE does not even belong on our roster and certainly should not have been signed last year. He was only brought in o build Edwards Confidence so Edwards wouldnt feel he had any competion for the spot becuase face it FItzy his a 3rd thringer at BEST!!!!!!!

  18. New CBA talks are going to be going on in the coming year and a big issue is always small market vs big market teams. So is Ralph looking to tank this season in order to prove the point that an upcoming uncapped season means that he won't be able to compete if future seasons are going to be uncapped.


    Was the Gailey hire also part of this tanking? The inactivity so far in free agency also explained by this? Was the building through the draft strategy by Nix just a cover? Just a topic to talk about because free agency is slow.



    i dont understand why fans want to continue with this train of thought. What has the organization done to show they are going to tank the season. WHat? The promoting of Nix? I dont see anything wrong witht his promotion as of yet. Hes not the overall arganization GM hes the departmentalized GM only for Footabll.


    THe Chan Gaily Hiring? I know everyone is depressed witht he fact that we have been TURNED DOWN by Shannahan and Cower and it would have been nice to get an upeer tiered coach but face it the facts were very relevent. THe FUTURE of the BUffalo Bills is unknown to all of us. Will they be in BUffalo will the be in Toronto will they be in Los Angeles no one knows once the current owner dies what the future holds. I for one would not want to work for an organization with too many LONGTERM questions if I am looking to be their longterm and Cower and SHannahan had records of being withtheir previos teams for 10 years + so it made sense. What also made sense was to get someone with OFfensive experience who has had succes with it as CHan does and works with the players it has as CHan does and has had experience as an HC as Chan does and has proven to be a winner as Can does. HIs resume fit the credentials of what BUffalo wanted. He fit the crednetials of what I wanted. He actually fits BUffalo. I know we love to Chasitize but he hasnt even coached a preseason game yet and hes already noted as our worse hire in history yet he comes with a winning record which is more then we could say for the rest of the coaches we have had.


    Is it because we lent TO go? he sucked anyway

    Is it becuase we let Reed Go? He wasnt worth the money anyway?

    IS it because we let denney go? He was a hard nose player but the money could be better spent then on the againg DE

    Is it because Butler Retired or maybe because schoebel might and we still have Kelsay? Butler sucked and if schoebel retires we save tons of money and Kelsay is ins going into is last year of his contract.

    Is it because we migt trade whitner? nobody besides me and a few other really like him anyway.

    Is it because we might trade Lynch? theres only a few of us including myself that believe this is a mistake but there have been a ton of Trade lynch posts so it shouldnt effect the masees.

    IS it becuase we havent overpaid for anyone yet? Even though this is an uncapped year you still should be getting players based on a capped year and getting rid of players that wont cost you anything against the cap this year.


    Sorry I dont see anything that shows we are tanking this year. Anything we do for the most part this season is and could be a vast improvemnt over last season.

  19. Wow you really blew this lame attempt to attack Gailey. First off he drafted a couple probowlers there, second he some of the other guys were really solid players, third....EVERYONE knows Jerruh Jones does ALL the drafting and makes ALL the personnel decisions in Dallas.


    Fail. Try again.


    I second that!

  20. According to Adam Caplan of Scout.com, barring a trade it looks Chris Kelsay will be back with the Buffalo Bills in 2010. Caplan said in his Scout.com blog Sunday that the team paid Kelsay his $500,000 roster bonus that was due on March 5."


    He is in the fianl year of hs contract anyway If he was to be released or traded they would still save millions compared to the 500k the gave him this seaosn. Even if hes to ride out the lastt year of his contract he wont be back next year.


    As a footnote you also have ot take into consideration they do not know if schoebel will retire or not and that might have alot to do with Bills decison on Kelsay this season.

  21. One high pick can turn a franchise around for a decade. See Bruce Smith, John Elway. They also might be looking at spending big in 2011 free agency should another CBA be signed.


    Go Bills!


    I like all the chicken littles around here. If we went 6-10 or 7-9 with a worthless play not to lose coach. I believe we should be +3 with a coach who knows how to play to the players strength instead of playing the players to the system. Does that mean I feel we will be a playoff team next year probably not but 9-7 is certainly better then years past and depending on how they fill the holes not to much has changed from last years roster to this thus far.


    Whos gone TO didnt do much wasnt a game changer can easily be replaced.

    Josh Reed Im almost positve you can find some one to give us his exactt production or more. I believe Steve would be a great replacement for him anyway.

    Butler retiring and didnt play last year at all an for me personally glad hes gone did not think he was that good.


    IF these are the three mainstays that are gone how can we be worse? How can we be throwing the season on purpose. Almost anything we do this year can be considered an upgrade for the most part.


    I don want the langstons and dockery;s Im glad they are taking their time in the Free agency. Mainly we need depth players. anyway with a coulple of starters we could upgrade but at a resonable price would be better then overpaying them.


    The major pieces we need is LT/NT/LB and depth players. whcih could all be an upgrade over the previous season.


    So once again I would have to say NO they are not conceding this upcoming season at all. My oremature standing for next season is 9-7 which is an improvment not a decline.

  22. He is still a VERY player and we need a good WR. He would help. Offer him 7 mil for one year, it's a good value compared to other good WR



    He was not worth the money last year and certainly isnt worth the money this year. It is more conducive for our team to find out what other recievers we have or can get the can grow with this team instead of paying 15 mil to 2 recievers whos statds combine equal 1 reciever.

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