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Posts posted by Poeticlaw

  1. Face it Bills fans, there's just no way that the firm of Nix, Gailey, and Whaley can fix what ails the team all in one year. It's apparent to me that they're not even going to try.


    They have too many holes on the O-line (LT,RG,RT), at QB, and at WR to produce anything close to a decent offense.


    Far too many square pegs for a round hole on the defensive end now that they've switched to a 3-4.


    They can't get the OLs, the quality starting QB, the NT and DTs, and the LBs that they need to be competitive. Nobody wants to come to Buffalo.


    I think they're going to tank it this year by signing only no name FAs that won't make much of a difference in hopes of gaining a really high draft position for year 2.


    The bottom line is that the Bills simply will not have the premier players where they need them to compete with other teams. We'll have T. Thigpen or T. Edwards at QB while the Pats will have T. Brady. There's just no comparison there.


    Expecting Gailey to win with what he will have will be next to impossible.


    The Bills are going to have to build their team through the draft for the most part (just like the Sabres have). They should be looking to stockpile draft picks and trade down when possible to obtain more picks. Then and only then will they have some leverage to obtain the quality players that they need to be competitive and to actually win.


    It really sucks to be a Bills fan right now. The writing is on the wall.


    So let me understand your theory... DICK can have the same team and go 7-9 consecutively and he sucks as a head coach but Gailey will do worse with what could be better talent then what DICK had?


    Im sorry I have to disagree with that logic. IF Dick can get this team to consecutive 7-9 season and the combo of DIck and a coach who never was a head coach can be 6-10 combined then I would believe that an experienced coach who has a knack for getting the most out of his players will be at least +3 over his predecessors. So that is 9-7 or 10-6.


    Sucking is not going to happen with the exception of sucking down a beer.

  2. If you take Peyton Manning off the Colts this year, they are one of the worst teams in the NFL as evidence by the Bills and Jets game. You're overthinking things. Manning for any of the Bills' QBs switches both teams' fates tremedously.


    There are teams like the Jets (who also had a ton of luck) and Ravens who can win despite their QB play. But they are the exception rather than the norm in today's NFL. A Bills team that averages 7 wins with a Losman/Edwards/Fitzpatrick poo poo platter is a playoff team with any of the top 10 QBs.



    I think my point is being misconstrued and exagerated oout into somethingits not.


    1. DO I believe we need a Franchise QB? YES I DO

    2. DO I feel we need to waste a draft pick on it in the first three rounds of this years draft? NO I DONT

    3. DO I feel that Chan gailey can make any QB on our roster now effective enough to win consistently this season? YES I DO

    4. DO I Feel there are more pressing needs on this roster then a QB? YES I DO

    5. DO I think IF Trent or others fail this year we should go after a QB next season? YES I DO

    6. DO I feel that the top 2 QB prospects will turn into a frchise QB for any tem in the futere? NO I DONT.


    QBS are a crap shoot. Trent is perfectly capable of running this offense. You will see Chan work his magic with him and that gives Brohm a year under his sytem as well to see if he will be worht anything. im supporting TE and I am not a fan of him. But understanding what Chan is capable of if anyone can maximize his potential Chan gaily can.


    So to recap YES we need a franchise QB do we need to draft one on the first day no we dont. DO i still think theres aachacne that Edwards could be well he has the same chance as any other unproven rookie QB doesnt he?

  3. The Saints were 3-13 the year before Brees got there.


    For all the crap the Bills get here, looking at our QBs the past 4 years (Losman, Edwards, Fitzpatrick), averaging 7 wins is a borderline miracle. It's really not a stretch to think a franchise guy can take us to the playoffs. Chad Pennington helped take a 1-15 Fins team to the playoffs.



    I love all the positive talk about Brees. If there is an archive to when he was a free agent and how many on this board DID NOT WANT him it would be amazing to see who those people were and change their stance.


    We could have had brees instead of JP but noone like him or though he was anygood all his negatives were the same for JP and now TE.

  4. If you're going to call someone else ignorrant, you should ensure that you're not being so yourself.


    Team ready? You've got to be kidding me.


    - The Colts were 1-15 the year before they drafted Manning, and went 3-13 his rookie year

    - New England was 5-11 with Drew Bledsoe at the helm in 2000, and he thew for almost 4,000 yards the previous season (the one prior to when they drafted Brady)

    - The Chargers were 1-15 the year before they drafted Brees, and 4-12 the year they drafted Rivers (with Brees at the helm)

    - Pittsburgh was 6-10 the year before they drafted Big Ben, and sported the 22nd ranked offense (and were dead last in rushing) and 15th ranked defense in the NFL


    What about those teams says "team ready" to you?



    You cant look at the stsndings and say that the team wasnt Team ready becuase of their record you have to know the team how did the team perform and will a QB performance have it perform better.


    The colts Had all the right Peices and Manning need only 1 year to go and make mistakes and turn into the QB he is today. He is the execption.


    Bledsoe was the QB before Brady took over. Brady took over the exact same team that Bledsoe had and turned them into a dynasty. THE EXACT SAME TEAM!!! We got bledsoe right after that season and well you know how succesful he was for us!!!


    Brees was a 2nd rd QB the organization didnt see him as the franchis QB which is why the drafted rivers. Brees went 12-4 just the season before all the peices were inplace for rivers to come in.


    Steelers are you kidding me they had the two had monster running backs and a strong OL and a great defense and your going to tell me they were not team ready are you serious?

  5. Ignorant is a strong word, but maybe that makes you feel like your point is taken more seriously (its not). Just state your opinion without the rhetoric.


    Your point on TEAM READY isn't applicable for all the teams. The Saints and Chargers weren't nearly ready. So that's my point. The reverse argument can be made. When you get that franchise QB he can make a team that appears not very good, very good indeed. Then you plug a hole here and there like the saints did and go. Without Brees this doesn't happen.


    WHen Rivers took over for Brees they were a playoff team. TEAM READY.


    When BRees went to the saints the saints were team ready and went to the playoffs in his first year again thats TEAM READY!


    Our team is no where near team ready. We have had 9 qbs and none have proved to be anyting. Drafted anothe unkown and dishing out buig bucks is a diaster until the team is ready.


    We can do just fine with any of the three qbs we have now. Draft quality positions players fill some holes and if it still looks like we need a QB next season then we take one.


    Besides WHo is worth a first round pick a broken Bradford one more hit to the shoulder the guy could be done. Claussen toes not much of an injury but an injury non the less. THere is NOONE worth Drafting in the first ROUND PERIOD!.


    Ignorance isnt a strong word it just means a lack of knowledge. With a team that has a HC that has been highly succesful with lower tier players and your needs at OL/DL/WR/LB runs deep and you cant fix everything this season common sense states we see what we have let Gailey see if THe annointed one is capable of being succesful he has a year left on his contract anyway. Also Trent is better suited for Gaileys offense. A FRANCHISE QB is drafted in the first round and we should not waste a first round pick on a QB when we have higher needs. Thats not saying if one is available in the 4th round or later we shouldnt take them it just means our top 3 picks need to be anything but a QB.

  6. I remember everyone clamoring for offensive draft picks to help Jim Kelly out and Marv said something like "If you want to help Jim Kelly, build the defense". Since it seemed to work in the late 80s, it's ringing in my head now.


    Does that apply now? Or no because we don't have our Jim Kelly....


    Defenses win championships has always been the mantra.

  7. We need a franchise QB to lead this team. I know that's an obvious statement, but here's my take. Anything else in my opinion isn't worth draft picks at all, especially before round 5. We are one of the many teams in the NFL that need to keep trying to find that guy, and never settle. Even if its painful we need to just recognize when a player isn't going to be that guy and move on quicker. We just haven't been lucky enough to land that guy.


    Why even think about guys like Jackson, Campbell, Orton, Pennington, etc? The only reason to go after these types are to claw your way to 9 wins to just be respectable.


    It just seems like the Bills haven't been focused on this obvious goal enough. I hope the new regime spends the necessary time needed to solve this problem. I would support them on any bold move they would make. If they evaluate Bradford has a franchise QB, then give up what ever it takes including 2 first round picks. What QB in the first list below would you not give that up for (except Favre of course)?


    When you have a franchise QB all the glaring holes mysteriously get smaller. San Diego lost some RB's, but it doesn't matter they will win with Rivers.


    Put any of these QB's on the Bills roster and we are a dangerous playoff team:










    I think we make the playoff's with these guys:












    You know I love these posts. I love to read how ignorant some fans can truly be. Look at the names of the QBS you have mentioned and Look at where their team was postionally before they got the QB. THe QBS team in the aformentioned list was TEAM READY for a QB which means the only real thing the team need was a QB -or a FRanchise QB as youu stated.


    Our team well our team needs soo many things the adding in that rookie "Franchise QB" will do nothing but what it has done to previous QBS like JP and TE both who had the potential to be a Francchise QB. THE OL needs to be fixed first, We need receievers that can catch the ball and more importantly since we are talking about an inexperienced QB WE need a defense we can count on to win the games for us.


    My position we build the lines fill the defense and ride out the current QB roster and if so needed DRAFT one NEXT YEAR!!


    By the way the only QB on that list that needs no help is Peyton Manning and his brother ELI is no good the only thing that makes him look good is his surrounding players and great defense at least until last season!

  8. In a few years I really believe that we're going to be talking about this offseason as the one where we finally got back on track after this wasted decade. I know there's 10 years that say odds are against me/us, but I really feel confident for the first time in a long time. I, like anyone else, probably would not have selected the combo of Nix, Gailey, Whaley, but they're absolutely perfect and proven. I really believe that we will be top notch organization in short order. There's been a lot of bungling done by our past front offices that's been plain to see by anyone. But no one can deny that we've had talented players come and go and continue to be successful elsewhere. We just didn't have the person/group to put all the pieces together right. Now I feel we do.


    This is gonna be fun to watch over the next few years. Hopefully this is our decade. So all of you fans out there with a bad taste in your mouth, that love to bash this owner/front office, just remember to be happy when this gets turned around in September. This is going to be a really sweet present from Ralph Wilson - leaving us with another winner. I understand that you have to and will bash until proven wrong, but don't hold on to your bashing ways for too long when it does turn because it's a lot more fun to be happy than to be negative all the time. It takes a lot less energy too...energy that could be used elsewhere..



    I agree with you. We have personell guys/football guys and a head coach in hee thats is not all about them its about the BUffalo Bills. We are not changing schemes and dumping players to fit waht the coach says it has to be. THis time we are making changes but to fit the players strengths. These coaches should be putting whatever players we have in a postion to be succesful unlike the coaches of the past wasting valuable talent on our roster.


    JP hater or not if the coaching staff utilized his strenghts more he could have developed into a pretty good QB. TE or not oif the could have played to his strength maybe he wouldnt have clammed up the fact is the coaches of the past had not clue . Their mentality was we are going to do it this way and if it fails its on the player not me.


    I think we see better utilation of the players talent this upcoming season. Which should equal more wins and more enjoyable games. I dont care who the QB is as long as we can get him to play his best and look like he is playing the best instead of playing scared!


    Im gald to see TO and Reed gone and hopefully we can get a couple more possesion type recievers in here. Though reed has shown to be the best reciever on the squad by his abilty to go after the ball at all times instead of giving up on it. Might not have caught it ever time but unlike the rest he looked determined to get it.

  9. Ok Bills fans, we have heard all the whining and crying about our team.

    Let's move forward and get this team fixed and the guys that are now in control are going to do just that, pay attention here is how it will happen in 10 easy steps


    1. Sign best available OT in free agency

    2. Draft best available OT in 1st round

    3. Sign best available NT or DT in free agency

    4. Teach Trent Edwards how to read defenses and protect the ball , Coach Gailey's very good at this.

    5. Moving Maybin to OLB in 3-4, with Poz & Mitchell on inside, need 1 other ball hawk, watch for kid from Georgia Tech

    6. Sign a decent WR in Free agency, several out there

    7. Get in Marshawn's head and teach him how to act like a Pro athlete

    8. Draft Tebow late 3rd or 4th if he there, will be a good Pro QB with some coaching (Gailey's specialty)


    With the existing Offensive line players (resign Incognito) and these additions, and a coach that can teach Trent, you will see a lot of improvement, with these additions the defense will also improve, with a few things here and there, this team can improve quickly, it may take a few years to get to the Super Bowl but they will get there.....Mark it Down!


    I dont know hw many times it needs to be said to register but Trent Edwards is not A BUffalo QB!!! THe kid my be more succesful in a dome or warmer weather but his noodle arm doesnt work beyond October in BUffalo. We need a strong armed qb not necessarily to throw the deep ball but to throw through the swirling winds of BUffalo. I wasnt big on MATT CASSEL but watching the two of them thro the finale game I wante Matt Cassel just because of his arm strength the throw pretty accurately threw those winds unlike Trent. Besides that Trent is probably a hit away from never playing again.

  10. Lee Evans is the most overpaid, and overrated player the Bills have ever had on their roster. He earns 9 Million/year and gives us little in return. He never shows up in big games, and never takes a leadership role. I would rather have 20 other recievers that would come at a cheaper price.

    If the Bills could get 3rd, or two 4th round draft choices I would take it and run!

    Does anyone share my sentiments?



    I was the very few in the minority that did not want to resign him in the first place. He is nothing more then a deep ball reciever. If you did not have a deep ball QB as JP was then there was no need for him becuase he sucks in one on one coverage and running routes. Misses the easy catches more then he catches them and never makes a difficult catch. To me hes not worth number one money when hes nothing more then a # 2 at best and he is absolutely atrocious in double coverage. I actually thought that maybe if he had a threat opsite him he would be better but TO really exposed him and he did not capitalize on it proving to me that hes nothing more then a 3rd reciever now.


    Since this is supposed to be an uncapped year I would love to see him traded and his over paid salary gone. Him and Kelsay are the two most overpaid players n this team.

  11. dude, we've had this talk before, I just don't believe in sending good picks to another team for 1 aging player, especially when we dont have all the pieces in place, which we don't.


    Now a UFA fine, sign somebody to be a cheap stopgap, but no trading of picks, we should be accumulating picks not sending them to other teams.



    Look, I persnally have never seen why there is a big deal about trading Picks. What makes you thin that anyone we draft is going to be better then the pick on Mcnabb or another PROVEN player. The average liefe of our draft pick is 4 years then they go elswhere unless on the rare occasion we resign him. Typically though we are resigning the players that wouldnt be starters on other teams.


    I have no problem trading a 2nd rd for Mcnabb as i had No problem trading a first in the following years draft for Bledsoe. WHt i had a problem with after Bledsoes first seasoin was getting rid of all the players that mmade up the passing game. Price/Remernsa/Larry.


    I would take a proven player anyday over one who has never played a down in the NFL. ALso all this talk badly about MCnabb ell me this, How many playoffs did his team miss with him has a starter in a tough NFC East division? ZERO

    How many years has he had a supporting cast? I dunno this one but cant me many. His WRS have never been any good for the most part. IF not for Westbrook probably wouldnt be much of an offense.


    Maybe we dont make the promise land but I would sure bet as long as Mcnabb was our starter we wouldnt miss a year of the playoffs.

  12. Now that L.T. has been released the next team that signs with him is gonna have to be very careful and not expect LT to be that all star back from a few seasons ago. If you think the about a team that could afford to have LT on there roster one of the best one's for LT and that team is the New England Patriots. They have 4 backs they use consecutively Lawrence Maroney, Fred Taylor, Sammy Morris, and Kevin Faulk. Now the Pats have never given out that big pay day to a start ( i know they dished out pay days to Moss, Brady, etc.....) especially to a back who has been on the decline. If they bring in LT and you add Lawrence maroney together that makes a pretty dual back backfield. I may be over thinking this i just thought it would be interesting but scary too.


    Maroney- 757 yds 9 td's 99 receiving

    Taylor- 269 yds 4 td's 17 receiving

    Morris- 319 yds 2 td's 180 receiving

    Faulk- 335 yds 2 td's 301 receiving



    LT thinks that the NE patirots is an unclassy organization. Not only would LT not go there it is most likely a mututal situation he is not a fan favorite of the Patriots and Belicheck and LT have some type of anmosity towards each other. LT to NE would never happen.

  13. Only if it happens in Cleveland because it sure wont happen in Buffalo.



    I am not stating that it will happen but why the negative. NO ONE thought we had a chance to get TO though someof us didnt ant him either and we did. SO don think its impossibpe mor like improbable but not impossible.

  14. I read an article this morning when I woke up at like 7 that said the Bills are going to find a way to re-sign George Wilson to a long term deal. Sorry I don't have a link, it was early and I can't remember where I saw it. Sorry if this was already posted, but I'm thinking a long term deal for George means SEEYA to Donte? I like donte against the run, but he hasn't lived up to his high draft pick as we all know.


    If anyone can find the link, post it for me





  15. Honestly, I do not think this team will get any " worse ", simply because it doesnt look like we will lose any of our decent talent, and there is only up to go from here. I believe that the draft will tell a lot about next year. We must draft a playmaker that can be a solid starter from day 1. Here are my predictions for the offseason, and how i think the team will look next year:



    Since the topic is what do i expect for this upcoming season this is what i expect.


    I expect Schoebel to return for one more season.

    I expect Kelsay to be traded or released.

    I expect no qb to drafted with the first round pick

    I expect that the OT/LB/DE needs will be met via draft/FA and possibly trade-doubtful

    I expect One of the three QBs on this team to be getting a look at starting QB next season with 1 free agent or trade acquisition

    I expect to see Lynch and Jackson in the backfield this upcoming season.

    I expect to see a 2-3 game increase in wins tthis upcoming season

    I expect a divided Stadium wall on the draft/QBS/Coaching staff.


    I expect to be a fan regardless of what is done. I believe this team finally hired for a fit. I also believe if its a uncapped year that players will be moved to dump salaries without penalty. Dont be surprized if Lee evans is moved. Hes not worth the salary they are paying him and I dont care what the argument is about the QB line ot what have you. Hes a depp threat reciever only. Its all he has evver been and all he will ever be. The only qb he had success with was JP because he loved to throw him the bomb.


    OH yeah and 1 big name free agent or trade acquiation to boost ticket sales.

  16. There are no great blind side protectors in this draft. NT's? there are no stud NT's either. There MIGHT be a stud QB which is what the entire NFL revolves around....QB play.



    Contry to what poeple might want to beleive there is no STUD QB in this draft and NO QB worth drafting in the fiirst round. We need and OL/DL/LB with the first pick. IF a QB is there with the seocnd take him there otherwise build up tthe lines and LBS see if Trent his resurrectable or if Brohm is capable or a FA that can get the job done this season. DRAFT a QB next year if none resolves the problem.


    JUST SAY NO TO A QB IN THE FIRST RD!!!!! I dont want a 20-30 mil dollar bust probability sitting on the roster!!!!!

  17. so your serious...thigpen, brohm and lefevour are better than vick...i mean are u really REALLY serious? how long have you been watching football? i mean whats your motivation? tell me your just mad about the dogs because ill give you a pass, but if thats not the case you need your head examined. But your opinion is yours im just tryna see where your coming from?


    I have been watching Football for a very long time. I watched alot of Vick games and the kid is unimpressive as a QB very imppressive as aa running QB. Vick doesnt have the vision to be a Passing QB he has never been known to be a passer hes a running QB only with no upside. He can barely complet half of his passes and cant throw for more then 2500 yards in a season so yeah the aformetnioned qbs would be a hell of a lot better then Vick negative attention aside,


    Go with the players that have the upside. A franchise QB is born in the team not acquired at the age of 30.


    Why should you hope this is a joke? He threw for more yards and more tds and less ints in less games under Gailey then the our entire QB core did last season.


    Gailey knows the QB and if he were to go after him there would be a reason. At least he showed productivity under Gailey and at 25 years old has upside. Plus he can run which is good for the line we have.


    I am not opposed to him as much as I am STRONGLY OPPOSED to Vick coming here.

  19. The Eagles have a young lawyer who is really well spoken, team oriented and who knows all about the salary cap.


    Which one would you have chosen if we had had a shot at young HOWIE?


    All those Buddy critics here's your chance to cheer for a new team and they already have McNabb, Vick, and Jason Peters so go for it my friends.


    As for me ... GO BILLS!


    The first thing you are forgetting to acknowledge is that Buffalo didnt hire a GM they hired a GM of Football operations. The only thing he has to know about is football. Contracts and Salary cap and Marketing will be done by the CEO Russ Brandon.

  20. It's amazing to me how bipolar some bills fans can be. People demanded a "football guy" to replace Russ Brandon as GM. Nix, a "football guy," assumes that role. People then complain they should have looked outside the organization, he's too old. Now they say he was instrumental in building the Chargers and like the hire. A few weeks ago people complained about Leslie Frazier. No experience, a Jauron-like personality, get a guy who has proven himself in the league. Now people are pissed Frazier wasn't hired. We lost him, he would have been a good hire. Gailey gets hired and people are upset. Fired in Dallas, couldn't win a bowl game at GT. Now they like the hire because he's an offensive guy. I'm no psychiatrist but I guess there is first anger and denial followed by self-rationalization and acceptance. Whatever the case the complaining and defending is enough enough to make a man loco. :devil::devil:


    Its mostly becuase it comes down to names they havent heard of getting the jobs that the heard the media mention names that we should have gotten so their reaction is let down and thus dislike the hires.


    I am rational and understand what our team does. The rid us of DJ that was the first step. They got a football guy in Nix though not a polished speaker by any means he seems like hes going to tell it like it is and football is all he knows which is good Brandon is better suited for Buisness side of it anyway and i disagree with the masses he should be fired. Why? He has us sold out every game with a below average team thats a good buisness man.


    I did not want an upcoming coordinator and if we were to go that rout I would have preferred Fewell over the rest. Though the draem names came out in shannahan/gruden/cower/billick one might think this team would get a big name coach to come in here. The excitemnt was high when you set the excitiemnt that high anthing else is a comlete let down. The reality is we were never going toget a big name those who know this team knows it would not happen. The bring in CHan gailey. Who? a guy noone has really heard of who comes with a pretty impressive resume that actually fits our teams need and our wish to go back to a 3-4 defense.


    Now with Guy being fired people should be happy about that. Blowing up a whole organization is not the way to improve a team quickly. A big name coach is not going to improve this team quickly. Though many may disagree with me thats fine but until I am proven wrong ON THE FIELD this season my instincts tell me that this team is going to be better maybe not playoff bound but at minimum 8-8 its noit winning its not losing and once i get a handle on the draft/Free agents and who the startiing qb is i will have a better projection. I have been righ on my projections +/- 1 each season and was one the few who didnt first buy into the 4-0 start .

  21. I asked the same question last year just before the season started and got railed for it.


    For me last year it was the bye week when they did not fire DJ for his terribly poor performance and gave him another couple weeks to stink up the place and do a couple more of those awful press conferences.


    This coming year I'm guessing week 8. Chan Gailey. With luck, week nine.


    Man o man



    How about you ask the question after the Free agency signings and the Draft. Because right now we dont know anything that would be plausable for the upcoming season until we know who the players will be on our team.

  22. As much as everyone is infactuated with Bradford, Tebow, Claussen (sp) we do not need to draft a first Rd Qb. We need a LB/OT/DT more then an unproven QB.


    I am not opposed to Brohm. As much as i Dislike his play I am not Opposed to TrentHe does show great accurracy and with some one with some actual offense expereince could improve his play. I am not a fan of TRent as I am not a fan of BRady But living in NE I have seen first hand what Brady started of at he had the same complaints by the fan base as Trent has. I am not saying that Trent is Brady but I will tell you that My freind a Die hard Pat Fan and Brady Lover sees Brady in Trent. I think with an experience guy in here for the offense that the QBS we have on the roster stand a chance. I would rather Trade for Mcnabb and draft a QB next year. But to waste our valuable first round pick on a QB is not very smart. We do not know if they can play and they typically take 2-3 years before we find out if they can. We have other pressing needs to address with our HIGH first rd pick then to waste Millions on a QB that might not work.


    Once the lines are Built and we still prove to need a QB after this season draft one next year. I actually think Brohm could be groomable better then any of the first round picks we can get and Trent might be ressurrectable.

  23. - I have no problem believing that Marty Shottenheimer would have turned this team around into a playoff team


    - I also have no problem believing Leslie Frasier would have made a fine head coach and turned this team around


    BUT What if.....I am just WHAT IF




    Do we really need to hate on Chan Gailey because the bills didn't pick Shotty or Leslie Frasier? Does it really need to be that black and white.



    - Does anybody feel that our offense WONT improve under this guy?

    - Does anybody feel that Buddy Nix doesn't know how to evaluate talent?


    Lets see folks.....that is all I am saying.....lets just see.


    It just seems that the fans got their mind set on NAME RECOGNITION. I for one like the fact that the Bills Finally made a hire base on a FIT for Buffalo. Based on all the information on Chan I gathered he is a run first offensive and adapts lower tier players to that offesne and has only missed the playoffs in one season. We are run first team with little talent in the remainder of the offense so he fits our needs.


    We are not a flashy team and we do not go out after big name players or coaches I am more interested in the experience he will bring in the DC of this team and the fact that there might be a switch to the 3-4 which we should have never gotten rid of.


    So from this fans point of view is this:


    We got the perfect fit for Buffalo

    We got an OC that knows how to formulate an offense to its players

    We got an OC that knows how to utilize the talents of its running backs. I couldnt tell you how frustrating it was to see the wasted RB talent this past season regardless of the reasons.

    WE have a HC that will focus on the offensive side of the ball one of the biggest complaints on this board.

    WE have a HC that will most likely return us to the 3-4 aanother biggest complaint of this board.

    By moving to a 3-4 it means our qbs will be practing against the 3-4 and should play better against them.

    IMHO this is a coach who can win with what we have. I dont think Cower or Shannahan or anyother top name could they would have to completely retool our roster to fit their style and that takes 2-4 years and that IMHO is why we were turned town by the elite.

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