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Posts posted by davefan66

  1. Which is my only concern with the new Bills regime.


    I'm happy with Nix, happy Guy is finally gone, and am waiting to hear what happens with Modrak.


    I even feel that the Brandon move to the top of it all, is a good move.


    The only question for me is that Overdorf is still holding the purse strings, and there is a consensus among some 'in the know' that it was Overdorf who was in control with player contracts, letting key free agents walk (Williams, Winfield, Fletcher), and signing bargain, garbage players (Dockery, Walker, Tripplett, Royal) and keeping the Bills in the mediocre department for some time.


    With Brandon now at the top of the hierarchy, how does this affect Overdorf's say in it all?


    Will Brandon have final say and control over Overdorf, or as evidenced this past decade, will Overdorf still have the ear (and favor) of Ralph?


    Not Overdorf. Littman. He's been behind some garbage moves by this team for years.

  2. Not trying to prove anything, should not have posted this, but just saying Bill is a hell of a guy in person.


    Not saying you're trying to prove anything.


    I have no reason not to believe you. I believe most everyone on this board

    when they say they know or have met someone like Polian...why shouldn't I?

  3. We all know the title BS. Bobby April was our assistant Head Coach. What was he in charge of? He didn't get the interim job NOR did he get an interview for the job at the end of the season. He was given the title so he couldn't move laterally to another team. Period. Nix was still a scout, basically in the Southeast quadrant of the country.


    And precisely, I don't know much about Nix. Neither does anyone on this board, because he's never been in charge of anything for us to judge him on. That's my whole point. But yet, a lot of people will argue that he's not only a good GM already, but he's a great one. Top five even. Gimmie a friggin break.


    Never said he was a top 5 GM. Just stated that he is regarded as one of the top 5 talent

    evaluators in the league.

  4. No other NFL teams wanted Nix. He's 70 years old and he just got his first GM job. I know what you're thinking, Ralph is that much smarter than everybody else.


    So by your Maybin logic, Mccargo isn't a bust? You are Ralph Wilson's dream fan. :thumbsup:


    How long has McCargo been in the league?


    How long has Maybin been in the league?


    So you're telling me that ONE year in the league and you know he is already a bust. I guess

    if he is moved to LB and has a probowl year, you would still think he is a bust based on being

    drafted as a DE.

  5. So you're quoting an article from Reuters?


    "Long regarded as one of the beat evaluators of talent in the league, Nix served as assistant general manager of the San Diego Chargers from 2003 to 2008.


    What the hell is a beat evaluator?


    Listen, you can hate the choice all you want, that's your right.


    You can't tell me Nix is not one of the top talent evaluators in the league. Take

    a look at what he did with the Chargers, and the past draft was one of the best

    we've had in a long time. Yep, go ahead and talk about Maybin. Until the man

    either retires or is traded from this team, you can't call him a bust.

  6. Im glad that you think he is one of the top 5 talent evaluators in the league, that should make us all sleep better.


    The Bills took Maybin at #11 so I don't care what you think of picks 2-7. Other than Byrd, everyone played like a rookie. Except for Maybin, he payed like he was in high school.


    Maybin has been reported to have been the pick of Jauron. According to the story, Modrak

    wanted Orakpo and was overridden by DJ.


    Top 5 talent evaluator? I didn't make that up, I've read it on many websites




    At the end of the article

  7. Just curious what people think about Nix. When he introduced Gailey he was a bumbling fool that didn't even know how many coaches the Bills have had. A 70 year old goofball. So progressive! Typical Bills.


    I read a quote on these boards that I think is appropriate:


    "Buddy Nix has forgotten more about football then most GM's know"


    Like the guy, a lot. One of the top 5 talent evaluators in the league, tell me

    that can't be helpful. Just look at our last draft.


    Give the guy a break, and with Gailey also.

  8. Jerry Sullivan is not a reporter, he's a columnist, which means he offers his opinions on situations, not just objective facts. That's his job, and as long as it sells papers, he's doing his job of creating a debate for and against his opinions. It's an opinion maker's job to elicit an emotional response. So as some of the post reflect, he's done his job. He's not there to be a Bills cheerleader.


    Same exact scenario with WGR. Ratings are not made by making nice with the Bills organization,

    ratings are made by causing "debate". My biggest problem with Sullivan and WGR is they don't do

    a very good job backing up their claims, ESPECIALLY those tools at WGR.


    The fact is, not one person outside of Nix, Ralphie and maybe Brandon, have ANY idea what really

    happened in the coaching search. I don't care who has "sources" or not.

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