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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. This issue has been beaten to death, but one of the WGR radio hosts said it perfectly when discussing the talent of NC and the reason why he should be resigned... word for word they said "Nate Clements is a defensive player that scores, and players like that are incredibly rare in the NFL" I just like that sound, "He is a defensive player that scores"
  2. Warner??? this sounds really really dumb... but how many players, QB's especially, have won 2 league MVP awards? I think he has a better shot than Tasker... Which is still barely any shot
  3. As i was unpacking after a recent move i was putting all my ties in my closet and came across my Sabres and Bills tie. Both of which aren't obnoxiously loud, but i have yet to ever have an occassion to wear them. When i need to be dressed in a tie, it never seems appropriate to wear such an item. Are these ties an example of merchandise that has no functionality? Why do they produce these? Do you wear any of your sports ties? Have you ever seen anyone wear their's?
  4. I have been noticing the more and more mannequins i see out and about are getting a tad bit nipply... I am thinking of ordering one to sit in the corner of my apartment and on nights when my wife is at work i would... well now, i think i will spare you all that thought.
  5. I would say 55/45 in favor of the Bills. But then i try and question my time between the Sabres Message board and here, and its like 99/1... I think football is just a lot more interesting on a daily basis year round except for the week leading up to the trade deadline in hockey.
  6. Another reason to hate pats fans... the bastard snagged himself a norweigian... Good article to read though.
  7. I know they looked terrible the past two times we saw them, but i would have to say Green Bay on the Over... Favre will lead a playoff caliber offense and in the shoddy NFC, i can't see them not going at least 8-8
  8. Anybody think that clements will take the average of the top three Corners in the league's contract? Back load the money, etc. but give him a big signing bonus. I don't mind the bonus being large because i don't have any doubt about him being cut while here, and thus never having dead-cap space.
  9. In all seriousness... why the hell does drew need to look behind him... his problem is seeing the people coming at him and not from behind. If anything they should have one of those sensors that is on cars that tells you when a wall is within three yards of you. So drew can hear a beep-beep-beep and then release the ball.
  10. I talked him up in the off-season as i really liked what i saw from him last year at the safety position. I figured he was going to make the roster again without question this year and give us the opportunity to move TV back to corner if he couldn't hack it at Free Safety (i didn't think it would happen, but i liked having the option). But i have not heard anything about him in any TC report, any mention from the coaches, didn't see him in the scrimmage, and the only time i saw him tonight was slapping up Greer after his INT. What has happened to Baker? Has he fallen off the star i placed him on after last season? Will the UDFA out of Tennessee be replaced by another UDFA out of Wisconsin? I like what i have seen from Leonhard, wish i could have seen him actually return a kick tonight? I think two will survive out of Wire, Baker, and Leonhard. While i think Wire may be the one to go, i am worried the man wearing the big TWO SIX will get DEEP SIXED by the coaches? Any thoughts?
  11. Wire was pitiful tonight... i really like leonhard and hope he gets a chance with the second team D to see if he can take wire's spot... i like Coy, but he just isn't anything but a ST player, if he had to be in the lineup because of an injury, i would be very scared.
  12. Think she can play LT, she has a mean streak in her and i wouldn't want to get in her way...
  13. Lets ban #78 or #34 or #83, because, you know, we never won a championship with any of those numbers on our active roster.
  14. Reduce the amount of overhead you start with. Was part of a start-up company in college and the owner (a recent college graduate) was set on having our own office before we had any customers, needless to say i quit a week later as i realized she was more in it for fun than to make a profit. Reduce overhead, work out of your garage, etc. Good Luck
  15. JP started good... then dropped off... clayton and kiper must have turned it on at 8:15
  16. Love the Keystone on there! Couldn't you have framed it a bit better with the lighting and allowed for the label to show? Looks like a fun way to spend an afternoon out of the house Frez.
  17. Big Cats (For the team full of jerks that won't shut up, TO, Joe Horn, etc.) Riddlers (for the team that shows up one week and ***** the bed the next) Sons of Satan (for the TD type of team)
  18. Now i don't think that a trade will bring Simon to the Bills this off-season, but if i can get clear answers to the following, i may be able to see some logic in the move. First, is Ron Edwards a FA after this season? Second, is Sam Adams under contract until 06, or just through the year? Here is my thinking, If Edwards becomes a FA after a stellar year (which i think he is capable of having) he will command more money than he would if he were to enter the year as having been a back-up once again (if we get Simon). The Bills could resign him to a long term deal (four or five years) and then when Adams is gone after 06, we have a High Priced Simon, and a Low Priced Edwards as our starting DT's. And in the mean time we will have two high priced DTs in Simon and Adams. If Adams' contract was up after this year, i really like the move... if its two years i don't like it as much but see the logic in picking up Simon, if TD thinks Edwards can be had cheaply at the end of the season. Thoughts? or am i just going a bit batty?
  19. A couple quick notes. R. Lee (#30) looked like he missed a big block which was the only real sack losman would have taken, but he would have gotten clocked Shaud is our #2 back and i am pumped about him Lionel Gates was all over the field, even in plays that didn't involve him. He seemed to show that extra bit of energy and chutzpa that one would expect of a special teams captain (is he the next Sammy Morris?) I wish i would have seen more of King tonight, as well as Woodbury (who i think will be on our practice squad if he doesn't make the final 53) JP looked okay... get rid of the jitters and we are in great shape Defense is dominant and may be more fun to watch this year with big hits, game changing turnovers, and negative yardage plays than our offense. I am excited, we dominated on D, and looked good enough on offense to make me say we are a MUCH better team than the Packers at this point, which i am sure/hope will carry into the season.
  20. And you know this from your extensive conversations with him? When you were breaking down film with him during the off-season and when you spent every rep of practice watching nothing but him since mini-camps? I hear ya, but to make a blanket assumption like that is foolish, because what the hell do ANY of us know... I will admit that i do hope he is the real deal and can be a suitable tackle for us. We will find out, maybe in just a few hours.
  21. good clip... thought it was going to be him getting drilled... but i like the throw away from the defense to where only he could catch it
  22. Just read that Forsberg and Niedermayer may be the only two players to tap out the new cap system at 7.8 million each. However, several GMs may be reluctant to pay the max salary for a single player because they feel that the league will lose more money this year, making them have to work under a more stringent cap number of maybe 35 Million next year. Too lazy to post a link, but it is under Monday's Free Agency column on NHL.com.
  23. Hmmm... have her send her resume to me as well
  24. can do what the players do and sew the sleeves and the sides of the jersey to your desired fit... a lot of work, but when done properly it looks tight (no pun intended)
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