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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Posts posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. 49 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

    No, my uncle was the experienced hunter/trapper so he would do it. That said I don't remember any dogs getting put down but he would have done it. Cows, pigs, a hurt rabbit, raccoon or skunk. It was the humane thing to do.


    But i never ran for politics and wrote a book containing such things because that would be stupid.

    I get you on the political side.  Anything you say, do, think is attacked, questioned, manipulated, misconstrued or used as a bludgeon against you--it's a dirty business.   


    I think your response is interesting, given your background.  I think you're taking some liberties on the definition of what may/may not be 'humane' where it comes to the actions of your uncle the experienced 'hunter/trapper'.  

  2. 32 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

    I come from a farming family. Yes, we might put down an animal including a dog.


    But you know what we don't do? RUN FOR VP AND WRITE A BOOK ABOUT HOW I KILLED MY DOG.


    What an idiotic move, instantly disqualifying.

    How did you put your dogs, and other animals down?  I’m assuming a visit to/from a vet?  

  3. 11 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    Who would have thought that if you want to be VP to write about killing your dog? Didn’t she have someone along the way that would tell her this might not be a good idea? This is man’s best friend! Then she defends herself by talking about killing another dog? And she is Governor of a state. Do we really need two Dakotas?

    I thought we already had two Dakotas?! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Doc said:


    Speaking of which, my wife, like most girls of her generation, loved David Cassidy.  Prior to his death, he played a free show at the local casino so I told her about it and we went.  He sang his terrible songs but in-between he would whine about how he didn't become the rock star he wanted to be and this and that.  After the show my wife said "I don't like him anymore."

    Got into the hooch a bit, and in spite of an abundance of riches things ended badly for him. 

    As for your wife, she ended up with the Keith Partridge of doctors, so she wins! 



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  5. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:


    The scene of slaughter ends with Noem’s kids getting off the school bus, and her daughter asking, “Hey, where’s Cricket?”




    ha ha 



    It just clicked Tibsy.


    Commander is a metaphor for Biden’s approach to crime.  A dangerous animal owned by an entitled family was allowed to viciously attack bystanders, at will, with virtually no consequence.  The family is likely shielded from liability, the victims unable to recoup damages for pain and suffering, and the dog is returned to the house 24 times.  Above the law, I guess. 

  6. 4 hours ago, 4th&long said:

    “Topic bully” is a good one. 

    It’s got to do more with I can’t stand when you are talking with someone and they deflect. That’s not what the point was. Just a pet peeve of mine. We already know Biden is a dumb ass and there are 10 threads on it. This is the kristi is a dumb ass thread. The point was made about her being a milf which was valid and at least gives her a redeeming quality.

    I considered going with “topic ruffian” but it sounded too highfalutin for this group. 

    I can appreciate your perspective, but I’m comfortable with what I wrote.  It was accurate and appropriate.  While you’ve honed in on Biden being a “dumb a$$”, I was focused on the nature of what constitutes “self-disqualifying”.  

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  7. 4 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Yeah, but he didn't shoot Commander. Or Major.

    He probably should have, instead, he treated his protection detail like chew toys. 


    4 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    And he never banged Corey Lewandowski.

    Oh great, a new name added to the mix.  @4th&long CLEAN UP ON AISLE 2!  

  8. 1 minute ago, Pokebball said:

    Was her dog's name Commander

    While 4th is not down with discussing Non-Noem topics in an OnlyNoems forum, I don't mind.


    That dog needed to be put down.   By the time it's reign of terror was over, something like 25 people were bitten or attacked by it.  I'm not saying that the dog should have gotten the Noem treatment out behind the Jefferson Memorial, but a painless injection for a hyper-aggressive animal was warranted.  The flip side of Noem's action is the perpetual enablement of activity and behavior that puts people at risk.  Completely irresponsible on the part of the White House.



  9. 41 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    So, not arguing with any of this, why post this here? I thought there was a Biden is a dumb ass thread already? This is the Kristi neom is a dumb ass thread. Can we keep it separate? Neom will never get to President or Vice President of the USA she is such a dumb ass. At least Biden lies well enough to be President!

    You can do what you like, 4th&censor, this is still the greatest country on earth!  I choose to be unencumbered by stale thoughts and the dreary existence of an automaton. 


    Frank's post referenced the actions of Kristi Noem being "self-disqualifying"!   My point is simply that  Joe B... another person's extreme/absurd actions over several decades in the public eye were not, in fact, self-disqualifying, beauty will be in the eye of the beholder.  If she propelled Trump over the line, her comments are irrelevant.  If she can't, and I'd agree at this point she can't, then it takes her out of the race.  


    To your comments in bold, you rascal, you started off going out of your way making a point about keeping this Noem-esque, then slippery-dipped it back around to Biden the other person that should not be mentioned in this post limited only to critiques of Kristi Noem.  Of course, that made my point about "self-disqualification", but that's a discussion for another day, or, God willing, a thread where people are free to speak without fear of recrimination from self-nominated topic bullies.   










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  10. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Guess who lied about meeting Kim Jon Un?




    The most astonishing, stupid self-disqualifying book ever.

    At the risk of repeating facts known to all, we have a president who has lied about where his son died. We don't need secret sources, intrepid investigative reporters, hidden cameras or spies walking among us.  All we need is a google search and this fabrication is readily apparent.  


    That's before we get to lies about his education, class ranking, dead people he has met with, driving trucks, working in his son's business, handling of top secret information and just about everything else. 


    Biden is known for astonishing, stupid and self-disqualifying statements delivered over decades in public office.  Kristi Noem can't hold a candle to JB, and he's THE standard bearer of democrat politics over the last 20+ years.  





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  11. 32 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    The thing is not so much that she shot the dog (if she even did). It's that she somehow thought this story would help her.

    It hasn't, and it won't. It was a ridiculous own goal. I can get "taking that old dog out back and shooting it to put him out of his misery." This is not that.

    "Typical boomer billionaire."


    -Gene Frenkle

  12. 11 minutes ago, boyst said:

    when you're on a farm you learn two ways to do it...and neither is fun. that's all i'm going to say.

    I took a serious, and well-deserved, dressing down from a female colleague while on a business trip through the midwest in the early 80s.  My comment was "Look at this farmer..." to try and draw a quick laugh from the group I was in.  It literally was a one-off, and pretty silly.  She asked me if I knew anything about farming, farmers, which caused me to stop and ask myself what it was I just said.   I explained I wasn't trying to offend anyone, that I knew nothing about farms, and that it just seemed funny in the moment.   She was very understanding, we talked for an hour or two about all that her dad, the farmer, was responsible for. Great lesson. 


    I've missed a time or two with my "it seemed funny in the moment", but of the "two ways to do it", I'm glad she chose the "Let's talk, dumba$$" option.





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  13. 20 hours ago, Gene Frenkle said:


    And do what? The boomers are in a death rattle, but they still want to control the present, control the future, hoard all the cash, pay no taxes, and do no good. They're finishing the game they started in the 80's: he who dies with the highest net worth wins. They really let this country down in the end, IMO.


    Look who our presidential candidates are for fvck's sake.


    19 hours ago, Gene Frenkle said:


    I'm talking about billionaires. There are the rich and the poor in this country. If you don't know which you are, it's the latter.


    And I'm not attacking you personally. I think your peers got addicted to greed at any cost. JMO, and you are welcome to disagree.

    "Always paint with a very broad brush, keeping your color choices to a minimum.". 


    -Pablo Picasso's next-door neighbor

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  14. 3 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Do you own the office/company/property?

    Yes.  The whole enchilada.  I can see responding in a couple different ways:

    • If its kids messing around, a crooked finger, a stern though theatrically enhanced word about responsibility and respect, and hopefully that solves it.  It has, several times over the past couple decades.  A group of boys (with an overmatched mother trying to control them) spitting on car windows.  Sent 'em home to get a bucket and wash the spit off.  Older kids using their skateboards on a metal railing and scratching the heck out of it.  Explained the cost to repair the damage they caused, asked them not to do it again.  
    • Older kids messing around and stealing the flag for kicks--probably a harsher tone, a little less theatrics involved, an acknowledgement that I wouldn't call the cops this time.  
    • Dopey activists sending me a message about whatever bothers them on any given day, I'd call the police.  This has not happened to me. 

    Sidebar, my experience generally is that many, many otherwise smart and decent people have very little respect for the property of others.  I can provide a dozen+ different stories about my experience, which likely mirrors the experiences of others who own commercial property.   I think that translates on  a certain level as to why some of these people are quick to get caught up in 'activism' because they don't care enough to think beyond the end of their nose. 


    3 minutes ago, boyst said:


    Shots fired at UW Madison. Wonder if related to the mostly peaceful protests on the upcoming Summer of Hamas. 


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  15. 5 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I'm just saying that I've personally seen the incredible (and very short term) effects of a cortisone injection on someone with severe arthritis. High-dose Prednisone too. It just makes sense to me that the "energetic" Joe may have more to do with the timing of these typical old guy meds than with some extraordinary amphetamine thing as has been speculated about way too much.

    Could be a total coink-dink that his arthritis treatment gave him a needed jolt at the exact time and place he needed an extra jolt.   One of the contraindications could possibly be '...intense burst of energy commencing at 9pm on a Friday night in March', but it's hardly a conspiracy theory that they jacked the geez up just prior to an important speech before the world, at least based on readily available clips of Biden appearing confused, wandering about, and struggling with when to pause while delivering a speech on a teleprompter.


    It's irrelevant anyways.  He's been on a senior walkabout since well before the election.  It matters to some people, doesn't matter to others.  



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  16. 2 hours ago, SydneyBillsFan said:


    I am a dog lover.....one of my dogs got hit by a car when he was 5 months old, back leg was shattered....it was either pay $2000 to get a plate screwed into the leg or, get it put down. We chose option A, and he ended up being the best friend you could ever ask for until he died at the age of 14. So I am not entirely comfortable with what she did.


    That said, I love Kristi Noem for her ideological viewpoints and her decisiveness. And she is pretty easy on the eye too, so frankly - she can jump on me anytime! As long as she feeds my dogs afterwards!!

    Wait.  Do you actually have dogs, or is this some Only Fans Gen Z euphemism?  If so, understand I'm not judging.  If there is an Aussie trick or two to be picked up here from down under, I'm all for it. 

  17. 54 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    There was a lot of silliness about Biden being amped up on stimulants for the SOTU address.

    But I do wonder this: we've been told (and have seen) that he has "moderate to severe arthritis." I've seen this with my own relatives who get cortisone shots (I think they limit them to 2 or 4 times per year). It's like a very brief fountain of youth. They move better, the have a great increase in energy, etc.

    So that's my theory. Good old cortisone.

    Anyone watch Succession? Here's Logan Roy pulling it together after one of those self-administered shots.


    You know that "Succession" is a television program, yes?  Also, that Logan Roy is a fictional character, and that he probably wasn't shot up with anything at all.  


    It is quite conceivable to me that Biden was given medication intended to improve focus, energy and to boost his concentration.  I wouldn't necessarily fault a candidate for that, within reason.  And if the medicine for his moderate to severe arthritis would control the stutter that causes him to make up words and misremember things like which world leaders he spoke with recently are dead or alive, or that his uncle was the victim of cannibals in Guam, all the better I suppose.  



  18. 14 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Many Americans choose to not even fly the flag for what it stands for and that's alright. I hope everyone would always support the choice to fly it regardless. 

    Agreed, and I guess the question of what to do when someone is not respectful of the choices made by others.  If, for example, I choose to fly a flag at my office, when someone takes it down, what recourse is available?  That's a matter for the police, I would think.  

  19. 8 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    This is true. I would say how much he dislikes animals in general. Maybe it goes to that germophobia thing, although that never stopped him from fingering the nether regions of porn stars, so who knows? Maybe that's why that dismissed juror found him "mysterious and fascinating."


    We all have our little biases. When I find out someone is a baseball fan (everyone here is a football fan), I tend to think more highly of them. No good reason for that; it's just someone appreciating something I also appreciate gives rise to a kind of conscious bias. I know damn well I'm doing it. I'm not a fan of that subconscious bias theorizing.


    Same with people who like dogs. And more importantly, people that dogs seem to like. I don't do that modern "mind if I pet your dog?" thing. The dog strains toward me on the leash, looks like a friendly dog, I put down my hand to make friends. Never been bitten, but have had cranky owners scold me. That's their problem. 


    I sense that dogs don't like Trump either.

    I've been bitten multiple times.  First time was when I was a kid.    Then  15+ years ago I was bitten as I was walking in a neighborhood.  The d*mn thing came out of nowhere, never made a sound and caught me on the leg.  Ripped my pants, drew blood but I was quick enough to get away and whatever chain he was on held.  Last time, my neighbor was moving away, came by to say goodbye and had his dog in the passenger seat.  As I put my hand to shake my neighbor's hand, the dog jumped at me and chomped down quite hard.  When I told my wife, she told me everyone in the neighborhood knew not to mess with that dog.  I figure that dog had been in the house 5 or 6 years and I never knew.  


    What is the "modern "mind if i pet your dog?" thing"?  Asking permission before proceeding?  I do that now, mostly because of my neighbor's dog. 🐺



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  20. 19 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    - Showed love of guns and willingness to use them on a puppy? Check.

    - Had extramarital affair with Trump campaign official? Check.

    - Did cheesy dental practice promotion on the order of Trump Steaks or Trump Bibles? Check.


    In short: checks all the Trump boxes.

    Hard to make Kamala look good. She's doing a great job!

    Don't you have some kittens to drown?

    Yeah, looks like her goose is cooked.   My initial thought was "Why on earth would you shoot a dog?" followed by "Why would you tell that story?".  Since then, I've read her statement on the issue, referencing the law of South Dakota and how it applies to aggressive animals.  I guess I can understand why she acted the way she did--I mean, kids raised on a farm/ranch learn an awful lot about life that suburban kids like me do not.   That said, it's a deal killer for her and off she goes. 





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