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Posts posted by Shamrock

  1. Coeliac, genetic. My daughter and I are great label readers. May have had it much longer than diagnosed, have normally avoided pasta, breads even as a young adult and always felt 'glugish' or with a stomach ache after pasta meals. Just thought it was 'normal'. Much better after.

  2. I got mad at a guy who was stealing medical equipment, not supplies from our provided room where we do outreach work for homeless. If he'd have wanted supplies we'd have provided- we give out sleeping backs,, rucks, blankets, food. But taking stuff he's never going to sell or know how to use. It's attached to a Church, a number of health professions attend as they run a free breakfast and we do health checks and advice, education etc. Some we do well with, some not. Rarely do we see addicts, they're usually asleep. Same as the working girls. But this morning, there he was. Afterwards, I reminded myself of the surgeon killed her last month by an addict at the entrance of a hospital. But I got mad at him, professionally, of course.

  3. Accept in September, thinking of Kreator, as coming to Melbourne same time. It's not Udo's U.D.O., though, new album in August, like the speed of the demo's released. Was a Metal Heart, Russian Roulette, Rebel, Balls to the Wall, Restless and Wild etc fan

    Went and saw Ice-T last month, open with Reign in Blood. The cop killer schtick is a bit pantomine nowadays. Got a free ticket. Oh, it was at Margaret Court Arena. Margaret Court's a 70 plus minister who in her past, was an elite tennis player, a natural lefty that learnt to play righty. She has very conservative views on gay marriage. It was the fist metal concert that i'd been too that the warm up bands we're bagging her christian views on gay marriage. It was kind of weird, being at a Metal Concert, allegedly and having a political message on marriage...

  4. 6/10

    Jim Jeffries Freedumb had a rating scale, pretty funny.

    That was actually common. Submarines were stationed for "lifeguard" duty before major air strikes. I think the record for aviators saved was something like 23 in a single patrol. And given that submarines didn't usually associate with surface ships much (as all surface ships considered submarines "enemy" first - at least one US sub was certainly lost to US Navy depth charges), those aviators usually stayed on board for a month or more until a friendly port was reached.

    On a related note: aircraft carriers always had a destroyer assigned as "plane guard" during flight operations, to fish air crew out of the ocean after a failed takeoff or landing (which wasn't uncommon). As destroyers were small and thus rather spartan, whereas carriers were comparatively large and luxurious, it was standard practice for destroyers to "ransom" pilots back to the carriers for five gallons of ice cream a head (as carriers had ice cream makers on board). So if you want to know how much a trained Navy fighter pilot was worth in World War 2...about $160 worth of Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia, in modern terms.


    Now you've learned TWO things today.

    I had a patient who served on the HMAS Arunta. They loved fishing pilots as they got ice cream. Aussie ships didn't have ice cream!

  5. Throw the !@#$ing book at him. People who drive drunk really piss me off. Especially people who can afford any other type of transportation.

    I work in a TAC- motor vehicle accident hospital and everyone knows the patients who were DUI on presentation, nurses like to tell you, it kind of frustrates health care workers, who then get on with providing healthcare without prejudice.

    There are heaps of options available, there's a new 'car service' here 'WeDrive' too.

  6. I studied podiatry and work as a ... Podiatrist. A lot has changed though since Uni. Biomechanics have evolved with computing, some of the wound dressings, Flaminal and Sorbact. Imaging. Vascular. The principals are still pretty intact. Anatomy is anatomy. Surgery is finer, less "destructive"- 1990's had 7 approaches to a bunion surgery, that's about 154 approaches nowadays.

  7. Trick or Treat. When I was a kid, older brother got me into metal. I was the only 'banger at school. Got a bit crap for it. Seeing Megadeth's album, a Lizzy Borden sticker (early Borden years,), seeing Ozzy. It was all relevant to my schooling. It's also when hair metal was growing, not a fan.

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