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Posts posted by Shamrock

  1. TGIF....what a bear of a week.

    Can I claim TGIF as a microagression since I work 6 days a week?

    My son, aged 4, asked the crocodile keeper @ the zoo Why the little crocs arent afraid to swim with the big crocs and if the big crocs are hungry, why not just eat a little croc than wait for a kangaroo?


    My 6 year old asks questions such as whod win, a gorilla or a bear? And so on, or a shark, or a crocodile, or a.... the 4 year old wants to know the rules of the fight first...

  2. Will be here already in a matter of weeks. Do you get a lot of trick or treaters where you live?


    Back in the 90's where I used to live we would get swamped with them but less and less each year. I think it's because things are more catered and people are more and more afraid of who could be answering the door so to speak.


    Mischief night as well. It used to be popular but nobody's done anything for years where I live.

    I live in a cul de sac. Id say almost 80% of neighbourhood participates. Young and old. Folk down the street have been having a house party for the last few years. It becomes a long weekend here running into the Melbourne Cup.

  3. Dang man they left you out to dry!


    It was low in my ankle and I heard some bad noises but I'm icing it up and moving on. I don't think I need to go to the doctors. I'm just gonna be a bit less mobile for a while I guess

    Saw an electrician yesterday, nice # of Fibula coming off a ladder. That was about 3 months ago. Ice and pain killers before consultation. No Drs. No medical review. Hes scheduled for surgery Wednesday, will need plating it to hold it together.

  4. If you told me after 5 games, before the season started, we would be 3-2, I would've taken it...we're good......I like the new coaching staff....this is a different Bills team...I feel more and more confident about my prediction that we will make the playoffs in 2018....

    Youre a trooper! Sorry, couldnt help it.

  5. AFL likes to describe the GF As it's 'Superbowl' to the US. Except, the NFL is a much bigger market and has no competition for football final, as far as I know.

    See, yesterday, the southern city of Mebourne hosted the AFL GF, which is watched across Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, sparingly in over states. Today, there's the NRL Grand Final that's watched in NSW, Queensland, sparingly in other states. It also explains to the US that it's the Super Bowl equivalent.

    How many Super Bowl comparisons can we make. If our National Soccer League plays their finals should we explain it to the US as the Super Bowl of soccer?

    Can Australians stop trying to compare their local finals with the Superbow, it's becoming annoying.

    My brother, who lives in the US cable does't even carry the AFL GF...

  6. A parrot swallows a Viagra pill.

    His owner, upset, puts him in the fridge to cool off!

    After a short time, the owner opens the door to find the parrot sweating heavily and with laboured breathing.

    The owner asks 'Why are you sweating and panting?'

    The parrot replies, 'Do you know how hard it is to pry open a frozen chicken's legs?'

  7. i think it was mid Aug. But in any event I think he is just trying to make himself look better with that comment. You know, because he was such an amazing player and he lost him to injury which is the reason his defense was putrid.

    August 5. Pretty early in camp. Wonder if his heart issue was a factor as well, enlarged aorta? Wasn't there an interview with him saying it was still painful and having to 'trust' the knee. May just have been one of those ACL's that's just never right.

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