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Posts posted by NYGPopgun10

  1. Bradshaw took Manning to the mat yesterday and said, basically, you're supposed to suck it up, take the blame, promise to do better next year, and split. He was riding Manning kinda hard. In a non-sexual way.




    Inside, Bradshaw probably wet his pants in excitement because it came against the Steelers.

  2. Steve Smith.  How can you not like and root for this guy?  He has every characteristic you look for in a player; he's talented, tough, and looks like he's really having fun out there.  He's arguably Carolina's only legitimate threat, and teams know exactly what he's going to do.  Nonetheless, he still does it.  At 5'9" no less.


    Great, great player.  Can't wait to see what he does next week.




    Aka the "real MVP" of the league yet somehow, Smith received no votes. Just goes to show how out to lunch some of the people who cover the NFL are.

  3. I think they should get it over with and hire Nick and Jessica (yeah i know they broke up) to do play by play of each game since it's not about football anymore.


    Maybe they could have TO as a color commentator making ridiculous comments and invite Ashlee Simpson to butcher one of her songs turning it into even more of a freakshow.



    P.S. The Super Bowl sucks! Paul Tagliabue should be shot!

  4. More Breaking News



    AP Newswire- Crazed Jersey Man Celebrates Mularkey Resignation


    A Parlin, New Jersey man who is a diehard Bills fan got a little carried away when Bills Coach Mike Mularkey resigned this past week.


    The 32-year-old Sambone reportedly locked himself in a darkened room with a cold case of Guinness and started laughing uncontrollably for three straight hours, disturbing neighbors.


    In a related story, Sambone created a team name called Bunch of Mularkey when he was hired to coach Buffalo three years ago. What hasn't been determined yet is whether he had any connection with Mularkey's sudden resignation.


    It isn't known if he's armed and dangerous but if you see him, proceed with caution.





    AP Newswire- Buffalo Bills Top Candidate From New Jersey


    According to The Star Ledger, a diehard Bills fan Kraze has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Mike Mularkey as the head coach of Buffalo.


    The 22-year-old Kraze has been living and dying with this team since he was an infant. If true, he could become the youngest NFL coach in the league's history.


    At the time this story was reported, he couldn't be reached. It's unknown whether he jumped off the Outerbridge Crossing after Peyton Manning's latest Drew Bledsoe impersonation.



    More later.

  6. Colts over Steelers- too much speed on that turf

    Seahawks over Skins- this will be a blowout

    Bears over Panthers- this should be close but I like that Bear D to make enough plays

    Patriots over Broncos- another close battle but look for Belichick to make adjustments from first game, plus NE is a lot healthier this time

  7. You gotta be kidding me, that crowd was sitting on its hands all day. About the only time I heard them making any noise was when they were booing the Giants.......during a playoff game.........early in the 2nd quarter........when the score was a whopping 7-0.

    No offense, but that was just plain sad.




    You're kidding right? Those fans tried to get into the game as much as they could. The bottom line was that lifeless team gave them zip to cheer about.


    3rd down and 10 with crowd into it: Draw play to f------in Nick Goings. First down.



    If you saw your team choking on almost every play, what would you get excited about?

  8. They're stupid for letting Herm go, stupid.




    A lot of Jets fans would disagree with you. While Herm was a good motivator, he wasn't the best game day coach. Two words: CLOCK MANAGEMENT



    As for what the Jets should do, they won't be able to get Vince Young at four and Bush will be gone as will probably Leinart. That will probably be the top three picks.


    I'd pick Lendale White at four. He'll be better than Bush and a perfect replacement for Martin.

  9. One thing on Moulds. A great receiver adjusts to his QB. If he's so good, he doesn't sulk because an inexperienced guy is behind center. He must understand that it is not going to happen right away for Losman. Sometimes, they won't all be on the same page. If he can't, then the Bills are better off w/o him.

  10. As the old adage goes, the great ones make it look easy. 


    NFL QBs aren't asked to do too many things, really.  All they have to do is hand the ball off and sometimes find one out of five open guys in the field.  Piece of cake.


    Where we start running into circular arguments is divining the cause of effective offenses.  As a subscriber to the run and stop the run, philosophy, I agree that you cannot build an effective offense without the running game.


    But for the defensive part of the fable, your job of stopping the run is that much easier when you don't have to worry about the opponents' passing game.  This is where the knock on Ben comes in - he's only asked to throw 20 times per game.  The key, IMHOP, is that he is more productive in those 20 throws than a QB who's asked to air it out 30 times.  This means that the efficient offense can keep the D off-balance because stacking the run will get them burnt.


    Again, I'll go back to the Steelers games when Ben was injured, and opponents didn't care for Maddox & Batch.  The theory that Pitt's running game is so dominant, that you could insert any QB and still win, was easily refuted in midseason.  For all the cries about Trent Dilfer leading a SB victory, how successful have the Ravens been without him, even though they were among the best rushing teams in the NFL since his departure?


    The Steelers resurgence has coincided exactly with Ben's play.  Bellichick would be half the genius without Brady.





    Can't disagree with anything you said. In order to be successful, I think we can agree that having a good offensive line is where it all begins. Whether you run it or air it out, there has to be time to make plays.



    Imagine if Bledsoe did not get hurt before Brady took over in New England.

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