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Posts posted by NYGPopgun10

  1. I dont think that USC realized what a QB spy was ... or they used one and he was very in-effective.


    Young will not be able to Roam as easily in the NFL ... but still a great talent none the less.




    I echo your first statement. USC's D was a disgrace the other night when it came to defending Young. How many times can you get beat by the same play. Everyone knew what was going to happen on that fourth down except the USC D. Whoever the coordinator was did a lousy job adjusting.


    That said, Young played like a beast. That's one of the greatest indvidual performances ever. And I like Young. He's hard to tackle and strong and super fast. And he has a deceptive throwing motion. There's definitely a future for this guy.

  2. Figured this might cheer some up in these parts.






    Green Bay: If Brett Favre stays, hire John Madden. That way these too can consummate their long-lasting love affair with a professional relationship. It'll be like "Brokeback Mountain," except Jake Gyllenhaal will look like Frank Caliendo.


    If Favre goes, I'd hire Earl Campbell, who'd automatically become the healthiest running back in the Packers' organization. :D

  3. This game between San Fransisco and Houston was horrible.  Neither team looked like they wanted to win this one.  Embarrassing.


    Way to go, Houston.  You've "earned" the right to draft Reggie Bush, thereby neglecting your offensive line yet again.  I sure hope David Carr is trying to get out of town, if he wants to keep from ending up brain dead, that is.




    Amen R Rich! It's obvious Houston tanked to win the Bush sweepstake$. Man, part of me hopes Bush either flops or that (hoping) he turns down the Texans.


    They don't DESERVE to get a player of Bush's calibre. Their kicker Brown intentionally missed easy kicks in games. And they choked against the Rams too in one of the most embarrassing games ever.


    F the Texans! ;)

  4. Why even talk about Bush? They have no chance of getting him. And there's still no guarantee he's coming out. Yeah, I know. LOL


    Buffalo needs two things from what I see:


    1.Offensive lineman- they don't pass protect enough. This has been an issue for a while. Eric Winston might be a good fit. I mean hell. All they do is take Hurricanes.


    2.Big pass rusher- similarly, they don't have one big guy who can consistently get pressure on the QB and draw doubles.


    Fix those two areas and they'll be improved dramatically.

  5. They didn't prepare for him and they thought they had the game in the bag.  Those right there were the reasons for the loss.




    I hate that. If you're a big time defense which the Bills are not, then protecting a 23-3 lead should be money in the bank.


    Bottom line: Until the Bills have a legit pass rusher who can create havoc and draw double teams, this will continue to be an issue.

  6. Give Roscoe a chance. He didn't start the season healthy and is working his way back in a complex situation. He's not going to set the world on fire. But he can be a decent third receiver who gives you that slot option. He's got great speed and moves.

  7. Oh no question dude...but again, who is HIRING these coaches?


    TD's hands are ALL over this team now, and man he needs to sanitize his hands, because this Bills team looks so infected right now.




    I can't debate that. It's like I said though. You have a very young offense and no real pass rusher. It will take time.

  8. He has a big responsibility for getting a team together based on his philosophies, isnt he?


    Those records are embarassing, even for a team who is bad.


    And people called this team dangerous at one time?




    Not saying he doesn't take some heat. But what about the coaching staff and the players? Ultimately, they're the ones that have to get it done away from Rich Stadium.

  9. What were you expecting this year? Realistically, 8 wins was probably the best the Bills would do.


    Despite their schedule, it's still possible.


    One thing the Bills need to do a better job of is winning away from Rich Stadium. They have a pretty good home field advantage. If they can play better on the road, then you're in business. Yes, I know they played well at New England but were robbed. But they still should have won that.


    I agree that your line isn't that good. But you are kind of in transition on offense. Losman back at QB with Holcomb out learning on the job. McGahee in 2nd season. Evans as well. Roscoe Parrish in rookie year. Kevin Everett also might comeback for his first action.


    There's still Moulds as the vet. But really, it's a younger offense that needs time to mesh.



    Your D can be good. But it lacks that sufficient pass rusher who can create havoc and draw double teams.

  10. Oh stfu already Rev! He'll probably try to make it a racist issue too.


    Man and who the hell cares what Ralph Nader thinks anyway?


    I am so sick of TO! ESPN's posterboy can go retire and leave the country. That station is the root of many of the problems. How come we never see a player like LaDainian Tomlinson covered like that? Oh wait. He's too good for that joke of a station!

  11. aren't you about 8 or 9 pages late to this discussion?  it has all been said.  bledsoe is bledsoe.  hence the thread title.




    Sure, Drew is Drew. You call him a statue for a reason. But when his team led 13-0 with 3:46 left, it should have been in the bag.

  12. I'm no fan of Bledsoe but it's his fault Roy Williams got dusted by Santana Moss twice?


    Granted, Drew's last couple of series were bad. I attribute part of that to the moronic playcalling of Sean Payton. The Giants had him here and he stunk.


    I saw a couple of bad calls. Like that short pass Drew tried on third down up 13-7. Well, let's see. Who called it? Payton. You got to at least get to the marker to get a first down. Typical bs call.



    At least Drew found chemistry with Terry Glenn :D.

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