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Posts posted by BillsWatch

  1. No need to drive up to Canada for beer, same exact beer can be found at Tops or Wegmans. The free trade agreement changed things. Plus its cheaper here besides.



    I get Molson XXX. Molson XXX has more alcohol (and taste) than regular beer and it is not sold in US. Different rules in amount of alcohol in beer.


    I am not a big drinker anymore and I do not like to get up during game to use bathrooms so this way I get my alcohol in less beers.


    I also need to get to airport early morning and fly to a new job so I can not be as unrestricted as I am other years.

  2. Poor Harriet. *LOL*!


    Hey! I got a better idea! Lets get that dunk tank set up and then Harriet gets first bids on dumping all of you!  :D




    I like that idea, Anmarie.





    I volunteered to be dunked in dunk tank! It was MY idea!

    I raised $500 in college being the dunkee in the tank; people just LOVED to dunk me - they said it was something about the way I put insults ...


    But Hammer has said it is impractical.

    Things are different in real world where you need to pay for insurance and other things. If I was local I'd rent a truck and set up the tank on the truck back but I am not and I doubt I'll be local until I am old and gray!

  3. http://www.abcwny.com/getproduct.cfm?productid=398


    Can someone local check on details? I shall be flying in/out and doubt I'd have ability to get it to Hammer's and back.


    Maybe we could get WGR to give some publicity since it would be near by - maybe even pay for it!


    As I have said I would be willing to be in tank if we were raising money for a good cause. Does anyone have any rubber masks? When I did it last we wore rubber masks to help get crowd into it but we could also use a Jacksonville jersey if someone has one.

  4. Make him second. The Iceman has to be first, initiation time. :wacko:


    Nope. My idea, I get to go first. ICE gets to be first in paddling since redass is his idea.


    Anybody have an idea of how to rent one?

    I will be not flying out until after game so we could raise some additional funds for Andrew' and To Be Determined's college funds after the game as well.



    Well since no one put together the dunk tank, why don't we use the porta potty?


    Ok..... Ice is first


    Nope. Stevestojan is first - for the porta potty is full of stevestojan

  5. Ritcher On Wall: The Bills have announced that Jim Ritcher will be the 2004 inductee on to the Wall of Fame at Ralph Wilson Stadium. The former college outland trophy winner for best collegiate offensive lineman played left guard for the Bills from 1980 - 1993 and played in more than 200 games. He was with four Super Bowl teams and was a major cog in the K-Gun attack of the late 80's and early 90's. The game that he will go up on the wall has yet to be determined.


    From Bills Daily. You can use google to search sites.



    First entry listed.


    Steve Tasker WILL get on the wall. They are just give credit to some of the old guard first.

  6. I just decided I am driving and I booked my flight so I am leaving on Monday morning for new job, not driving on Sunday. Since I am flying though I may need to depend on family members for rides and hence have a lot less control over transportation.. Flight + airport parking gets pretty expensive.


    I will probably catch a ride with my brother and he may not have the same desire to start tailgating that early in morning. If he camps in trailer lot then I can just stroll over when I wake up otherwise I have no idea what time I am getting there.


    At least this way though the tailgate after the game is not so restricted.

  7. Glenn always wanted to get one. I don't think he realizes is the person that wants/pays for one, is the first dunkee.



    Nope I realize it and volunteered to be the dunkee to raise money for a charity but no one has come up with a dunk tank. I have done this before and once raised over $500 for a charity. 6 straight hours!


    Countdown clock is still active.


  8. Ask G.Host....he's pretty smart about that stuff.



    Thanks for the compliment but I am pretty dumb about it.

    Prices are really determined by following things

    - what features you need

    - how much bandwidth you need

    - how much software do you want ISP or other provider to provide

    - So you care abour ads?


    You can display pictures on free sites like Tripod


    (a backup of my regular site)

    And they even provide software and web interface


    Otherwise for low activity sites you can pay pretty little, $5-$10 per month for abre bone sites. Fancier sites will cost you more but they come with more features.

  9. I do not know my plans yet (I start a new job Monday after opener) but if I drive up for game I'll stop over in Canada and get a couple of cases of Canadian beer.


    Parking appears to very tight and I am not planning on parking in Hammer's Lot due to space restrictions so it appears I will need to drop off stuff and then go park. The parking situation makes it difficult to bring food like I did when I brought tenderloin tips for kabobs - getting in and out of lot is possible before game is easy but afterwards it means walking to Hammer's and lugging stuff to car before leaving and not something you want to do when you have a time crunch.

  10. Instead of "Power Towels", everyone gets a collecter's cup.


    And right on the cup is says, and I quote, "PLEASE NOTE  This cup is NOT permitted inside Ralph Wilson Stadium".


    :lol:  :devil:  :)  :)  :huh:



    Pretty hard for those who are not parking at the tailgate to take them home, hmmmm?


    The Bills just do not seem to understand how to do outreach programs to fans!

  11. "Really early" might be Saturday night with campers. :lol:


    Evidently there have been a lot of people making reservations; I think it has to do with the Bills not opening lot until 9 PM and WGR wanting space again.


    Hopefully Hammer will post a response soon but if the wall is down no one may see it.

    Hammer said he will post an official parking reservation thread in TBD East Forum.

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