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Everything posted by buzzbait1965

  1. Miami picks Ronnie Brown, RB Auburn
  2. Paul Smith's College '85 for Surveying For you guy's talking about culinary schools, they have a terrific program.
  3. They recently had one at one of the local clubs in Salamanca and also one in Bradford PA(not sure where). There seem to be alot of them sprining up around the area at local VFW, Legions, etc.
  4. They are coming to Bradford,PA in March. They built a theme bike for Case Cutlery. I think I'll go seeing I'm 20 minutes away.
  5. At least you guys were smart enough to ban Mikens, we still allow anything. I'm shocked they even continue to make the Miken bats, almost every other league on earth has banned them. They did change some things with last years model to get them under the ratings though they still hammer the ball.
  6. Tom your nuts. They couldn't pay me to pitch. I play second and that's to close anymore. I've seen guys go to catch a line drive that's head high and by the time their gloves get up the ball is past them. Pitch and duck real fast or back up towards second.
  7. gmac, it is nuts in a slow pitch league anymore. I hadn't played in probably 10 yrs and got back into it the last couple. The typical score between top teams is like 45-40. I have never hit a home run in my life nor have I ever really tried, but these scrawny little guys are pounding them over the fence like crazy. So I take one of the composite bats and give it a try. First at bat I hit the ball and know immediately that this is gone. It cleared a 275' fence by probably 50 feet. And there are guys who are 6'4" 260 swing these things . Somebody is going to get seriously hurt or killed(if they haven't already). The ball just explodes off these bats. It turns it into a home run derby with no fielding at all. On the rare occasion that some hits a grounder you better get the hell out of the way. No reaction time what so ever. Our league has no banned bats and friggin soft balls that are anything but limited flight.
  8. I'd take him to the store and swing a few like FTW said. It really comes down to a feel thing for your son. Some leagues due limit the minus number or weights. It's pretty tough to get a bat that will last for more than a couple years due to the growth of the kids. As far as make, pick one that you can afford. Remember your kid is going to out grow it and it's only little league ball. Hell he may even take it out and ping a few rocks with it when your not around. I've seen 8-9 yr.olds with a bat bag filled with 2 or 3 bats that may cost $75-$100 each. That is just plain stupid. I think the parents buy them to impress the other parents, especially when your talking about traveling tournament teams. If they can afford a more expensive bat fine, but a kid doesn't need more than one. If a kid is a good ball player the bat isn't going to make a difference and vice versa if he's not.
  9. If he is pretty tall go with around a 30" bat weighing around 24oz. Look for a minus number on the bats. This number is equal to the length minus the weight. The above example would have a minus 6 drop. If he is shorter decrease length and weight. It's crazy trying to figure out all the combinations of length/weight ratios, and don't even get me started on what you can spend on a bat for Little League. Weight is the most important for kids as their bat speed is more important than plate coverage from a longer bat. If they cant swing it fast enough to get through the strike zone then it wont matter if they can reach the outside of the zone anyway.
  10. [People take this stevestojan way too seriously. Believe it or not I do NOT push my kids to be athletes. That is/ was MY path. (side note I even made all state BAND for Gods sake!) I let them choose. 109609[/snapback] I agree ICE. The only time I tell him that he has to play, is after he starts playing. The one thing I hate is quiting after you have signed on. If he doesn't want to play that's fine, but I don't want him to take the easy way out everytime something gets difficult.
  11. Dont recall the kill whitey, but in Private Parts, Howard Stern was impersonating a black women who was reciting a poem with a line: kill the white man, kill him till he's dead.
  12. Youth sports can be anything but fun. I coached (asst.) my sons football team. They were 10-0 for the season with two TD scored against them all year. The next to last playoff game we have somebody in the stands yelling at the HC because of play calling. Come to find out it wasn't even a parent of one of the kids on the team. This is the same HC who buys pizza for 34 kids once a week for 12 weeks out of his own pocket and is going to buy them each jackets for winning the Superbowl( also out of his own pocket). Some people have no idea of the time and effort coaches put in to help these kids become not just better ball players but hopefully better people. These are the same people who get pissed when you can't find enough people to volunteer to coach or help out with youth sporting organization. Ask them if they would like to help out and they are to busy. Like we all have so much free time that it's not a problem to coach from Aug 1 thru Oct. 31.
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