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olivier in france

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Posts posted by olivier in france

  1. You should read this book:




    The book mentions that in France, for example, people are shocked to hear that people bring donuts into a morning business meeting. Oliver, care to comment?


    well at our office we have an unwritten rule that says you bring croissants for everybody (about for 20 people) the day of your birthday... so well while it is sure the french are eating healthier food than the american, we love some junk food too OIAW... and the number of overweight people while not at the levels of our neighbors, is growing at a very high pace.

  2. Exactly. Permit "marriage" to be granted only by religious institutions. Permit governmental authorities to grant "legal partnership" status. Problem solved.


    it's not that easy... In France if you want to be legally married you have to go to your townhouse (and some non religious people even just only go there without any church marriage). The french government has created a "legal partnership" mainly for homosexuals that gives the partners about the same rights than a legal marriage but is not called a "marriage" . Only problem is the homosexuals do not understand why it can't be called a "marriage"... in fact it's not them who are fighting for a word but the government... bigots are everywhere and not only in religions and churches...

  3. What a surprising retort. This plays out the same way every single time. Your next post will be something about bestiality or pedophilia because that's all you pea-brained sycophants can bring to the table when you're confronted with the reality that FREEDOM isn't FREEDOM unless it's for the minority as well.


    Now get back to sloganeering about how you love America and how other people are ruining it, you hypocritical douchebag.


    you know Darin, i 've truly hated you in some past threads, but i could marry you when you are like that!! :sick:

  4. i agree with most of you thoughts... still can't believe i went to bed at 5 15AM for... that!


    but i think you can simplify:


    * If anybody ever tell you that football games are not won by the O and D lines show him a tape of that game.

    as long as your D line gives up 5 yards for each run and your o line can not give 2 "é'{'é'é#~"'ing seconds to your QB you have NO chance to win a football game.

  5. Rodriguez will be around at least 1 more year. If he doesn't win 8 games next year,things could get interesting.


    frankly do you still trust him? do you feel it's gonna work? i'm no MU fan but it makes me sad to see you in that sorry state and Rodriguez looks like he has no clue what he's doing there...

  6. I know we got some ND fans here. Who do you guys think will be your new coach? Stoops,Harbaugh,Kelly or somebody else? I think Harbaugh stays at Stanford and Kelly has too much baggage. I say it's Stoops. What do you guys think?



    funny the question comes from a UM fan!! so you're really gonna keep Rodriguez?!!

    How low do you need to fall because firing him?

  7. Maybe some of your friends, we're good here in Buffalo. Game will be on Channel 7...GO BILLS!!!


    And I believe there is something in the contract that guarantees sell outs, so it there is no threat of a blackout...



    ah ok!! sorry!! reading the thread (but missing some page 1 posts!!) i thought the game would not be viewable in the Buffalo area! so in fact the main issue is for the Rochester/Cuse areas, isn't it?

  8. I will have the week between Christmas and New Year off. I'm trying to find a place to take my six year old for a fun trip. I'd prefer to keep it within an 8 hour drive from Chesapeake, VA. Suggestions?



    DC and its museums looks like a nice destination to go with a kid... tons to see, learn and watch ...


    Willamsburg/Jamestown is nice but don't forget Yorktown just next door!

  9. Great timing for this whine. Amazingly, the Ravens won the game in OT last night after....get this....LOSING the coin toss!!!! :rolleyes:



    so what??!!

    it's not because a system works fairly about 40% of the time that it is fair!!


    The OT rule in the NFL is the most stupid rule in all pro sports ... even in european soccer they have not been able to do something as stupid!

  10. A fair OT system? What, was the other team only allowed ten men on defense or something?


    The NFL OT system is a joke. That you can win or lose a game because of a 30 yards drive gained on a tired defense is a joke, that you can win or lose a game basically because of a coin toss is a joke.

  11. I love offensive games vice defensive ones- that's why I hate watching Auburn-LSU or Georgia-Tennessee or other SEC games that usually end 13-10 or 16-13 or something like that. Denver-NY was just a mess on offense, and I got bored. :thumbsup:


    I do exacttly the contrary... I can't stand those "no defense" college games form the Big 12 or the pac 10 but never miss a SEC game if there's one on...

  12. Well...I can't believe the Giants are going to lose for the fifth time in the last six weeks. Totally did not see that coming. In fact after they came out 5-0, I was saying that Eli Manning had arrived and might be one of the great quarterbacks in the NFL.


    He looks horrible again tonight.



    and with a fair overtime system they'd have lost 6 in a row....

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