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olivier in france

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Posts posted by olivier in france

  1. After reading this whole thread (and its 90% of messages from people who have no idea what they talk about) may i add something from a country that has basically been the first to vastly invest in high speed trains?


    High speed trains has just changed the way people travel in France and now in most of western Europe as Germany, Spain and other europeans countries have done the same than France those last decades. For travels from 200 miles to 800 miles high speed trains are the best solution for mass transit. Plane can not beat train on those trips that take under 3 hours with the train, about the time you have to spend in airports just to take a plane not counting the actual flight in those days of high security checks. And trains bring you directly in the center of cities while airports are usually at least 15 miles form the metro area center. It obviously looks like the best solution in US areas like the NE corridor from Boston to DC, the Texas Y Houston-Dallas-San Antonio, the SD-LA-SJ-SF line...


    Cost? of course it costs! it is an investment, an investment you know that thing our governments both side of the Pond have totally forgotten what it is. Our states love to put their money in bottomless baskets like stupid programs to help lost causes survive a few more years... Reading some of you i just wonder what the USA 'd look like if you were in charge... No water and power in houses? no paved roads, highways and airports? Infrastructures is what make the difference between a developped country and bull **** countries.

  2. Don't know about you, but I'm rather proud of that ranking.


    me too!


    by the way those rankings are just stupid. Take the Floridan teams for exemple.. how is the weather better there for football? In september or october the conditions are way better in the north while in november and december they are better there... so in fact they should be ranked at the same level than the northern teams!

    San Francisco or Seattle should be ranked high too... in fact all people who have actually play football will tell you they prefer by far to play under snow than under rain!

  3. But this is notable for being the first time in recorded history that we're pretending to give a **** about Africans.


    the only surprise is that the us governement officialy communicate on this... Africa has become the "hot place" in terms of global strategy. China is pushing strongly there, it's logical the US does the same.In that case the independance of south soudan is an american victory vs the chinese who strongly support Kartoum. The LRA was helped by Soudan and has now lost its logistic and supply road with the independance of south soudan. i suspect the US want to avoid the LRA to make some trouble in the new state of S Soudan as the LRA probably will move north to keep the contact with their supports from Kartoum

  4. Because you might get run over by rioters...


    Rioters? where?


    Everyday on TV you have leaders from the left telling us that "enough is enough" and that the "people is angry and asking for radical changes" and i have never seen a fall season (the usual french season for social mess) with so few demonstrations and strikes!!

  5. Olivier - I'm kinda quiet on here too nowadays. A product of many of the same things you've gone through.


    Excpet I have moved to Canada - less than 2 hours from Buffalo. Pretty much just so I can go to more Bills games. It's awesome.


    Good to hear from you again my Gallic friend.


    So you've missed the great season of the Blitz?!!


    Un petit coucou de Cannes :nana:

    Est tu déjà allé voir un match à Buffalo ?


    ca va Repulsif? quoi de neuf à l'Iron Mask?


    J'ai eu la chance de voir plusieurs matchs des Bills à Buffalo dont le fameux Houston Game de 93. Tu dois pouvoir retrouver mon article là dessus dans les archives d'elitefoot.com


    Welcome back, Olivier. Congrats on your success...but the Red Sox still suck. :devil:


    Actually i have really enjoyed the Red Sox season and that last night of the regular season was the most incredible thing i had ever witness in sports! At the end it's still funnier to be a Red Sox fan than to be a fan of one of the vast majority of the other MLB teams.

  6. Fantastic!! I'm an old surfer, and met some great people there during a trip in 1979. I was there again in 1989. You are lucky mon ami. Of course, I am sure it has grown and changed since then. Does everyone still wear "espadrilles"?

    If I am lucky enough to make it back, I will surely visit you again.




    Could be great to see you again!! the waves are roaring this days (the annual world surf competition ended yesterday) ... but i don't surf at all! Keep me informed if you plan a surf trip around here!! "espadrilles" are a little back in fashion! lol i wear some most of the summer, it's perfect for the good days.


    I live in Conception Bay South Newfoundland. They offer French immersion in the schools here and my daughter wanted to try it. She loves it. My grandson Aidan is also five years old and in French immersion kindergarten. Very glad we are offered this opportunity for them to be bi-lingual.


    Newfoundland... must be a great place to visit... i love northern lands... you must have a lot of basque neighbors! they were the first to settle there!

    My 5 years old son is in a bi-lingual class too... French and Basque! But he'll learn english fast watching his father watching games on american TV!

  7. how far you from strasbourg?


    just the opposite!! Strasbourg is the Boston of France, i live in the San Diego! Strasbourg is about 700 miles from here


    Hey Olivier. Welcome back and congratulations on the new baby. My five year old daughter started school this year and we have her in French immersion. Last night I read her a bed time story in French. Luckily it was a very simple story and I could identify most of the words by the pictures in the book.


    french immersion? where do you live? on the quebec border?!!


    Where do you live now? I spent a week in and around Hendaye-Biarritz years ago. I also spent an evening in San Sebastian as I made my way up the coast from Portugal. Beautiful area.


    I work in St jean de luz and live about 5 miles inland. My wife works in Hendaye.

  8. lol !! Nice to read all of you! Thanks for the kind words. My baby girl was born at the end of november... almost walking now so Whites Bay, last season i confess i have used her a lot for an excuse to pass nights watching games! This year it's back to normal! Of course you're always welcome around here for a beer or two but i don't see much TBD guys since i've moved out of Paris to the Basque Country.

  9. I had not visted TBD in about a year. that what happens when you have a baby at home , a new job with responsabilities and pass most of your free time writing a football blog that is now the most readen in the little world of french football (about 1000 connections per day) elitefoot.blogspot.com . I just wanted to say hello to all my old friends here. Hoping you're enjoying the Bills season as much as i do!!

  10. Reminds me of one of my favorite MASH scenes when they're calling Radar after he went stateside. And Father Mulcahy asks "What time is it in Iowa?" and Charles responds "1882."



    by the way we are only 6 hours ahead of the ET

  11. Which is the real agenda here. Communists cannot win elections, even in places like France. The only way Communists can come to power is by creating violence and civil unrest, and then positioning themselves as the "savior".


    The real agenda? Unions are trying to block all reforms with behind them a base of millions of baby boomers state workers, the golden generation who had never to deal with unemployement, enjoyed low real estate prices in the 70ies and 80ies, is retiring at 60 and will make their sons and grand sons pay for the bill...

    Socialists are behind them hoping the "anger" will help them win the next elections in the spring of 2012... but they play with fire... if that reform can not pass because of the current unrest , they will have to make a new and probably tougher one once in charge!!

    On the political side the far left can use this stuff to gain ground for the first round of the '12 presidential elections. If their probably 2 candidates can reach the 12-15% plateau they can be in position to ask the socialists for a couple of low profile seats in the government.

  12. Shouldnt you be out rioting or something? Maybe burning a few Renults, or VW's?? :nana:


    For what? That pension reform is very moderate and not going far enough. It still makes all the commies go in the streets as usual... i live in the countryside, Spain (and cheap available oil) is 5 miles away , a reason why i moved here is that i do not have to deal with that kind of stuff anymore. It's life as usual here.

  13. Holy Crap these people are beating the snot out of each other because they won't get government pensions until they're 62? 62?????? These people are realllllllly lazy and afraid of life.


    I mean I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone and even I realize that at 62 people are far beyond the age where they can contribute to society. I get it. But still.


    I think France should make them at least show up for work so they don't wander around the streets bothering other people all day and feeding squirrels and then the squirrels just repopulate and cause more problems. They should be forced into continuing to work at nothing all day in goverment offices and thus restricting their bothersome antics to other useless government employees. This would keep the squirrel and pigeon population down even if it wouldn't help the anemic GDP of France. It is addition by subtraction for the "productive" segment of the Frenchie population.



    :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t::worthy:


    they still haven't learned the native English



    Did not know the pre- Jacques Cartier Iroquois and Hurons were speaking english!!!


    Just remember Canada was French before it was English. Those canadian englishmen, most of them loyalists fleeing from the newly independant USA, are the one who have never wanted to learn the language spoken in their new land...

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