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olivier in france

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Posts posted by olivier in france

  1. Finished watching a few documentaries on Netflix, notably A Crude Awakening which made a compelling case for peak oil. While its common knowledge that oil is a limited resource, the time frame laid out by those subscribing to peak oil and implications if that theory is correct, are alarming. Theory:


    -We will see oil production peak in the next 10 years, and subsequently decline until the resource is exhausted, which could happen in as few as 100 years but may last for 200 years if demand and consumption decline.


    -There is no resource capable of meeting our energy demands once oil production really declines. Wind, nuclear, solar and hydro can't even begin to fill the void. Coal and natural gas, which are also limited in nature, will be used to bridge the gap delaying the inevitable.


    Unless new technologies can unlock untapped energy reserves, the implications range FROM - the extreme of a sudden energy crash and ensuing chaos, war, disease, famine, starvation, zombies, oprah, your typical post apocalyptic scenario, which brings the population back to pre-industrial revolution levels - TO - our lifestyles are totally unsustainable which leads to greater urbanization, end to cars and personal transit, end to airlines, but a relatively peaceful and smooth transition.


    How credible is peak oil theory? The most comforting rebuttal I've found is another "oil expert" who essentially said how can we be sure there isn't another great oil find out there. Since Hopefully our expert experts here in PPP, can weigh in on how long our oil supply will last, the credibility of peak oil theory, opposing viewpoints, what substitutes are available, the viability of Hydrogen and other technologies in development, etc.


    My opinion; I'm going to hold off on stockpiling guns, canned food and seeds but proceed with the whiskey stockpile just to hedge my bets. I think we have yet to realize the full capacity of the middle east and peak oil theory understates our remaining time. I'm not very optimistic about our alternatives to oil, though, but I'm not even a 10th rate DC Tom, according to the latest polls, so what do I know?


    what drives me crazy in all those theories is that everybody is throwing nuclear energy away... a strong and almost unlimited energy if we find technologies to make it safer and cleaner (which IMO do not seem so un-doable)... when i hear Japan or Germany stopping all nuclear projects and planning a complete stop of their nuclear activities i wonder what they are really thinking about!!

  2. Reading the two topics from all of you about the Greece referendum and the "Charlie Hebdo" fire, makes me think i should come here more often. As just Bills fans interested in politics you're having much more interesting debates on topics you are not supposed to really know than 99% of the "specialists" and journalists we have in the european media... Keep going guys!!

  3. well the last time i've checked the Vikings were not playing on a Wal Mart parking... Building stadiums is something building stadiums that are "obsolete" 20 years later is something else... especially when those "obsolete" stadiums (it's not the case in the Vikings case i agree) are places that have a real soul and are filled with history... (i'm not a Yankee fan but frankly what's the goal of destroying the old yankees stadium to build an new aseptised replica?). I hate most "new stadiums" either in the US or in Europe.



    I don't need to give my credentials to you. You aren't cutting me a check. You want my services? $130 an hour to start, 30 hour minimum.



    sheeeezzz you're expensive Darin!! Do you invoice TBD the 390 dollars/day it should pay you for the PPP board animation?!! :devil::lol:

  5. It's sad to me that our country has suddenly become a place where the more successful you are, the more you should be hated, vilified, scorned and held up as a symbol of all this is wrong the the US.


    When the hell did personal achievement and success become bad?


    the most frightening part is that the situation is even worse outside the USA. I'll not be surprised the day a mob actually lynch a guy because he's rich here in France.


    It's sad to me that our country has suddenly become a place where the more successful you are, the more you should be hated, vilified, scorned and held up as a symbol of all this is wrong the the US.


    When the hell did personal achievement and success become bad?

  6. Here's a suggestion, if you're going to wade into an argument about financial statements, please be learned about them. Generating revenue is not the same as generating money.


    PS - do you want to cherry pick any other operations to exclude to prove your point that TGV is profitable? Maybe pick the one train that operates at peak time that has maximum ridership where people buy more stuff on board. So if we exclude 99% of the stuff that loses money, TGV is immensely profitable.


    OK generating revenue if you want to play the technical financial god!!


    A TGV is a TGV ... at the end it's a small part of the SNCF business the only real TGV lines are the Paris-Lyon, Paris Marseille, Paris Montpellier, Paris Tours, Paris Bordeaux, Paris Lille, Paris Nantes and Paris Strasbourg lines while the division of the SNCF (just one out of 4 or 5 divisions, and the only one winning money most of the years) that includes those TGV lines has dozens of classic long distance lines (about all province to province connections) and the international lines (we all know the Chunnel will never be profitable)... so it's true about 80% of the SNCF business loses money. It's a little like Europe ... Europe loses tons of money. Germany wins some. Germany tries to save the whole Europe... and probably will fail to do it.

  7. that division does not generate nearly enough revenue to subsidize the local operations. .


    i wrote about that in post number 70 of that thread... "it does not cover all the losses of the rest of the train network but without them it'd be catastrophic"


    the TGV lines generate money but not enough to make the whole SNCF profitable ....


    Thanks for finally agreeing with me about something!


    BTW the "voyages" division of the SNCF includes more than the TGV, you'll find there the "national lines" like "corail" trains (i think they are called Lunea and Theoz trains now) , classical long distance trains that are losing tons and tons of money.

  8. You're ignoring the corporate overhead and other shared costs of the entire railroad operation to get to the profitability of TGV. Said another way, if TGV was a totally new railroad company that didn't get to use any of SNCF's assets, it would not be profitable because the fixed cost infrastructure of a railroad is staggering. The only reason TGV is "profitable" is due to accounting treatments, not because it would make money on its own.


    ok GG i don't know what to say... other than: THE TGV OPERATION IS PROFITABLE ALL COSTS INVOLVED COUNTED FROM INFRASTRUCTURES TO TRACKS TO TRAINS TO EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Do you have an issue with english? do i have to write it in french? The rest of the SNCF business is basically living on TGV money for 20 years. If i use your parents and child metaphor, the parents are in a retirement house and the child is paying the bill! as we say nobody is more deaf than the want who does not want to hear!!

  9. The track is different once you leave the station, but you need the railway's rights of way to lay that second set of tracks and you pull the trains into the same train station as the commuter lines. You can't just cherry pick TGV's long distance route and say it's profitable by ignoring other unprofitable parts of running a railroad.


    what exactly do i ignore when i say TGV lines are profitable including the tracks? Since TGV has been launched they have built maybe 5 or 6 special TGV stations while using other stations that are sometimes built for 2 centuries ... And building those stations are really nothing compared to the cost of the tracks...


    They should have a promotion where they do the Tour de France on the high speed rail with the trains running. It would be a ratings bonanza, promote the rail line and teach the spandex mafia a lesson they will not soon forget.


    with the Tour de France in July in the middle of the vacations of millions of frenchmen, they don't really need to make promotions to fill TGVs at that time of the year!


    I believe that GAAP in France, as long as you footnote it with "It's America's fault."

    Not only GAAPs! It's the first sentence they learn in all french schools of journalism and politics!

  10. Of course TGV is profitable. If you ignore all the unprofitable items from its operations. :wallbash:


    You can't cherry pick TGV and say that it's profitable because if you shut down the "unprofitable" local operations, TGV would need to build up that infrastructure on its own, and guess what will happen? It will also become unprofitable, because rail travel cannot compete against autos, buses & planes. Only cargo rail can compete because it can move huge mass at a competitive price to trucking and air freight is too expensive.


    i don't ignore them! the local operations are on different tracks using different trains they are just run by the same company that's all!

  11. Of course it is



    Never mind that the P&L of the individual operating units is distorted by how SNCF accounts for shared operations & infrastructure. Said another way, the TGV is profitable if you exclude the tracks & train stations from its expenses.


    Not really the TGV is profitable including its tracks... But the SNCF is a public owned giant mess that has no clue how to manage the 90% of its trains that are not TGVs.

    the SNCF is using about 18 000 miles of tracks with only 1 200 miles of those tracks used by TGV

  12. You sure about that?

    oh yes!!! thanks god we have the TGVs ... it does not cover all the losses of the rest of the train network but without them it'd be catastrophic!


    I take it you have not spent a lot of time in LA.


    No and i don't plan to do! the only place in the entire USA i don't want to go ... ever!!


    How profitable is the Paris to Marseille line?


    Because that's one of the longer high-speed rail lines in France (about 400 miles), and roughly equal to the shortest practical line in the US (Boston to DC).


    Never mind the fundamental economic differences between the countries...but if you're comparing the economics of an entire country's rail net to the hypothetical unconnected fragments of high-speed corridors in a geographically much larger country, you're probably getting the economics completely mixed up.

    The paris to marseille line is profitable. Not the more profitable but very profitable. The giant money maker is the Paris-Lyon line (the first half of the paris marseille line), the first one built and one that fill dozens of trains everyday. I don't know if the new paris-strasbourg line makes any money. the Paris-Bordeaux and the other western lines (Le Mans, Tours, nantes... ) are good business. The London, Koln, Brussels lines are gettin better and better and are big gainers too. I have used a lot the Paris to Lyon and Paris to Valence lines when i lived in Paris and the trains are full most of the time.

  13. I don't know much about politics or all the financial stuff in here and I am NOT reading three pages of crap, but I am wondering if anyone pointed out if people that ride trains are either dorks or yuppies that spill coffee. Do you really want to spend 3 hours of your life with those people?

    well are they really worse than the people in planes?

  14. I love this "I can get from point A to point B on a short route so much quicker with a train." Bullcrap. I fly from SF to OC/LA several times a year. Most people that travel that distance don't have any bags to check. Boarding passes are printed online so no need to check in. And though people bash the TSA they've got it down pretty quickly with regard to check in. Also with these heavily traveled corridors there are flights leaving every five minutes or so. That way I can plan my business trip much easier. How often is a train going to leave or be available? So having said all that what is the reason/advantage of all this investment?


    I know Chef i'm a frequent flyer too... The thing with LA is that there is no real center so there's a good chance your final destination is not too far from the airport... and the SF airport is quite well situated. on the NE corridor i'm pretty sure lot of frequent travelers d' love to have a train bringing them from a train station right in the financial district to the center of DC or downtown Boston in less than 2 hours ... that's what it takes them today just to go to RFK!


    BTW Chef... air transportation is not going to get cheaper... no way "green energy" can ever make planes fly. In the long term electric high speed trains 'd have a big cost advantage for mid-range travel. and i'm not at all a "green" wacko. That's just logical forecasting.

  15. The "we are broke" argument is always in play when you're talking about things that have significant costs with minimal benefit. If California wanted to build High Speed Rail, then they should have at it. If they want Federal dollars for it, then no way.


    The United States isn't France or Germany. High Speed Rail isn't going to make a large positive difference in our infrastructure, made somewhat clearer by the fact that taxpayers subsidize 40% of every ticket on Amtrak and virtually no mass transit system in the country is self sufficient - the DC metro is about three quarters of a billion dollars underwater ANNUALLY.


    That money is better spent elsewhere.


    you know the money the SNCF (the french amtrak) makes with the high speed trains (lines that are making tons of money) help subsidize the local classic commuter lines ...

  16. Let's try to stay on point. I used 4 tracks as a measure because the math works and because France is planning on expansion in 2030. If a system was actually going to be built in California or NE/DC, it would take 5-7 years from this point to even break ground. Construction, if we're lucky, would take about 10 years to complete. What year is that? 2026 at the earliest. It only makes sense to learn the lessons of those who came before and are already having to expand.


    The protesters aren't really the issue, just another serious time (and therefore cost) hindrance. What is the issue is funding. California and the U.S. are both completely broke. We don't really have an issue moving people between Boston and DC or stops in between, nor do we have an issue moving people between SD and SF.


    "High Speed Rail" for the United States is just another "Look at Me" endeavor. The cost is prohibitive and the benefit is small. There are far bigger issues for us to spend billions of dollars on, including the decaying road system that we've ignored for decades because politicians are too busy ignoring Constitutional responsibilities in favor of giveaways to keep themselves in office.


    i can understand the "we have other priorities" argument but when you build infrastructures i don't think the "we are broke" argument is really in the balance. if you're really broke, cut expenses without any long term benefits and i'm sure like us in France you have tons of that kind of expenses in the federal budget! investment on infrastructures give work to a lot of people, help consumption and have long term benefits. if there's a place NOT to cut expenses it's there! Roads or railways, whatever.


    About the only one of those that has an even tiny chance of being built is NE. There's no way California would ever be able to get all the permitting required to even start. To say nothing of finding the funding/beating back all the protesters who'll get in the way.



    You can do stuff like this in Europe because the entire continent is so compressed. What's France's entire "high speed" system? Like 1200 miles? Or about enough to handle California if 4 tracks were built?


    why 4 tracks? there is currently about 1200 miles of high speed train lines (2 tracks) in France (the double is planned for 2030), 1400 miles in Spain, i don't know the figures for the rest of Europe. You just need about 550 miles to make the SF-San Diego line and 500 miles for Boston-DC the two places where i so no reason why it 'd not work. Don't worry each line built in Europe has to deal with dozens of trials, protests and issues. At the end they find a way!

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