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  1. you know, i hate this response, but why don't you tell him so??? Nate Clements is not in any way a pansy, and i'll be damned if he's not in the top five players I would run my ass off to get away from if confronted in a dark alley........if anything the man is too much of a competitor, which is why he went for the pick (bad play)rather than the knock down) correct play,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  2. Yes, I give you the same advice.....the defense had been successful except in obvious passing situations....why give the jagwads the ball at the 40,(as the percentages play regardless of who the kicker is) rather than backing them up in their own territory when they havent scored a TD all day??? Obviously the smart play is to punt and make the offense that hasn't beaten you all day beat you to win the game...The caveat of course, is that unless you plan to play differently than you have all game, as Jerry'Man Boobs Protege' Gray did.......................All those connected to Man Boobs must be terminated, except possibly Krumrie.......too bad it will be another wasted season before ole whitey will pull the trigger.
  3. Why, becaue he missed a 42 yard field goal and didnt try another from 50 plus??????????This was not Lindell's fault in any sense(although the texans game last yr was)......blame the man boobs student, jerry gray.
  4. i tied my personal record for crap broken during a game, the tie being with the phil g-d luckett game in new !@#$(also known as new england).....Anyone else as irritated with this game as that game in 98??
  5. Yeah, dude, we know all about the possible consequences of going all out but......DUDE SICK!!! There must be some sports therapy to counteract the pukes, and the bleeding, no ??
  6. Actually, I believe that you are correct factually, however hopelessly wrong politically.......Iran and Iraq were potential targets in the war on terror, however, Iraq as an enemy was the ground that had been prepared for the last 10 years, and thus the easiest first target.....Anyone who believes that Iraq was a first and primary target is nothing more than a fool and deserves the horrible leadership they have inherited by their inherent stupidity come November....the political ground was cleared and that is why the attack on Iraq was the among the first responses to the terrorists.....in the end it makes little difference who goes first and i am convinced that this is why the administration chose Iraq.
  7. Actually, I was pissed that they even considered going for 3....the defense had shute them down all day--every yard counted in that situation and i'd rather have the jagwads starting from at worst the 20 than the 40 needing a touchdown there is no question about the coaching call in that situation-----if you want to find fault with the coaching blame mr man boobs protege jerry gray for going soft when only a touchdown would beat us.... '
  8. You are absolutely right, Smith pushed off without a doubt, but I was not surprised by that call, as it was close to the end....no possibility of offensive pass interference....however, I do think the last play was the result of a referee not wanting to become controversial... he called the game that way all along though.....no bills defender pushed that big bastard out of bounds it was all his own momentum, however in the go along to get along spirit the whole game was called in the g-d bastard ref let it stand-----I don't know what's worse a guy who just wants to avoid making a controversial call like the guy today or a fool idiot bastard douche traitor cheater d-wad like phil luckett who knows he is cheating---ok phil luckett is the worst official of all time but still look at that play all the mo.. that carried that bastard out of bounds was his own no bills defender pushed him out............
  9. I'm sorry but I don't think that last play was a touchdown.... I watched it at least 8 times after i finished breaking furniture, and the man was out of bounds... there was no player that pushed him toward the end line-----all the momentum as well as the defenders was headed out of bounds--that was not a catch
  10. Blaming Drew Bledsoe is god damn stupid......Villarial would be in the process of being run out of town if the coach was around=but it was not his fault either....The god damn defense played soft for 3 freakin quarters and it bit them in the ass in the end thanks to a referee who just wanted to take the easy way out all freakin day long......Bledsoe played exactly the role that the coaches wanted him to...travis and willis too.....the offensive line was not "offensive"....the defense was terrific when they were allowed to be aggresive... the fault lies with that man-boobs holdover jerry gray......................that dumb g.d. bastard leftwich couldn't handle pressure all freakin day and when it came to crunch time that stupid stevestojan eating !@#$ gray only rushed 3......he learned his craft from the master...man boobs......just like the offense was made much worse by that dickwad gilbride the defense is suffering again with man boobs protege Gray..........did Lebeau want too much dough from old Ralphie or what??? He was obviously the brains behind our excellent defense last year.
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