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Bad Things

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Posts posted by Bad Things

  1. Thank hank you for your intelligent post.

    It was very much appreciated to actually read something with substance, even if it was "too long" for some of the knuckle-draggers on this board.



    Listen, I was born raised and educated here and my profession and interests focus on urbanization and public policy. I want nothing more than this city and region to rebound but I am so annoyed with the incessant false public discourses suggesting resurgence and that we’ve finally turned the corner. The single variable, likely because it’s the most prominent and visible, that this entire conversation has focused on and this idea being constructed around (pun intended) is construction. Everyone is suggesting that bricks and mortar is proof positive we’ve finally broke away from the shackle of deindustrialization and economic contraction. It’s a very convenient conversation since politicians dated back to the 1950s have suggested growing and building your way out of decline.



    I’m not a pessimist, I know the challenged and the reality and don’t have the luxury of blind loyally and the religious fervency displayed by those who just want to believe so bad and don’t want to have an honest conversation based in reality.

  2. Sheesh...

    They will not trade up for a player.


    You did not read the rules for the guarantee. You dont get to pick a maybe /or /if then . :flirt:


    Jake Matthews at #9 .

    Maybe thats my reasonable wish actually.


    This thread has been damn funny and also some great insight here. I wont mention names but y'all know who you are


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