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Posts posted by 1B4IDie

  1. You're livin' in the past man, its a new dawn!Lets go Buffalo! The anti-EJ people have some sort of loop in their head of the Houston game from last year where Cyril Richardson and Erik Pears were playing guard. I have watched enough football that I eliminate games like that from my evaluation. All you can draw from that is EJ sucks with less than 2 seconds to throw.
    Actually that happened because JJ knew, like anyone that actually watch EJ Manuel play football in the NFL that he doesn't throw too far from the line of scrimmage, so he was ready to grab it and go.
    Except my "reality" is fact based, in actual reality; Not based on one's recollection of events. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/players/461919/ej-manuel/#Pass%20Yards%20per%20Attempt$GameType=279588574&SeasonMax=9999&SeasonMin=1990 6.4 yards per attempt in his 4 starts in 2014 would make him the #32 QB in 2014. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/player-passing-yards-per-attempt-statistics/2014/ 4 games is way too small of a sample size. Especially considering the offensive line he was playing behind. Rex has seen what I have seen this year. When EJ gets time to throw he has been impressive. Marrone is gone. Let's deal with this year's team.
    Let's just throw out EJ's actual performance in real life and hang our hat on our imagination of what he might be able to do. And I'm the one that is delusional …Have fun in your circle jerk.
  2. Stating your opinion is one thing, stating your opinion as fact is a completely different animal



    EJ's problem isn't his YPA. It's unforced errors and his inability to play when the pocket is not clean. Your "reality" is not in agreement with the games I have watched.

    Except my "reality" is fact based, in actual reality; Not based on one's recollection of events.


    6.4 yards per attempt in his 4 starts in 2014 would make him the #32 QB in 2014.


  3. You didn't watch then. Carry on sport.

    I did.

    Care to tell me the minute and second marker of a 20 yard out pass.

    I mean if it is in there. It should be pretty easy to point to it.


    You're saying this in response - and it appears agreeing with - the statement that EJ can't throw a 20 yard out?!




    Just because nobody is going to go look through game footage doesn't mean he can't throw it. You guys have to be the only ones trying to argue that EJ doesn't have a live arm. There are many things to pick on with EJ's game, his arm strength isn't one. Hell, even his scouting reports coming out of college mention his strong arm.


    You make yourselves, and your arguments, look foolish when you can't even have a level headed discussion.

    This is the reality of teh situation; TT has been on the Bills for less than 8 month. We have video of TT making a difficult NFL QB throw in a pre season game.


    EJ has been on the team for 2 years and 4 months, has started 14 NFL games plus pre season games and we cannot easily find video of a difficult NFL QB pass like a 20 yard out route.


    We can find passes where EJ throws it to receivers in the middle of the field that are open.


    It isn't that EJ can't physically throw a football. It is that EJ doesn't execute well on actually throwing the football especially passes over 20 yards so far in his career. The passes tend to be either late, or behind, or lead the receivers into big hits. He tends to be gun shy on throwing a pass unless the player is wide open this may be a product of horrible coaching but it is reality.


    When people are confronted with a truth that they refuse to accept then they try to change the conversation. EJ does not throw the ball often more than 4 yards past or behind the line of scrimmage so far in his career. I have never seen him throw a 20 yard out in a game like the pass that TT threw in the Browns game.


    I don't hate EJ. I just understand reality.


    The reality and the legend of EJ seem to be disconnected for some.

  4. That was supposed to be a 20 yard out.


    You can't google it because he can't throw it.

    I did find this though.




    One of Manuel’s biggest knocks is his inconsistency when throwing the deep ball. Over his 14-game career, he’s completed just 16-of-59 passes that traveled 20+ yards downfield (27%) for 515 yards, a paltry 8.7 yards-per-attempt average and threw six touchdowns to three interceptions.One of Manuel’s biggest knocks is his inconsistency when throwing the deep ball. Over his 14-game career, he’s completed just 16-of-59 passes that traveled 20+ yards downfield (27%) for 515 yards, a paltry 8.7 yards-per-attempt average and threw six touchdowns to three interceptions.


    That was supposed to be a 20 yard out.


    You can't google it because he can't throw it.

    One thing that is for sure, there are some people on this board that certainly have an imagination when it comes to EJ Manuel.


    More than other Bills Backers boards on the internet.


    Just really creative past remembrances of a plays and abilities that don't seem to be connected in realty.

  5. I agree. Taylor doesn't have the prototypical size and cannon, but it seems like he has enough tools to succeed at a high level, IF he has the other qualities that a Drew Brees or Russell Wilson has. And that we just don't know either way.


    I have been slow to judge EJ too harshly, but I definitely think the Bills should start Taylor.


    Maybe it's the hangover from watching that Three for the Show vid on TT, or maybe it is indeed shiny new toy syndrome, but TT has a presence that I don't think EJ has. EJ is a great guy with lots of charisma, but I get the feeling sometimes that he is trying too hard to be "the guy" or "the leader" - he has an image in his head that isn't totally natural to him. And it shows in the pocket. He never really looks comfortable to me (even though he does seem a bit more at ease at the end of the game). I don't think TT is trying to be something. I think he just is "the guy" and I think teammates feel it. Also, he looks super comfortable in games to me - relaxed, like things are moving more slowly and clearly for him than everyone else.


    I've been deluded before, but I am way in Taylor's corner right now, though I will cheer like crazy for whomever they select as the starter.

    I'm not an EJ guy.


    I have to disagree, EJ has the "It" factor. He has the "the leader" quality. If anything more than most QBs in the NFL.


    He just doesn't perform well in game situations.


    If you put Ryan Fitzptricks brain in EJ manuel's body you would have one of the greatest QBs of all time.

    EJ has a history of not letting it rip.


    I hope that was a product of horrible coaching and he can learn to throw open receivers but EJs problems are definitely not his charisma and leadership qualities. Not at all IMO


    He didn't say he couldn't make the throw he said compare them and see the difference. That's not even an opposite hash throw and it's still not exactly a rope. TT has an advantage over Manuel in a few places, arm strength isn't one of them.


    Not sure how stating that is "putting down TT." That's like saying that stating TT is a better runner than EJ is putting down EJ. It's just a fact.

    The problem is, Try to actually find a video of EJ doing what TT is doing in that video.


    After 3 years, just find one highlight.


    I can't easily find one.


    The OP of the question seems to be saying that TT can't and EJ can. We have evidence of TT throwing a 20 yard out. Seriously I'd like to see one of EJ.

  7. Good bye "Don't confuse effort with results"

    Hello banners


    @buffalobills: While we were out, our fieldhouse got a massive makeover.


    All part of the new era. #FeelTheRush http://t.co/H7BBOEhwpC

    Wow that is in your face.


    I do think they're should be some motivational quotes.

    I've been to the Ravens and the Redskins locker rooms.


    The Redskins locker room looks like a freaking bunker from the coldwar.


    The Ravens have inspirational stuff all over the locker room.


    Not that it is end all be all but it doesn't hurt to have something up imo.


    I actually liked the "Don't confuse effort with results" quote in the fieldhouse and I used that with my team.

    I don't think that makes me a selfish !@#$.


    If it's the one I'm thinking of, Palmer should have caught that ball for a TD. Here are plenty of examples from the Cleveland game with accurate throws by EJ that hit his receivers in stride: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Manuel-Cool-Calm-And-Collected-In-Comeback-Win/2b68bcf8-6111-4dd9-a205-f542b782890f


    Same thing in the Carolina game with regard to accuracy.

    Yeah I watched all the snaps this preseason.


    People see what they want to see.


    When I saw Tyrod's tight spiral in the Carolina game I thought, When was the last time I saw a release and a ball that looked so good in the air from a Bills QB. Bledsoe? I don't know.


    Tyrod has no problem getting the ball to the playmakers.


    I still see some erratic behavior from EJ.


    Let Tyrod start and win games and let EJ learn behind him.


    EJ is the kind of kid you would like your daughter to marry but I have doubts about him being able to get the ball to the Bills Madden style playmakers.



    I don't care where any of them were drafted or what their combine numbers were. On the field of play I like what I have seen from Tyrod the most. I'm judging all 3 QBs on what I've seen so far. If it were up to me I would start Tyrod Taylor based on performance up to this point in time.



    The good news out of all of this is either QB option doesn't look horrible at this point in time.


    So I'm pretty psyched about that.


    What I wish is that everyone would make a pact on this board that no matter who starts Week 1 to support them and not call for who ever is the back up after the first incomplete pass.


    Lets all go all in with whoever the coaches pick and not call for them to go to the bench.

    Plus he had 6 or 7 games as a pro to prove himself and a genius coach to help him. Definitely a hopeless case.



    I hope TT = a bunch of people's false memory/fantasy of Flutie instead of the actual Flutie who was a complete disaster in the entire second half of the season he "shouldn't have been benched for the playoffs".


    10/22 for 131


    So does Tyrod but he is not nearly as bad about it. EJ leads the WR better then any of them IMO but he doesn't do it on a consistent basis.


    • The athleticism between Taylor and EJ is a wash,
    • EJ has a small advantage on arm strength,
    • EJ is bigger and stronger,
    • Tyrod has big play ability but pocket presence is suspect; same w/manuel,
    • Tyrod has a quicker release but its flippant
    • Better mechanics go to EJ
    • Agree about the WRs complaining last year, can you blame them?

    Cassel didn't play a down in the 2nd game, rotation or not that's a sign. He is limited and the team know what he can do. These are just my opinions, I agree with some of Simon's statement but with either guy back there its a long season regardless of defense....

    EJ consistently throws behind his receivers even when they are open.


    The few times he leads a Receiver he leads them right into an incoming Safety.


    It happened this Pre-Season, Last Season, and the Season before that.


    I don't see any improvement in EJ's ability to throw a covered receiver open or place the ball where a receiver can get YAC.


    I was impressed with Tyrod's beautiful spirals that gave his receiver a chance to Run.


    Harvin/Watkins/Clay/McCoy should all be YAC machines. You got to start the guy that gives the playmakers the best shot at getting YAC.


    Out of all the options that is not EJ, imo.


    First of all, welcome back! It's fantastic to see you posting. Hate to do so, but I must already respectfully disagree. :)

    I do so because I see very.....very little chance of EJ improving to a superbowl level qb. Check it out:

    >>>>>For the first time in ages we actually have a high character, blue chip athlete with a big arm and a world-class work ethic sitting right in our laps. He’s played less than a season’s worth of NFL football under an asshat of a coach and behind an atrocious OLine<<<<<


    You and I were saying the same as above about Rob Johnson, who had as many or more skills than does EJ. I just don't think this kid can get the job done. IMO he would have a slight chance if he would run the way he did in college but when he runs now he looks (again, imo), clumsy and lumbering.

    And as others have said, 5-7 years is a century in the NFL. Injuries, free agency losses, bad drafts and other factors can wipe out a team overnight. Look at the 49ers.


    In any event, it's all good. Once again I am completely thrilled to see you back!!!!! :):thumbsup: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    Yeah I didn't really want to open up that can off worms but since it is already open.



    EJ= Rob Johnson (Pedigree, Physicals, Came out of Central Casting for QB)

    Tyrod Taylor = Flutie 2.0 (Small, Good College QB, No Respect as an actual NFL QB candidate)


    They're even running all those Flutie Bootlegs for Tyrod in the preseason.


    Maybe starting Tyrod in our first Playoff Game since Flutie was robbed of the opportunity would atone for this franchise's past sins with football gods.



  11. Just watch both of them stand in the pocket and throw the 20yrd out from the opposite hash and it won't take long at all to see the difference

    Why would Tyrod Taylor throwing a beautiful spiral that was well timed on the Receivers hands and EJ throwing a wobbly pass that was late and behind the receiver help your cause for EJ to Start Week 1?


    EJ throwing behind his receiver is so consistent it is mind boggling. He needs to add 5 yards to wherever he thinks a receiver is going to be if he is ever going to be a starting QB in the NFL.

  12. Heard an interesting call on WGR yesterday - the caller's theory was that Taylor's contract provides that he's a free agent if he starts more than 50% of the games this season, whereas if he doesn't start 50% of the games, he's locked in for two more years, so there's added incentive to start Cassel at the start of the season.


    If Taylor's "the man", I can't believe the team wouldn't start him, regardless of the $$s involved.




    There is no F'in way that would matter. Whichever QB gives the team the best chance to win will start; even if they have to get paid 10,000,000 a game and start for the Jets next year in their contract.


    They are all in for 2015 there is no next year.

  13. I think your definition of a "Franchise QB" is an outlier.

    Andrew Dalton is in "Top half of the league". Andy Dalton is not a "franchise QB"

    Alex Smith is in the "Top half of the league" Alex Smith is not a "franchise QB".

    Most Commonly a franchise QB is someone that is better than an "average" or "Top Half" or "middle of the pack" QB."Franchise QB to me is a guy that is an unquestioned starter that is better than 1/2 the guys. It's the same for other positions.

    Another way to look at it is "will ____ enter 2016 without competition for the starting role?"

    By your definition in 2012 Ryan Fitzpatrick was a "franchise QB" to be discarded 365 days later.


    Like I said I believe your definition of "Franchise QB" is unusually generous.


    It is commonly much much higher.



  14. Ahh, the infamous "outlier" argument. If 1 of these 3 guys lead the Bills to a Super Bowl title their play will be at least in the top half of the league.

    I think your definition of a "Franchise QB" is an outlier.

    Andrew Dalton is in "Top half of the league". Andy Dalton is not a "franchise QB"

    Alex Smith is in the "Top half of the league" Alex Smith is not a "franchise QB".


    Most Commonly a franchise QB is someone that is better than an "average" or "Top Half" or "middle of the pack" QB."

  15. We did it last week for EJ and apparently it wasn't without bias. Let's apply the exact same question to Tyrod.


    There is so much talk on the topic that I thought that a poll may be appropriate. What are the odds in your opinion that Tyrod Taylor can be a "franchise" type QB this year? As a baseline I would say, Alex Smith / Ryan Tannehill represent the low end. Basically what are the odds that he can achieve that level of play.

    It doesn't matter if T-Mobile is a Franchise QB.


    Tyrod looks like Doug Flutie 2.0 to me. With all those boot legs.


    Doug Flutie got us to the last playoff game and (probably would have won it if he started! ( but lets not speak ill of the departed))


    He won't be Andrew Luck but he looks like he has what it takes to win games.


    My definition of a "Franchise QB" is a person that allows their team to win more games than if an average QB started in their place.


    i.e. Bengals probably win more games with Andrew Luck(Franchise QB) over Andy Dalton (average QB)


    Conversely Colts probably lose more games than they have won if Andy Dalton starts over Andrew Luck.



    The 2015 Buffalo Bills just need Taylor to be an average starting QB.



    No doubt. If the starters go down, they are in trouble no matter who is at QB.



    Was it a drop? I couldn't tell from the replay. It looked like the pass was a bit late and the DB might have gotten his hand on the ball. But if not, it definately should have been caught.

    I wouldn't exactly call it a drop.

    I would say that any of the Top 5 receivers probably make that catch.

    It was a very catchable ball if the receiver plays the ball right.


    That guy kinda waited for the ball to come to him instead of go attack the TD and haul it in.


    One thing is obvious (at least at this stage), the Bills QB situation isn't quite the dumpster fire it was made out to be during the workouts and training camp.

    That is the key here.

    Tyrod impressed me. I like his quick release and tight spiral.

    Plus he turned a -7 yard sack into a +9 yard run. Cassel would have been buried in the same situation.

    I don't hate any.

    Right now if pressed I'd roll with T-Mobile.

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