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Posts posted by Risin

  1. Yes it's a team game and Tikki Barber last week and Rudi Johnson today ran for a combined ~60 yards vs. 150 from McGahee today.  Does this count for anything?  What about the fact that the Steelers & Eagles on the road are 6,000 times tougher than the Jets at home?




    You forgot one key fact, Barber and Johnson know how to pick up a blitzing safety.

  2. You are going easy. JP was greater than great.

    I don't know if I ever saw a better 90 mph pass on a 5 yd. out pattern in the history of NFL Football.



    I'm not gonna question your knowledge, because I know you know your football.


    You do realize that throwing an out in 30 mph wind, is the toughest pass to throw, right?


    Most think it's the deep ball, right into the wind, but it isn't.


    Just figured I'd clue ya in, but I thought you would've known that already.



  3. I'm with ya.  JP isn't going to win any games just manage them.  and today will be a close game, tho i suspect the score will be lower than 21-19.  i doubt either team can score more than 17




    JP wasn't drafted to be a game manager.


    He has the tools to be a playmaker, and win games with his arm.


    The only thing he is lacking is experience, as he gets more he will start to take games over.


    I hope you mean JP won't win games with his arm "now", because he has shown the ability to make huge plays at times, and as he plays more that'll become more regular.


    Funny thing has happened, before the season started most people bitched JP couldn't manage a game, and was a one trick pony, now people think he is Trent Dilfer.


    As someone smarter than I put it earlier this week, we are a bipolar bunch.



  4. I think we'll see JP airing it out against a week pass rush.  Not a lot though.  It'll be windy today and McGahee will see a lot of action.  Anyone picking the Jets over the Bills today is just plain silly....even if they are a Jets fan.




    I live 20 miles north of the stadium, and it's pretty darn windy here.


    I'd hate to be down by 2+ TD's in this weather.

  5. Ron Jaworski, who I put way more stock in, was creaming about JP after their meeting this year.


    Who knows how JP will turn out, but I'll trust Jaws over Boomer and Kirwan any day.


    If JP turns out to be a failure, I believe he will have zero excuses. I think Marv, Dick and company have handled him brilliantly so far.

  6. Yeah, that's what I'm looking for.


    But if you don't know, you don't know. You may now return to being the resident Paytoilet troll.




    Why so hard on HD?


    He's easier to like then some Bills fans that post here.


    Not his fault he was born into rooting for a jackoff team.

  7. That geek in his avatar is the qb who Losman is most compared to. Personally I expect a lot more then Plummer esque out of losman because of what we gave up for him, but if he can keep on winning I dont care what his stats are.




    Do you know what you're talking about?


    Plummer is a mistake prone moron.


    JP is compared in physical attributes only, even there the comparison is sketchy.


    JP has a stronger arm, quicker release, and has way more speed.


    Outside of last seasons effort, I pray JP doesn't turn out to be Jake the Fake. Dude is a bad decision waiting to happen.


    Jake has a career rating of 74.6 with 57.2 completion percentage.


    Also, he has 150 td's to 152 Int's.


    If thats what your aspirations are for JP, then I think you are shooting a little low.


    I want my QB to be a little better then that.


    P.S.- Jake's third year in the league he completed 52.8 percent of his passes with 9 td's and 24 int's. 24 Int's in 12 games. That's also after 36 starts under his belt.


    Could you imagine if JP played that poorly this year? Holcombs Arm and JDG might have a leg to stand on then.

  8. I don't think it's an issue of HA or JDG knowing too little. They both might be very intelligent, probably are, in their personal lives and work.


    The issue really is that they are more concerned with being "right" than objectively looking at the situation. They (more JDG than HA) bend every situation and fact to fit THEIR pre conceived belief that JP is terrible and a waste of a roster space rather than looking at the whole picture objectively.


    It's not about the Bills or JP. It's about them. And THAT is the problem.


    Narrow, unenlightened self-interest does not impress me. Never has, never will.




    Problem is, I know they're intelligent, but coming off like they do gives me the perception of the opposite.


    Either way, JP's play will do the talking for me from here on out.

  9. It sounds like you have some serious anger management issues which you need to work through.  Good luck with that.  I'd tell you to lighten up a bit, and that this is just a discussion board.  But I don't think that would do any good.




    No anger issues, whatsoever.


    I'm a treehugging pascifist, if you really need to know. Only fights I've been in, have involved 14 ounce gloves, with headgear on. Participating in that sport, has allowed me to deal with morons in a peaceful manner.


    Problem is, I can't stand people who know so little, yet act like they know so much.


    Guess you could say, it's a pet peave.

  10. Watching JDG and Holcombs arm and their relentless pointless attack on losman is akin to watching Timmy and Jimmy on south park.






    You're a Losman fanatic, and have anger issues.


    Tons of people agree with them, you just don't hear from them.


    Comparing them to a cartoon is disrespectful.


    In all seriousness, sorry you had to get lumped in with me Ramius. I don't view either of us as Losman fanatics, but apparently we are.


    I must have been confused, because I thought we were Bills fans, who were excited to win a division game on the road.

  11. Funny.  I must have missed the part where you were elected to speak for the whole board.  I'm sure you speak for yourself, and for Ramius, and a few other core Losman supporters.  But there are others who partially or wholly agree with me, or else are actually capable of showing a little respect even when opinions differ.




    I have zero respect for you.


    I'm a Bills fan, not a Losman supporter. (I think I could say the same about most who post here)


    Finally, you have shown yourself to be a Losman hater first and foremost. I have zero respect for trolls like you, and wish you'd either pipe down, or take a hike.


    Being a free country, I have no choice whether you post or not. From here on out, I will refuse to respond to anymore of your extra chromosome laced posts.

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