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Posts posted by Risin

  1. The point was not to compare Willis to MW as a blocker, but to compare the treatment various players get from this board when they screw up.  I guess I've just read one too many "JP's turnovers cost us the game" posts that imply that we should excuse a RB -- and our supposed 'star' -- for not being able to carry out his blocking assignments, or that his blocking failure was not a direct cause of the fumble/TD.


    Look, I'm not expecting him to pancake the guy, but WTF -- how hard is it to get in his way and slow him down from a full sprint?




    Great post.


    Also, to the guy who said Willis had huge holes to run through, he did.


    You still have to give him credit for gaining yards, even if the holes were there.


    Willis on third and long is a failure, at this point.


    He is not a good receiver, and I'm not going to get into the pass blocking.


    I hope Willis pans out in Buffalo, but won't be hurt if he's gone. He is not a star in this league, and not close to being a great player. (yet)


    It is also ironic, some of Willis's biggest nuthuggers , are the same people that pick JP apart.


    Even though running back is a much easier position to master, and there are cases where guys are great before their mental ability catches up with their physical ability. (same can't be said for QB)


    I personally think this is the first season Willis is completely healthy, and will go a long way in determining what kind of player he's gonna be. He has shown flashes of brilliance, and moments of idiotic behavior on the field, much like a young QB we have.


    It wouldn't be fair of me, or anybody, to defend JP and throw Willis under the bus. I think they both will be just fine, but Willis has the ability to be a superstar.

  2. Definitely - but not the FAs I would sign  :w00t:


    I'm not really advocating getting rid of the draft, just pointing out that it's not as fun for me to watch young players mature when there is a good chance they will be wearing another teams jersey in a couple of years.




    Not a franchise QB.


    Unless he blows out a knee, and gets fellated on a cruise.



  3. Don't simply blame the fans.  All of the pro sports are being filled with rent-a-players.  Why should fans have patience and enjoy watching the development of young players that may not be with the same team in a couple of years?


    If I was a GM, I would be tempted to skip the first 3 rounds of the draft and spend the money in free agency.




    Plenty of free agent busts too.

  4. And I do think that part of JP's problem is the weight of what TD gave up for him and the way in which he and Mularkey completely botched everything last year. 




    The problem is that Bills fans never heard of the term development.


    They assume a player should be HoF material right out of the box, or he's a bust.


    I don't know if this goes on in all NFL cities, if so, this has to be the most retarded generation of football fans ever.


    I always felt the Bills had intelligent fans, some days around here you wonder.

  5. So is next year the first year posters will be allowed to criticize Losman or will they have to wait until his fifth year as a Bill?




    People can criticize him if they want, I do it every Sunday.


    It's the people who hammer him on every little thing, and refuse to give him any credit.


    Was JP great Sunday? Hell no.


    Did his turnovers cost us the game? They helped, that's for sure.


    Am I impressed that he's improved 10-fold since last season? Hell yes.


    Criticism is one thing, being a moron who only dwells on the poor things, without aknowledging any progress, is ignorant.


    Those are the people I target.


    You a moron too?

  6. Your rebuttal was that Losman threw the ball around to a bunch of different receivers, which, frankly, deosn't mean anything other than that he threw the ball around to a bunch of different receivers. 


    The point that seems to being missed, over and over, as far as I know, Ferguson made the comments to Joe D, not necessarily for public consumption.  Also, as far as I know, Ferguson wasn't being paid to make the comments, like Smerlas or Tasker. 


    Unless I am oblivious to something else, other than something Ferguson may have said to Jim Kelly many years ago, Ferguson doesn't have any record of being anti-Bills, or of being resentful toward the franchise, or Losman for that matter.




    I think Joe's comments have been shoved up his ass, by numerous posters in this thread.


    No way JP was locking onto one receiver all day.


    Anyone see a crow circling?

  7. Really? Pennington's two passing TDs versus the Pats added up to 93 yards-after-catch, and 173 of his 306 total yards in that game came courtesy of his receivers.


    This week's other 300-yard passers with yac numbers (from GSIS):

    Kitna 342 - yac: 178

    Brady 320 - yac: 177

    Bulger 309 - yac: 147


    You were saying?






    Owned again.


    I have him on ignore, but I bet the dude still comes up with a retarded response.


    Another amazing factual post Lori. You got skillz.

  8. I'm curious to see how Leinart does.  Methinks it's not so much Warner as it is the O-line.  I mean, just look at James' stats.




    Wasn't the oline's fault Warner fumbled a crucial snap.


    Also wasn't their fault he threw a perfect pass to a Ram linebacker in the endzone, with the nearest Cardinal being 10 yards away.


    I can see why they benched him.

  9. Which may explain why he performs so well on opening drives, but tends to decline as the game goes on, and the defense has time to observe and adjust.




    First off, he had more yards in the second half yesterday.


    Secondly, could it be that the opposition coaches make better second half adjustments, then our coaches?


    Nah, we'll just blame it all on JP.


    I'm glad you're somewhat impressed with JP.


    I also love how you circle like a crow around a dead animal, every post that hammers him, stirring the debate.

  10. What he said specifically was, we don't care what you guys say about us, good or bad, we go about our jobs the same. We work hard and play hard and try to win. How exactly is that turning on the media?




    Go back and look at all his posts.


    He's nothing but a hating moron.

  11. Some of you guys sound a lot like Mularkey last year when JP had a bad game -- trying to deflect blame elsewhere.


    JP's mistakes were critical to the outcome of the game.  With any luck, he will learn from them.  It does not help JP to try to deflect his mistakes elsewhere.






    Jauron blamed Willis.


    He must be a JP apologist too.

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