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Everything posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. Singers Ronnie Van Vant Shannon Hoon Layne Staley John Lennon Bon Scott Guitar Jimi Hendrix Randy Rhoads Bass Cliff Burton Drums John Bonham Keith Moon
  2. You guys are just like 5 year olds swinging at the bag. Just deflects off with no real impact. Hell you guys can't even think of an original thought, that's why you need each other.
  3. You are like a blood sucking tick that just won't die.
  4. You would have ended up like the rest of those Detroit thugs. I wonder how many shot each other last night after that ass beating San Antonio layed on them?
  5. SAN ANTONIO SPURS- WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!! They did it for Ron!!!!
  6. I've got no problem with Darin at all.
  7. HAHA in a matter of moments I go from the target to watching J-Bone step on his dick. Oh what a wonderful world we live in.
  8. I know where to place commas. It seems I didn't place one where I should have.
  9. Well with your leftover campain money you could always go pick one up.
  10. No, just in general. I aim to please everyone.
  11. Hey I'm not writing a term paper Professor Darin. Don't worry about it. You are starting to sound like Tom.
  12. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That might get him through half the set.
  13. What the hell would anyone need beer at a DMB concert for? There are other party favors which I'm sure suit the music better.
  14. Jay and Silent Bob was an alright movie, I thought there were some stupid parts in it though.
  15. Let's get it straight, he went to the Bonnaroo festival. There were plenty of bands that could have caused this to happen.
  16. Yeah I do kick a lot of ass, I know.
  17. Wow everyone is coming for a shot at the champ. Haven't read any poems, but your sisters phone number was a good find.
  18. Depends on who is there at the time I show up. Darin is a quick worker most times.
  19. Unless I arrive. Things get started quickly then.
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