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Everything posted by BF_in_Indiana

  1. LaRussa has managed the following teams to the postseason. 1983 - Chicago White Sox (lost to Baltimore who won the WS in 5 games) Baltimore was a better team. 1988- Oakland A's (lost to LA in World Series although they were much better then LA on paper) 1989- Oakland A's (Won World Series) 1990- Oakland A's (Lost World Series to Cincy, again they were a much better team on paper) 1992- Oakland A's (Lost ALCS to Toronto who went on to win back to back titles, they were better then Oakland) 1996 - St. Louis Cardinals (Lost NLCS to defending World Champion Braves in 7 games, Atlanta was a much better team.) 2000- St. Louis Cardinals Lost NLCS to NY Mets (This one was a toss up, teams were pretty even) 2001- St. Louis Cardinals (Lost NLDS to Arizona. Arizona had Schilling and Johnson and went on to beat the Yankees in the World Series.) 2002- St. Louis Cardinals (Lost NLCS to the Giants, again a tossup.) That is his playoff history. All in all he has NOT had the best team most of the time........his Oakland teams were his only 3 powerhouse teams. Cop out my butt.
  2. LaRussa has taken 3 dominating teams into the World Series. He went 1-2. The two years he lost the N.L had home field advantage. 17 of the last 20 or so champions have had homefield advantage. Granted, the Reds didn't belong on the field with Oakland in 1990 but that's sports. LaRussa is 7-8 in postseason series which isn't great but hardly a loser.....since only one team wins every year.
  3. Well I would hope so. If not that means the Red Sox already kicked you around.......... St. Louis is a steam roller.
  4. I'll give you a a hint. They play in St. Louis, Missouri. They have won 101 games thus far and clinched their division. They also hold home field throughout the N.L playoffs. October is painted RED this year.
  5. I don't blame you Darin. I wouldn't want to see the best team in baseball opposite from me in October either.........
  6. Congrats.........but that's as far as you are taking it. October is painted Red this year........
  7. The GOOD GUYS win???? That's like saying Tony Montana from scarface was a "good guy". Yankees fans never cease to amaze me.
  8. It's 2004........1918 means as much as 1998-2000........nothing.
  9. It won't be the first time I've taken a lot of stevestojan over sports and certainly not the last. If we make the World Series with the expectations I had for us at the beginning of the year I would be totally satisfied. I would prefer title number 10 of course though.
  10. Rolen is out with a strained calf I believe it was. He will be back shortly. Just taking it easy with him with everything locked up.
  11. Yeah I was jacked Tater!!!! Actually my dad (also a Cardinals fan) has told me that I sat in his lap watching it with him. LOL Yeah we got hosed in '85.
  12. Well I don't like the Red Sox either, does that make you feel better ???
  13. Yes the Cardinals do beat those teams up. The difference being is that you don't see me posting about it every day. I may do it once a week (even less now that we aren't playing for anything after wrapping up the best record in the NL). You see that from the Spankees lovers.
  14. Yes it is Darin LOL I just like to rile you guys up honestly. Several of you get so upset when someone pokes fun at you. I'm sitting here at this computer laughing my head off at some of these replies. Seriously. And to answer your question yes I was. 1982 World Series.
  15. It's sports..........the best team doesn't always win. If St. Louis loses I will think the same thing. The best team didn't win.
  16. I don't see how being 9 time World Champions and holding a victory in our most recent World Series meeting makes us second best to anyone. I could care less about you having 26 titles, because if you've got one they can never take it away from you. So if you think I root for the second best, keep believing it, because for 2004 we will be the best...........while you are lumped in a big pile with the rest......... As for you Darin..........it's my right to read and complain about anything on this board thank you very much. We don't live in mother Russia. Billsfan...........when DON'T Yankees fans guarantee a World Series title????
  17. Yeah you are right.......it doesn't. So can we please avoid the "YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAANKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNN" posts after they beat Tampa Bay or Seattle every other day???
  18. You guys didn't like my gesture of good will????
  19. To show there is no hard feelings. Order your division champions shirts here!!!!
  20. Ohio State should have lost to Marshall. Marshall DOMINATED the second half of that game. OSU is a top 20 team, but they will finish with at least 2 losses. Their offense just isn't good enough to go unbeaten when the D doesn't hold up their end of the bargain.
  21. What kind of football team we have. Our guys are talking like they want to start getting things done, but is it just window dressing or are they going to back it up??? The Patriots are coming October 3rd.........will our guys be up to the challenge???
  22. Sid as soon as J.P is healthy enough to play I say we put him in there. We will probably be something like 2-7 by that time so there is no harm in putting him in and giving him the reps he needs for 2005 when Drew is cut.
  23. Well we did go from 7-8 in 1987 with nothing at RB to 12-4 and the AFC Title game with Thurman as our RB gaining 800 yards......... It's not so much about getting 1500 yards as a rookie as it is having a significant impact. All those guys I mentioned did. 1000 yards in a season isn't anything in the NFL these days. Travis gets 1300 a year, even that's not spectacular. Guys like Priest Holmes and LT that gain 1700 on the ground, that is what we need. Travis will NEVER be that guy. Willis on the other hand could. You are telling me that you don't think Lee Evans could be as useful out there are Reed or Shaw???? The only good play we had besides the fake punt was curtosey of Lee Evans........and it doesn't suprise me.
  24. Not true in the slightest. Running backs can be stars in their first year in the league. Eddie George, Jamal Lewis, Corey Dillon, Barry Sanders, Thurman Thomas..........I can keep going if you would like. WR's are a little different. I tend to agree with you more there, but first off I want to state that I STILL don't think Peerless is very good. He's a number 2 WR. Eric Moulds is a good but not great WR like most believe here. Lee Evans could be a GREAT WR. Did you see him burn the prevent defense by 10 yards Sunday on that long pass??? They didn't even fall down, he's just that quick. If he makes on catch like that a game (60 yards or so) this team gets at least 3 more points a game. So where is he I ask??? He's sitting not even getting a chance to learn the NFL game. At least Moulds got a chance to learn on the job. That helped him out a lot in the long run.
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