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Posts posted by nonprophet

  1. The Bills should have benched Hackett. 23 runs and 44 passes against one of the worst rushing defenses and best pass rusher in the NFL. Way to attack your adversary's weaknesses Junior. This basically finishes EJ in Buffalo. Now that he's a Duncan Butterfly, this is JP Losman redux. You can't treat your starter like a yoyo. It's over. Time to start looking for the next franchise QB.

    Every football player must face competition at his position in order to bring out his best. EJ faced no real competition in training camp because the other QBs were awful, you can blame the front office for that.

    If the last two games were EJ's best then he is done and if they weren't then he'd better start proving that he deserves to start again. Tolerating substandard play is sure to preserve the status quo.


    Don't like Hackett, but EJ has the worst QBR of any qb still playing and has seen his rating and completion % regress every week.

    What's the name of the QB coach they hired during the offseason?

    Let's see:

    * Lewis cut.

    * Tuel demoted to PS.

    * EJ benched.

    Whatever they're paying that guy is not enough.

  2. I think it's a combination of both. EJ has been bad, and Hackett is worse IMO. It appears that Hackett can't game plan worth a crap, just like our QB can't hit an open receiver.

    It would be nice to have a proven OC so that the offensive personnel can be properly assessed. Go nepotism!

  3. I wouldn't really call it fighting for extra yards. The yards were there. He just chose not to take them. And in a game where they couldnt do anything offensively, I would like to see my qb put a little more effort into it. He could pull a hammy by sliding so screw injuries. Fear of injury shouldn't control his game. He can take hits if he is smart about it. Wilson is tiny and takes tons if hits.

    Hamstring pulls don't require surgery and he probably wasn't expecting to sustain a knee injury which, BTW, really hurt when he chose to take those extra yards in the Cleveland game. Those extra yards didn't compensate for his absence from the rest of that game, which the Bills were winning at the time, did they?

  4. And I agree with you. Play to your player's strengths. Have CJ and Fred on the field at the same time for every snap! Some times hand off to Fred to pound the line, sometimes dump it to CJ on the out side, sometimes run CJ across the formation and hand off, sometimes don't and pictch to Fred. Bottom line, have our play makers on the field, keep the defense guessing, don't ask your players to do things they're not best at.



    Spiller could be split out as a WR by putting him in motion, if necessary. The Bills don't have two premier TEs to punish a defense with but they do have two premier RBs.

  5. Ok, you win too. It's great.


    Somewhere you guys seem to think I am blaming the defense for the loss, the offense was terrible. I thought the defense was soft today. It was nowhere near as aggressive as what I saw the last 2 weeks. But, you both convinced me otherwise. It was lights out all day.

    The defensive strategy was 1) Shut down the running game. 2) Contain Antonio Gates. They did both but, unfortunately, the Chargers offense is multidimensional.

  6. A good QB makes CBs look bad. I think the expectations here are a little unrealistic as to what a CB is supposed to do. You could have the greatest DBs ever but WRs will still get open at times. If have a great QB with the skill to see that there isn't much you can do.



    This game reminds me of that shootout at Candlestick Park in the 90s between the Bills with Kelly at QB and the 49ers with Young at QB; each team's D shut down the other's running game but neither team's secondary could stop the opposing team's passing game and the Bills won because they were the last team to score before time ran out.

    We needed EJ to play at a level approaching Rivers' in order to win that game but he's just not there.

  7. You have to remember that EJ has been being coached by Marrone and Hackett for a full year now and I'm sure they could have easily made him regress that much.

    Blame them only indirectly, the crack quarterback coach they hired managed to make all three quarterbacks regress this offseason: EJ looks bad, Tuel has been demoted to the practice squad and Lewis was cut. Nice work.

  8. Posted Today, 08:08 AM


    I have watched every game of his pro career and about 10 College games.


    There seems to be a pattern here.....


    Correct me if I am wrong but the guy appears off target in almost every


    first quarter played, then settles down and plays better.


    Its maddening to watch sometimes, It has to be driving Doug Marrone crazy :doh:


    Has anyone else noticed this ?

    The Bills plan to have him play a quarter of Madden before each game.

  9. I think multiple DUIs is malicious, the gun chargers are more the result of Californias awful gun laws and the bomb incident today was poor judgement. He clearly has issues and needs to resolve them, I see a lengthy suspension in his future.

    Right. Frisco should trade him to either the Cowboys or Texans, he'll fit right in down there.

  10. How poor are we talking. Maybe in a homeless, senile, selling your body for nickels, rummaging through dumpsters for things to sell, hunting pigeons and rats type poor. Not welfare and food stamps poor. Chandler is a destitutely poor man's Gronk


  11. Stupid plays don't win games either. It started from the get go when the hotshot Bronco returner decided returning the opening kickoff from 9 yards deep in the end zone was an intelligent move. He got to the 12, which ensured that the errant snap on the next play would reach the end zone. It was downhill from there.

    I think some key Bronco offensive players were trying too hard, that guy included. On more than one occasion, a Bronco receiver came up short by trying to juke a Seattle defender when plowing straight ahead would have netted a first down instead and one of the fumbles occurred because the receiver tried to stiff arm for additional yardage instead of wrapping up the ball and guaranteeing a first down on a long gain.

  12. Interesting pick since the Redskin faithful felt Kyle was the biggest problem on the team. They wanted Kyle out 3 years ago.

    He was the mastermind of the Redskins awful offense last year. I would have thought Pettine would have picked an OC with a successful record. Cleveland will be worse than they were last year but they will retain Pettine another year before letting him go.

    After landing in the New World, Cortez burned his ships in order to motivate this men. By guaranteeing that the Browns will have an incompetent offense he has motivated his defensive players and coaches to do their best.

  13. This one is kind of surprising. It's clear that he has a better liking to Pettine over Marrone. It's not like he left the Bills as a D-Line coach to become a DC in Cleveland. He left to become the same position coach somewhere else.

    Ya go with the horse that brung ya.

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