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Captain America

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Posts posted by Captain America

  1. Keep in mind ,although no WMD's have been found Iraq is an intregal part of the war on terror. Namely I am talking about Saddams gift to each family of ten thousand dollars of a Palestine suicide bomber,.He also stated he would give ten thousand dollars to any familiy of a suicide bomber and woudl continue to do so , I would say that is actively support terrorism. Had he not been stopped who knows how far he would have extended this. No , this was certainly the right war , I blame our military commanders for not ending this sooner

  2. The saddest thing about this string is that it morphed into  hawk vs dove bs without ever mentioning the poor soldiers who have been wounded and will never be the same as when they left.  Forget the bs for a second and give some thought to the forgotten troops who have lost body parts and/or are psychologically damaged.  They number a lot higher than the dead and they will need the help of all of us in the years to come.  These are the true innocent victims of this war.  If you have a thriving business, try to hire some of these heroes who gave up a lot more than any of us posting our views here.  They all need help in rebuilding their lives.


    Well said

  3. Emphasizing service to your country by entering the armed forces, and increasing recruiting budgets through the DOD??? Nothing wrong with that. That's not a draft.


    Well, FIRST we'd have to give citizens REASONS TO TRUST their leaders. We have failed at that so far, and it is sorry and pathetic.


    Now explain why you would VOTE for HOWARD DEAN. I am waiting!!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:


    Hard to get enlistments when there is an eminent dager of getting thier butt blown away ,talk to a recruiter they will tell you its not who is in office but the situation it was an easy sell with no war

    I guess the shortest way to say this is that he is not Bush nor is he especially Kerry.What Kerry did when he returned for Viet Nam was a disgrace because the war was still going and more over there were still prisoners of not to mention accusing in general , atrocities committed by the military. Did he have a right to say what he did back then ,as an American certainly , but descretion is the better part of valor .How could you possibility trust him?

  4. That draft talk is just smear tactics and RNC crap... you know it!


    YOU vote for Howard Dean? NEVER. THAT my friend is gross exaggeration.


    WHY would YOU vote for Howard??? Tell me. PLEASE.  :lol:  :lol:


    That draft talk is just smear tactics and RNC crap... you know it

    No its not .Kerry said he wanted to increase the number of troops in the military .Explain please

  5. What you libbers have forgotten is that Kerry plans on staying there and send more troops and increase the size of the military .Kerry will activate the draft not Bush.

    Kerry said we should be there and then he said we shoulnt and then said we should a real decision maker isnt he? Kerry makes Bush look good when it comes to decisions

    Kerry is a phoney and has been for years and all the libbers know it, good thing the libbers didnt pick Liberman or Dean I might have voted for either of them. I wonder if Ter ay za has considered the Betty Ford clinic :lol::lol:

  6. Well Matty, you know the typical Bushie, always determined to blow off legitimate criticism and to stifle dissention... If there was the ability for them to delete posts, they'd be talking to themselves. You know what I mean; in their America, everyone waves a flag, and makes generalizations about the opposition, and continues blindly on following the same old right-wing rhetoric that is only good for the likes of Fox News. Unfortunately, we are cursed with a conscience!  :devil:


    FoX new what do they have to do with it? You libbers ,as I have said before ,dont follow your nose you follow the news .Sorry you had a bad experience in the military . :doh:

  7. hey boomer, did you really expect to get a real anser from some wacky liber? Come on, they have nothing to offer except complaining, whining, and bitching. If everything was rosey, they would be bitching about that as well. In general, they are pretty much just a miserable bunch. This is not my opinion, it is a matter of fact...every single liber that I know personally are fun to have at a party, but aat some point we always get tired of thier same ole whining. complaining, and bitching....and then we send them home.


    You are right Rich ,all over the place but wont address the question,Actually you and I both know that liberals are afraid of us.They sure are an insecure lot

  8. What's the difference? If they make a decision that the US doesn't like then we tell 'em to blow it out their a$$ and go in their full force with all of our military might.


    That's what we do with the UN right? Makes no difference to us. We're special. We're America...the exception to ALL the rules.


    Obviously not a veteran . And if you dont think your country is special I, know iits been said before ,but you should go to one you like better.Besides when Bush wins we are coming after you . :devil:

  9. That's the kind of sentiment I like... I echo your thoughts completely.


    Why don't we try ACTING more like the best nation in the world, instead of just TALKING about it?




    Typical libber ,still no answer just general terms .You WILL lose again but at least if you watch enough TV they will tell you what to beleive

  10. Do you really want to be a member of the world court?This means any member of the military can be proscuted by this court. That is just for starters. Is this part of Kerrys global test? Can you liberals honestly say you want to put our government in foreign hands .Dont let your blind dislike for Bush ,make you overlook these facts. Kerry is out to weaken our position in the world and beleive me , right now and regardless of what the press says , it is strong.

  11. It just goes on with the continuing Muslim appeasement campaign by Europe.  That hasn't made their problem any better.


    Ask the Dutch how much fun they are having.  They now have to take extra police with them into Muslim neighborhoods to GUARD the POLICE cars when they respond to calls.  EMTs won't respond without police escort.


    Hey layoff the Muslims .Where is all the love? :P:(

  12. First it was four Super Bowl loses and well at least we went ..and lost

    Then it was well at least we got into the playoffs ....and lost

    And then it was well maybe we will have a winning season or 8 and 8.....and lost

    And now it is maybe we can win one game ..and lost

    This all totals up to a bunch of losers. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  13. Being the leader of the whiny ass "Oh, boo hoo hoo this team sucks" parade, I suggest you should probably just find another team. You did nothing the entire game but post stupid fuggin' thread after stupid fuggin thread, and each one more depressing and stupid than the last.


    Yes, the team sucks. If you're tired of hearing about it, THEN STOP FUGGIN WATCHING SO WE DON"T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR INCESSANT WHINING!


    God, you are such a fuggin' baby.


    Yes, the team sucks. If you're tired of hearing about it, THEN STOP FUGGIN WATCHING SO

    Exactly , best suggestion yet. :wub:

  14. You couldn't be more wrong. What I remember is a man following his conscience and objecting to an unjust war, even knowing it would be an unpopular choice. I remember that it took guts. Kerry followed his CONSCIENCE. George Bush cannot SPELL "conscience."


    Yea right , well his commrades in arms were still POW's ,traitorous at worst poor judgement at best but its ok for him to accuse his commrades of war abuses while getting a medal for shooting a youg Vietnamese boy in the back.


    Kerry is a dork but being a libber you dont want to admit it. I admit Bush is slow on the up take . Kerry is such a phoney he makes Bush look good .

    I could even be persuaded to vote for some one other than Bush , but it wont be Kerry.

    By the way could you tell me in the twenty years that Kerry was in congress what bills he sponsored.


    Bush was in Florida surveying the hurrican damage and Kerry was getting his finger nail manicured the day of the debate.

    The libbers are all about show and no substance .

    That Springsteen concert reminds me of the pied piper

  15. That idiot Bush is probably better off NOT saying we beat Al Qaeda ... "Beat the snot out of Al Qaeda"?!?!? Are you serious? Osama is alive and killing our guys in two countries... Who's in custody? Cat Stevens. Yeah, mission accomplished all right ...


    Kerry gave aid and comfort to the enemy,which you are too young to remember , nuff said. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  16. Man you had those right wing blinders on full force tonght.  Kerry realizes we need more special forces thats how you win war on terror.


    In addition he said he was going to increase troop levels substantially , and just how do you think he was going to do this? Already we are using reserves for active duty .

    Tell me how he plans to increase troop levels you evidently did not hear him say that.I did hear him say we need more special forces .He wants to increase the size the overall size of the military obviously you must have been out for a beer.

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