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Captain America

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Posts posted by Captain America

  1. Actually Jim, I've spent the better part of the last two weeks participating in voter registration drives in politically democratic enclaves, working wit a democratic legislative candidate and helping a democratic candidate for congress on an education policy.  Time to stop talking and start doing.  But you righties really should stay here sitting at your computer and blowing smoke up each others asses! ;)


    Ah then you were in the ghetto or a run down trailer park.However I agree the democrats need all the help they can get :D

  2. Wake up people - it's easy to say one thing and have your campaign manager in cahoots with the  culprits at the same time!  Quite frankly, when directly asked the question (and our modern day media does not ask ANYONE very good, probing questions anymore), he really had no choice.  This 'debate' has to take place in a subversive way because this is a comparison where he has NO upside - they can dog Kerry all they want, but at least there are people around who saw him there and criticize what he did - all of this is really stupid, not relevant to what will happen in the next four years, and certainly took attention away from Bush's questionable record of military service.


    The only thing questionable is the libbers :huh::doh:

  3. Why so much negativity over this team? Mistakes were made in the selection process IMO, but I am not going to put down anyone who went over and represented our country.


    Allen Iverson, who I've always had a low opinion of, went up a few notches in my book. Broken thumb, high desire...after being 5 minutes late, he has done nothing but impress me.


    I understand some players were afraid to go over there. I know if I was in that position (dream on!) security would be a factor for me as well- but these guys went and won a bronze. That's not good enough for some people. Hey guys, good job... you won a medal in the Olympics.


    Now they can get home in time to finish thier community service sentence. They blow.

  4. Attaway, blame union workers for getting steamrolled, picked apart, and sold out by their leaders.


    Good show, when's the tarring and feathering begin?


    I think you are dead right with most of your post, and I think there are plenty of cases where unions are too strong for their own good -- a lot of teacher unions (even though I am one) for example, theater and film, baseball, etc. -- HOWEVER, working class folks like my dad put their lives at risk on high wires everyday and are getting told that they should work on their own with less safety provisions taken and no crewmen to help them should anything go wrong.  They need a union to protect them, and they're not getting that protection from the union OR the government because it's all about the dollar.  That guy hanging out of the bucket electrocuted because the job went to the lowest bidder is a direct result.


    Unions aren't perfect, but the alternative, while cheaper, lowers the standard of living and safety for an awful lot of people.  Companies that have been EXTREMELY profitable are moving, to make even more money and to be held less accountable.  Nobody held a gun to these CEOs' heads and said, "move your office to Bermuda and by another Hummer or you're going to get it."  The greed in this country is infuriating.


    The greed in this country is infuriating

    Become a missionary in a foreign country :doh:

  5. I hate to even think this way but it sounds like some one is taking advantage of the situation , unless of course he receives the money ,all the medical bills ,as stated in this thread previously, will be paid for.

    Time and again young people fall for the recruiters "your college will be paid for " neglecting to say of course if you live through the experience.

  6. People are going to keep diging and finding out things that are better left unfound.  I think Kerry knew this and thought fighting would get it to go away faster and I think it has backfired...Would people been looking in this detail if Kerry hadn't filed lawsuits sent letters, ect.




    You know its not what Kerry did when he was in Viet Nam it was what he did when he returned and that story will be told soon and its a documented fact Hanoi Jane would help him now but I think she is in a physc center ,where,I might add she should be. I vividly remember these traitorus aholes first hand ,many of you werent even born yet.

  7. Does it really matter what the target is?  All you need is a terror warning.  In fact, seems to me that using VA hospitals has a greater impact than something people would expect.


    Do a Google search tomorrow and see what got more press.  BTW, I noticed Drudge had the terror warning, but not the poverty numbers....


    You should run for President. The terrorists and poverty .just have the terrorists attack and kill all the people in poverty ..end of poverty ,then we kill the terrorists end of terror what a great solution :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  8. I'm sure there is a Bush hit squad waiting to prove that John Kerry never played soccer or hockey at Yale when it was actually 50 miles away from there, and that he was a bad leader because his team didn't score enough goals, and that some of his sporting teammates are against him for 'drinking to excess several nights, and not actually being in the lineup when he should have'.


    The smear machine works both ways. :(


    We all know what Kerry played . The same thing he still plays.........with himself :o<_<

  9. Why BLZRUL, do you waset you time with idiots?? The same old garbage is spewed over and over again by these radicals that try to defend the indefensible. And... The same bad news, failures, lies, spin and deceipt continues. God, is this the worst administration in history or what? Too bad the empty heads on this board can't see the hand in front of their face.


    Maybe BLZRUL can bake some oatmeal cookies and you can go out and distribute them to the poor and unfortunate its the least you can do seeing as how you and the rest of the leftists losers are always crying about something.

    It will be great after the election when you lose once again to watch you people cry and complain ,misery loves company ,cant you just feel it slipping away yet again? :P:D

  10. The libber lefty losers will aways say , but Bush , because Komrade Kerry is shallow and empty and he(Kerry) is glad about the Viet Nam controversy because if it wernt for that nobody would even know who he is .I myself could care less about his service in Viet Nam ,good for him, but when he came home , his conduct was traitorious , and this will be the next episode on Komrade Kerry.

  11. I'd MUCH rather have a controversial Congressional testimony than a worthless war where a thousand soldiers and sailors lose their lives for a cause that was fabricated.


    It's not difficult to choose who to vote for when you compare the two men's worst moments. Somehow Kerry seems a bit more humane.... and of course, since Iraq is now free, terrorists are less likely to threaten us. YEAH RIGHT.


    Thats just what need someone who is more humane when we are fight the War on Terror.How about those scum you know the ones the killed 3000 people probaly should treat that situation with more kindest.You libbers are really great maybe you all should volunteer to be beheaded and give our enemy a little satisfaction. I am sure they would stop and Germany and France would immediatley come to our aid .Komrade Kerry is a loser and so are his followers :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  12. Its ok because losers start grasping for anything, and Kerry and his crew are losers . Take MaxCelland and roll him over a cliff :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: All thse losers want is the lime light.The reason most veterans are upset wiht Kerry is not the service in 'Nam' but his testimony to congress when he got back . To Kerry and the rest of his losers :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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