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Captain America

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Posts posted by Captain America

  1. The Bills RIPPED my heart out last week with their 3rd loss this season. Faithfully watching and supporting the Bills since the 60's, I thought I saw ever way a team could lose a game and they found another way. That loss did it for me.                Jets rip the Bills a new one Jets31 Bills 18


    You posted the same thing I could have posted I agree wiht you one hundred percent. The Bills even back in the good lod days always had a problem of keeping dead wiegt too long, like Bucky Brooks ,remember him?

  2. Assuming that the question of what to do about 900 people in Iraq was THE major campaign point.  In America, although the debates have focused on Iraq, many polls consistently point to the economy being the top issue, with Iraq second or sometimes third.  And we have a MUCH higher stake than the Aussies.


    Tellya what, why don't we pull out all but 900 people and see how much of a campaign issue it is anymore.




    No polls point to the economy being the top issue, unless its one you conducted, sit back on your couch and have a bon bon and watch the news channel you agree the most with .What good is the ecomony fi your dead? :D

  3. link

    CNN headlines mentioned that the Taliban has been threatening, or attempting to disrupt the election (I thought they got overthrown?) but this is something else, the candidates are questioning the process.


    Not one sore loser apparently but almost all of them.


    I wonder what this will lead to? I thought that there were supervisors there helping ensure that there were free elections?  I know Medicins sans Frontiers have pulled out after 25 years because it's not safe for them to be there, did the groups watching and supporting the elections leave too?


    This is not good news if the Afgans are going to move forward as a nation.


    They want to give you some idea what it will be like for you in November :D

  4. Assuming that the question of what to do about 900 people in Iraq was THE major campaign point.  In America, although the debates have focused on Iraq, many polls consistently point to the economy being the top issue, with Iraq second or sometimes third.  And we have a MUCH higher stake than the Aussies.


    Tellya what, why don't we pull out all but 900 people and see how much of a campaign issue it is anymore.




    Get your excuses ready for November :D

  5. This election was over before it started,Kerry didnt have a chance and he still doesnt.That should put a smile on Hillary's face :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    thats odd, considering the economy's been bumpy the last couple years and the situation in iraq is turning into a mess, this was (and still is) kerry's election to lose


    When did you ever see your liberal report any good news about anything..Bush wins. :D

  6. The lumber royalties came from an oil and gas holding in GWs portfolio that also happens to own a timber company.  GW is right on target with his comback.  So yea, Factcheck.com was right, that Kerry was right, and completely misleading at the same time.  It was a lame comment that set GW up to lay down the hammer of superior personability.  Kerry made a wonderful straight man last night...


    That so many of you find it a disgrace, and not humorous, only shows the depths of your personal hatred for the man.  It also shows that you are either 1) willing to ignore true humor for political motive, or 2) you do not actually have a sense of humor.  Because this is the real truth:


    "Need some wood?" will go down as one of the funniest comebacks in presidential debate history.  It will also prove to be one of the very reasons Americans will re-elect GW in November.  Barring any catastrophic world or political events, this election is over.  Dems will have 4 more years to practice their hate...



    Barring any catastrophic world or political events, this election is over. Dems will have 4 more years to practice their hate

    This election was over before it started,Kerry didnt have a chance and he still doesnt.That should put a smile on Hillary's face :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  7. And AD...these debates have never been about substance.  Since Kennedy and Nixon they have always been about "presence, appeal, and confidence".

    And that is exactly what the American People look for today.  Because when you get right down to the nitty gritty....people know that it doesn't matter who they vote for, they are still going to get the same big bag of non-production.  So they vote for the guy they think they can tolerate more doing nothing in Washington.


    One word says it all "shallow" the libbers want a media darling, you know the plastic people

  8. So why don't you voluntarily pay a lot more taxes than you are supposed to or scheduled to or legally bound to, or are you a "fuggin' hypocrite", too? Boomer the mutt-brain suggested that they should just pay more taxes because that is what they want, which is so moronic it's amazing I decided to respond to him. But I did, saying they gladly would pay what Kerry has said they would have to pay (meaning accept his tax cuts for those making over 200K) IF that meant he was elected.


    You say that but you dont know it to be true, of course the hollywood types are very principled if its in thier favor, they also live in fear of a greater power.My My name calling you are losing control and soon to be losing the election, and you know it <_<

  9. For what it's worth:


    1. I am a bleeding heart liberal, and proud of it.

    2. I work in Hollywood in the film industry and know a significant amount about films.

    3. I dislike Michael Moore, and always have. I hate his personality, and for the most part, I dislike his movies and find them not only vastly overrated but boring and manipulative.

    4. Fahrenheit 9/11, if you have not seen it, is likely not what you think it is.

    5. I actually saw it, and hate Bush, and still didn't like it as a film at all, although it had its moments. On a scale of 1-10 I would give it, at the very best, a 6.

    6. It's still not what you think it is and you need to see it to have any opinion of it whatsoever.

    7. It's more dissimilar than similar to his earlier films, excluding the fact that he edits it for his own personal stance (which he never denies) and it's misleading as hell.

    8. You have to see it to have any opinion on it whatsoever.


    I wonder if the high profile hollywood libbers realize thier taxes are going back up.If they really think its ok then why didnt they take the option of paying more taxes?

  10. My take on that exchange was "Jesus Christ, he has so much money and so many business interests, that he doesn't even know what he owns!"  <_<  "WTF!"  :(  "He doesn't identify with the average joe at all!"  :lol: .  He didn't deny owning a timber company, he was just surprised by it, like he wasn't sure if he does or not.  And me being an average joe, that didn't sit well with me.  To me it made him look like a filthy rich, pompous, ignorant man.  I mean, I know what I own and what I don't own, most of working America does, right?  I know Kerry is filthy rich too, but he doesn't come off as a pompous, ignorant man.


    Don't flame me, those were just my immediate thoughts after seeing that timber exchange, I'll refrain from saying anything about the wood between Bush's ears  :lol: .


    Kerry owns four personal properties , Bush owns one.Secret Service protection for four properties or one property.

    I can flame any one I want ,typical liberal trying to limit free speech. :lol: Kerry is a dork .I would bet that secretly that most liberals wish they had another candidate other than Kerry but they never would admit it. Bush identifies with the average Joe better than Kerry the elitist.

    The election is over anyway ,,Kerry loses

  11. A slight win for the president. The main reason I say that is because his performance (not substance) was lacking in the 1st debate and that was the only difference there. kerry did nothing more this time, same rhetoric, same level of promising spending , and feeling our pain. So there was really nowhere for kerry to go, I mean what was he going to do promise a trillion more in new goverment programs. <_<


    GWB did ok, especially as he got more attention directed towards kerrys weak senate record.


    But what I realized was kerry may be impossible to beat in a debate. The reason is, he has no hesitation at all to say anything. Really, he made more promises, with less substance then even our good friend slick willy. There is no way to challenge kerry because he will never be asked any tough questions by the elite media, nor will he even answer if he was asked directly. He truely understands that he can say litterally anything. hell at one point last night, he even told the president that he owned a lumber company. Of course all the president could do was thank johhny for the information because it was news to him. There is really no way to deal with this type of weasel.....he will do and say anything.


    John Kerry will turn our country over to foreign rule.The President should have taken the oportunity to exploit his oposition to a world court.Kerry is on record as being in favor of it.

    Without having watched the debate (which I did),I could have told you Bush won the debate.All one would have to do his look at the reports this morning and there is little of nothing mentioned about them by the liberal media.Kerry is not the man to lead this country and most liberals know it ,but the cant bring themselves to vote for Bush.There is nothing wishy washy about Bush ,Kerry blows with the wind,.and he is sneaky

    Did you know he owns four properties? Bush owns one. Bush paid 250,00 dollars in taxes Kerry paid 90,000.Kerry even had a barn dismantled in a foreign country and re assembled ove here for one of the properties. Kerry is a liberal elitist and he will tax you heaveily .The small business man that does make over tow hundred thousand will have to pay a higher tax will either have to go out of business or charge you more ofr his services. Who in their right minds wants more taxes.? Many people country wnat more and they want some body else who has worked hard to pay for them.

  12. They were mostly pencil pushing geeks and doctors who pushed papers giving each other medals from what I've been reading.  I think they are weasels to dis another vets service.  Many of us who actually served in combat feel that way. OHHHHH....served in combat....guess you wouldn't have a clue about that richio.


    I think they are weasels to dis another vets service

    Really , Kerry did it upon his return and he did it to the American people and congress

  13. I don't know why we just don't do what Kerry wants to do: pull our troops out of there as quickly as we can and let Iraq fend for itself.


    Kerry never said pull the troops out in fact he wants to send more and increase the number in the military ,sounds like the draft to me.However while we are at it I suppose you would want Saddam restored to power , after of course, we recover the bllions of dollars he stole from the world and his own people

  14. The world ecomomy is based on energy cost (oil) as third world countries enter the world of competion the demand for oil goes up and thats the way it is .The oil goes to the higest bidder.I forsee 75 dollars a barrel no matter who is the president and after that I see a servere oil shortage.

    There will not be a world leader that can do anything about it. On the other hand this is really what wars are fought for. ..get ready

  15. Sorry Bremer, you've just learned something that all trial lawyers preach: you can't unring the bell.  It's out there, it's too late, and anything you say is "backpeddling" and "flip-flopping".


    Maybe you should take a reading course he said that the press didnt report everything he said. You people havent got a clue you are like a bad comedian stealing other peoples lines like"flip flop" The other side said that . oh lets use that ,what a bunch of losers ,dont have an original idea amoung you :lol:

    Did I say that belore I didnt say that? ;)

  16. if we didnt go to Iraq ,right or wrong , we would not have known this

    " Disc Found in Iraq Has U.S. Schools Info" Of course Kerry says it was the wrong war at the wrong time hmm I seem to remember John Dean saying that.He voted fo it and then he voted against it (after he found out it didnt contain a tax increase). You thought Bush was a moron Kerry wins this one big time in the moron category.

  17. Don't tell me you bought Kerry's little speech about pulling troops out in 6 months.  No matter who is elected, US troops are going to be over in Iraq for a long time.  Kerry can't speed up the training of Iraq's police force, and he won't get other countries to commit troops over there.  It's politics as usual....


    Kerry doesnt know how to act all he can do his re act :D

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