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Captain America

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Posts posted by Captain America

  1. Just curious, all the people who support President Bush. How many terrorist where there in Iraq before the war? This is the one issue that is really bothering me. I am not trying to be a smarta$$, really. But when I hear people say we are fighting a war with Iraq because we are fighting terriosism, how many where there?


    I honostly believe there are/were, more terriost in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Libya then there were in Iraq at the start of the war. 


    If you say we went to war because of WMD, what, if there were WMD in Iraq, what would they do with them? Sell them to terrorists? Use them on there own people?

    I am not sure what Hussein would do with them if he had them. If he had WMD's, then I would agree that going to war with Iraq was a good move. I could understand that.


    Just to clear things up. I support the war on terror 100%. I just think if we are really trying to win the war on terror, Iraq was not a major hotbed for terrorism before the war. I think they are after the war.


    Terrorism is a broad term however Saddam was offering a reward of ten thousand dollars to any Palestine family that would give up a family member to be a suicide bomber.Wouldnt you consider that terrorism? Or the rebels that blew up the school full of Russian children.Terrorism doesnt seem to have an organized purpose like a military war does ,it is designed to weaken the will of the people so they will accept the ideas of the terrorist, for instance radical Islam.

    It hard for the civilized world to relate to these terrorist because it appears to us as just killing for killing sake.And for the most part thats also the terrorists main objsective , kill all non-believers .Terrorism is unstructured and very dangerous and thats why conventional warfare is not as effective as it is in a regular war .The bottom line in the war on terror is kill more of them than they kill of you. Nobody ever said that Saddam had a hand in 9/11 . Saddam supported terrorists but just not the 9/11 crew. The way I see it is any country in the mid east is a hot bed of terrorism . As a side note , that reward Saddam was offering was probably part of the oil for food program, thats really why countries backed off on going to war against him as thier hands were already dirty.

  2. I am kind of confused. I haven't been following the election as closesly as I would like.  However, every single one of my friends and colleagues is a staunch Kerry supporter.  Most feel this way due to an utter hatred towards GW Bush.  Now I notice that on this board, I would say that Bush has the majority.  That said, I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me here.




    Please, no insults against Kerry's personalitiy or his flip flopping, etc... what I would love to hear are some deficiencies in Kerry's policy.  If you could point me to resources,  that would be great too.


    I'm just trying to educate myself here. Thanks very much!


    Well you could start off by getting some new friends. My guess is your friends are young. Over and above that, does it makes sense for some one you really do not know much about just because you hate some one .

    Kerry would have you believe he in line with the 'average' man , of which the combined income of him and his wife is 6.8 million a year at a tax rate of 12 percent which is below the average citizen. I also feel you were not around during the Viet Nam era or were very young. I will admit that Kerry served in Veit Nam and admirably , however upon is return led protests against the war, also his rght as a citizen , but he also critized the military personnel for atrocities during the war which, in fact the war was still on and Prisones of war were still in enemy custody ,at the very least is a large error judgment.

    And when you vote for Bush you will be able to tell your friends you voted for the winner and the majority of Americans voted that way too and thats really is all this is about. Do you really want to be associated with a party and its supporters that are about all hate?

  3. Wow, another new level of hypocrisy has been achieved by our liberal challeger. I guess all that business about attacking the upper two tax rates and those evil rich people who make over 200k per year will not apply to them.


    I can't wait to see how lockhart and the boys spin this. I wonder if a staffer will be fired as a sacrifical lamb.


    Anyway, lets see what the lib flamers have to say about this.

    Middle Class Said To Pay Higher Tax Rate Than Heinz Kerry And Kerry

    Mon Oct 11 2004 10:22:17 ET


    Stephen Moore, president of the Club for Growth, writes in the WALL STREET JOURNAL on Monday: "According to the Kerrys' own tax records, and they have not released all of them, the couple had a combined income of $6.8 million in income last year and paid $725,000 in income taxes. That means their effective tax rate was a whopping 12.8%.... "Under the current tax system the middle class pays far more than the Kerry tax rate. In fact, the average federal tax rate -- combined payroll and income tax -- for a middle-class family is closer to 20% or more. George W. and Laura Bush, who had an income one- tenth of the Kerrys', paid a tax rate of 30%. ...


    "Here is the man who finds clever ways to reduce his own tax liability while voting for higher taxes on the middle class dozens of times in his Senate career. He even voted against the Bush tax cut that saves each middle-class family about $1,000." The Kerrys "have unwittingly made the case for what George W. Bush says he wants to do: radically simplify and flatten out the tax code. ... So before John Kerry is given the opportunity to raise taxes again on American workers, shouldn't he and Teresa at least pay their fair share?"


    Well Rich Kerrys own man Lockhart has revised that 200k figure down to 100 k

  4. Will Kerry tell the families of the American sailors killed on the USS Cole that the Islamic murderers who killed them were just a mere nuisance?  How about the families of the Marines killed in the Khobar towers in 1996? The first World Trade Center Bombings?


    Kerry operates under the theory that if you ignore a problem it will go away , He does not think terroism is a problem just a slight nuisance Kerry will downgrade the military as evidenced by his total disdane for them ,upon his return from Viet Nam.

    Kerry wants one on one talks with the North Koreans on nuclear capabilities., should be obivious ,so there will be no witness to the fact he will sell out this country.

  5. Why Alaska Dimwit, I'm flattered that you think the Bushies would go to such an extent to cover their asses for failing to anticipate, address, prepare for, or deal with terrorism.  The skittle colored "warning system" just doesn't cut it.  When I was in high school we criticized a classmate (offensive line) for "look out" blocks.  When a defensive lineman rushed by him he'd yell "look out."  As bills fans might notice that kind of lineman isn't very offensive.  The warning system is Bushie's "lookout block!" <_<


    Tenny ,your taxes are going up with Kerry and the cut off point is between eighty and one hundred thousand dollars and thats from Kerrys man Joe Lockhart, you know mister Global Crossing "i made my money" Kerry is a phony and a liar .I know you and your liberal buddies do not trust Kerry and this campaign is based on blind hatered for Bush.Lets not forget Kerry stabbed you and the rest of the vets in the back when he returned from 'Nam'

    I am not a huge Bush fan , but Kerry is a phoney but I suppose you and the rest of the legal types want Kerry and Edwards so lawsuits can run rampant

  6. I can see us finishing out the year 9-3 with a wild-card birth. It's not like they don't have the talent. Here's to an exciting rest of the season.  GO BILLS!!!!!


    Take your medication.This team and organization flat out sucks . Ralph is getting ready to move them ,do it Ralph , this tam is a cancer to the area.Its bad enouhg around here this will be one less embarassment :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  7. First of all, the amount of pathetic pissing and moaning on this board has reached an all-time high.  Jeez...get ahold of yourselves.  Would a little objective analysis hurt any of you?


    The thing that killed the Bills yesterday, and is the root of the problems the offense is having, is the O-line.  Sitting at field level in the endzone gives me a great perspective of the lines ability of open holes, shift, and pass protect.  They failed at all three.  I once was able to see our o-line open beautiful holes for Thurman to run through, as well as create a nice pocket for Jim to set up in.  This line is incapable of either.  Bledsoe had NO time to even look past his first option, nevermind being able to wait for the longer patterns to set up.  We can't run anything up the middle because there is no ability to open even the smallest hole for our backs to run through.  The only successful running plays we had were to the outside.


    Second, the problem yesterday was NOT Bledsoe...repeat...it was NOT Bledsoe.  While completely acknowledging his inability to move around, he wasn't even getting three seconds after the snap before he was pressured.  How is it his fault when his line collapses almost immediately.  I felt that he did a pretty good job yesterday...I was there...I watched him...he acted confident, was accurate, and put the ball where it had to be.


    Coaching...give Mularky credit for kicking these guys in the ass at the begining of the 4th quarter.  The unit that was 90% responsible for the pathetic offensive showing during the first three quarters (the o-line), finally stepped up and offered Drew some protection.  Plus, I thought the play calling offered a different mix of personnel and formations.


    I think we saw something interesting in the 4th quarter.  Is it a coincidence that the only success we saw took place during drives where we ran a hurryup offense.  Play calling involved a quick drop and dump to a short yardage receiver, mixed in with some runs.  Set up the long pass to Evans nicely as well.


    Finally, penalties continue to kill us, though we seem to have settled down later in the game.


    This team MUST build on their play in the 4th quarter.  I am not so lame as to think this team can make the playoffs (quite frankly, anyone who thought this team would have that level of success at all is too much of a homer to objectively judge this team), but as evidenced by all our games so far this year, we can play with anyone and have a chance to win late, even with as many mistakes as have been made.


    We have to take each game as it comes, and look to develop our personnel, our unit play and our coaching so that we go into next year having built up an experienced team that opens the 2005 season with few, if any, questions.


    Doomer cryers fire away, though you're less-than-objective opinions are getting very very old.


    Instead of using all this bandwidth just say THEY SUCK!!

  8. I've been a Bills fan since I was 4 years old.  I've seen some bad teams in that time, I've seen some great teams of course.  Until the last few years I haven't seen a team that is so hard to love.


    Right now I see a team of losers.  It is a team with some players like Coy Wire that have absolutely no talent, and a team with some players that have talent but do not use it properly.


    Drew Bledsoe - In the NFL today, you have to have a good combination of arm, feet, brains and guts to be an effective QB.  You don't have to have tons of each, but you need at least some.  Bledsoe still has his arm.  He has some of his guts left.  Not much.  He never had too much of a brain and is even more prone to dumb plays than ever.  He has no feet whatsoever.  This combination makes him tremendously easy to game plan against.  Other teams can simply take away huge chunks of a basic NFL offense before the game even starts.  He's a great guy and started a great cause called Parenting with Dignity.  He should retire with dignity.  There is not a chance he can bring a team to a championship in the NFL.  Ever. 


    London Fletcher - He is way too aggresive and overplays too much.  You can't afford your MLB to do this.  He plays dumb.


    Lawyer Milloy - This quick healer is needed by his team.  Where in the blue hell is he?  Does he have to show up at OBD each week or are the Bills able to use direct deposit for his paycheck?


    Troy Vincent - His injured knee will allow this character guy to focus his attention on his budding union career instead of letting giving a stevestojan about winning get in the way.


    Travis Henry - If the drafting of McGahee was such a slap in the face why hasn't he learned to pick up a blitz in the year and a half since the pick?


    Nate Clements - He will do well after he skates out of town and goes to a team where he can let other guys do the dirty work.  This way he can be a "playmaker" and not have to worry about little things like knocking down passes on 4th down,


    Rian Lindell - How hard can it be to practice kicking in the off season?  On second thought, how hard is it to spell Ryan?


    What do all of these guys have in common?  The GM.  TD never won a thing in Pittsburgh and it sure doesn't look much better here.  The choices of Vincent, Milloy, Bledsoe, Wire and Lindell are obvious failures (with some exception for the time being with Vincent).  That does not bode well for Josh Reed.  I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since it basically takes a miracle to have a positive play in this offense.  TD's utter lack of attention to the OL is baffling.  His last choice of a coach (Williams) was a dud.  I like MM so far but that doesn't mean he'll be great.  He just doesn't have any winners to work with right now.  Evans had better watch his back because he looks pretty good right now which makes him an exception.  There is no 1st rounder next year beacuse we preferred someone that I hope turns out to be the next Jim Kelly.  So far, he is Rob Johnson with brittle bones.  I hope that is a fluke but TD seems to have a knack for injury prone selections.


    All of this would be depressing but livable if anyone in the organization seemed to give a stevestojan at all.  My guess is that some do, but I have seen no evidence of it.


    I've been posting on this forum for several years.  I've never posted something as negative as this.  I just think that losing a game or two at the end is inevitable.  Losing four in a row at the beginning of the season is absolute proof of a loser's mentality.  It is hard to get rid of that mentality, but that is now MM's job.  I wish him luck.  I'm rooting hard for him.


    Just saying they suck would suffice :doh: There really isnt any T E A M

  9. fold.  The defense needs to be more agressive when the game is on the line.  It was good to see Willis get some touches, he is improving.  With Drew at the helm, we have to play close to the vest and not have any turnovers.  (we did that today)  Fletcher was an animal today, did you see him catch Santana Moss from behind? 


    Another disappointing loss, but we are close.  Don't give up on these guys.


    Thats right think positive .They are positivley the biggest bunch of losers in the league :doh:

  10. fold.  The defense needs to be more agressive when the game is on the line.  It was good to see Willis get some touches, he is improving.  With Drew at the helm, we have to play close to the vest and not have any turnovers.  (we did that today)  Fletcher was an animal today, did you see him catch Santana Moss from behind? 


    Another disappointing loss, but we are close.  Don't give up on these guys.


    You wanna be entertained see your local street walker :doh::doh:

  11. The terror level is really for police and security agencies that take certain steps of increased security. After people learn how to read maybe you could do a little reading here.

    Homeland Security


    Young male Americans are really stupid because they watch too much TV and believe every thing they ssee .They have a serious problem understanding anything.

    Some time watch the TV ads closely that have males in them , the males depicted are either wimpy or gay or both. The real Americans are the ones in the United States Military.You dont see them dancing around the a sugar plum fairey :doh::doh:

  12. You guys wanted/want Drew out!  TD likes to give the fans what they want!  Mike was the best suited person for the job!  Way to go mike, keep blowing those blocks!


    Actually I think Williams and Jennings were having a contest to see which one could blow the most blocks. That O Line is a sorry looking bunch of players

  13. Well, this morning's Seattle PI front page story is about the terrorists targeting our ferries. No surprise I guess - those things hold upward of 150 vehicles each.


    However I'd probably look to the mechanics or dock workers instead of vehicles, since there are bomb-sniffing dogs screening all vehicles now.  Easier to sneak something in and plant it in the engine room.


    We're  taking the 10:15 or 10:45 Kingston Ferry this morning on our way to Dungeness.  Eat that terrorists.


    You have all the answers feel free to check it out yourself :D

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