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Tux of Borg

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Posts posted by Tux of Borg

  1. No, you are missing the point or did not read my first post, you can not be found guilty twice when you send the ticket back in GUILTY there is no trial nor hearing date set to appear for, its over, a judgment have been determined the only thing left to do is pay a fine. It is NOT AGAINST THE LAW to not pay a fine, there are no debtors prisons, but what they can do is take your PRIVILEGE to drive away until you do.


    Correct, they can't throw you into debtors prisoner or put a lean on your house. However, they can sell your debt to a collection agency and inturn, screw your credit.


    Out of state violations do not become points on your own states drivers license.


    Depends on the state and what you were charged with. For example, if a NC resident receives a "careless operation" ticket in South Carolina, the NC DMV recognizes that as a 6 point violation.


    NRCV nor DLA cover the points and insurance issue in the states compact, Just unpaid fines, scofflaws and driver information BETWEEN STATES not insurance companies and states. States do not have a standardized points system what may be a moving violation and points assets in one state may not be the case in another, but they are trying to expand the Drivers License Agreement (DLA) to a one country wide license and point system which will change everything. I have gotten tickets in PA, MD and VA and my insurance has never caught it, even when I switched insurers. BTW, in NYS points will stay on your license for 18 months but insurance company will hold it against you for 3 years.


    NRVC is the standard used by most states. The DLA has been around for over 10 years now and nobody uses it.

  2. I guess you never have gotten a Notice of Suspension before or your just trying to scare the guy. They don't automatically suspend your license. It's a pending Suspension if the fine is not paid by a certain date. The states are not interested in taking peoples licenses away to fulfill some requirement of law to pay your debt to the people of NY, there is just no money in that.


    It's funny but I believe the legal system in our county is very comfortable and might even prefer people to operate in the "gray area", not a full fledged law breaker and not a goody-two-shoes that scares into submission. I think gray area people keep them in business at low cost to the tax payer.


    If you don't pay a traffic ticket you will be found "guilty" when you don't show up for court. At this time you will be entered into NCIC as a wanted person for failure to pay traffic tickets. Granted, you won't have a SWAT team kicking down your door, but it will be a bad day if you run into law enforcement again. I would also suggest if you pay a ticket late, to contact the clerk of court to verify they took you out of NCIC. People do go to jail from time to time for paying a ticket late and not having their name taken out of the system.


    You are also putting too much faith into the DMV. Some states send out letters, some don't. The states that do send out letters will send it to either a) the address on the DL; b) the address on the ticket or; c) to the address registered to the car. More often then not the person who's license is suspended doesn't find out until it's too late.

  3. I'm an old pro at this. I'd normally say send in the ticket not guilty, trail date is then set. At the trial if the cops is a no show ask that "in the interest of justice I ask that these charges be dismissed, the accuser is not present for trial". If the cop shows ask to speak with the DA and plea it down, it's the American way!


    Since you are out of state it does not pay to go to court so send it in guilty (you do not want to be a scofflaw). If you feel the fine is too high then don't pay it. Insurance companies track you by points and you won't get points on your license from an out of state ticket.


    If NH and NY have a pact which they do not as far as I know, you would get a Notice of Drivers License Suspension in the mail, 3 to 6 months later from your home state NH stating that it you do not pay the fine from the NY by such and such a date your license will be suspended, in which case you pay it. The points still will not follow you to NH from NY.


    What wonderful advice, don't pay the traffic ticket and hope the DMV doesn't suspend your license. :thumbsup:


    NH and NY are both NRVC compact states. Which is a little misleading since all 50 DMVs now talk together online. Alot of people don't even know their DLs are suspended until they hit a checkpoint or are involved in a traffic stop. In either case, the driver goes to jail.

  4. I think drunk in public would be a better charge as I'm not really afraid of being killed by a drunk person in a wheelchair. Same goes with a BWI. A person walking in traffic poses just as much risk as a bicycle. And yet there is no WWI.


    The days where you could charge a non license driver with public intoxication are coming to an end.

  5. http://blogs.tampabay.com/80s/2008/10/v-invades-prime.html


    'V' invades prime time TV again!


    Can TV get any better for '80s fans? First a new Knight Rider returns and now this: The sci-fi series V is set to be remade and return to television as a miniseries and TV spinoff.


    ABC is remaking the 1980s story about alien lizards "visiting" Earth, according to Variety.com. The new series will be written by The 4400 co-creator Scott Peters.


    "Whenever I mention V to anybody, they still have a lot of good memories about the original movie and series," Peters told the trade journal. "Everybody has that imagery of their uniforms, or the visitor eating a hamster. It’s a science fiction icon and too good to pass up."


    V_show The original 1983 miniseries was a ratings triumph, sparking a sequel and a weekly TV series during the 1984-85 season. Original writer-producer-director Kenneth Johnson had been trying to find buyers for "V: The Second Generation," according to Variety, but he's not listed among those involved with the ABC version.


    The new miniseries will revolve around a Homeland Security agent whose wayward son is attracted to the aliens upon their arrival, though more side plots are expected along the way.

  6. And FSU better hurry. A bigger portion of the Auburn world is getting pissed off with Tuberville. Apparently, questions regarding job security have been asked during interviews.


    Some of the replacement names being tossed about in the delusional minds of Auburn fans:


    Butch Davis

    Brian Kelly

    Dennis Francione (sp) ;)B-)

    Bill Cowher

    Lane Kiffin

    Nick Saban :(:thumbsup:

    Bobby Petrino <_<

    Jimbo Fisher


    Butch Davis isn't going anywhere. Auburn will be lucky to land a guy like a Ty Willingham.

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