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Tux of Borg

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Posts posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Year 3 is supposed to be championship year for coaches at ND (Ara, Frank, Dan, Lou...).  Ok....not that anyone expected that, but the offense has been horrible ever since Ty got here.  I love his style and enthusiam (such an improvement over Bob Davies), but I really have to question the coaching philosophy at this point.  If you recall, when the Irish started 8-0 in his first year, it really masked a weak offense.  That team won several of those games on defense and special teams...they had an amazing run of huge plays on defense during that season.  Since that run, they are 7-11 and that ain't gonna get it done.


    I hate to start the panic after week one, but after seeing the BYU game, I have a hard time beleiving the Irish can even be competitive with Michigan, Purdue, USC, Tennessee and Washington.



    For the 1st time in two years... I saw Notre Dame's offense show sign of life. There star receiver McKnight didn't do much. The big surprise was the freshman Darius Walker. Not a heisman candidate (yet), but he got the job done.

  2. Has anyone yet managed to point out that '60s vintage typewriters and modern computers print to paper differently?  A typewriter uses impact printing, ink- or laser-jet doesn't.  Ergo, a typewriter disrupts the fiber of the paper around the letter, and will show clear evidence of the impact.  The ink's different too...typewriters use a ribbon, ink- and laser-jets use dyes.


    So is this whole discussion simply about fonts?  Or has anyone done any real work looking into the issue?  :doh:




    The font argument came from there being two different types of fonts in the document. More specifically, the "th" in the "111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron" was raised up. This was something that typewriters at that time could not do. However, something that is done automatically inside of Microsoft Word.


    If the font doesn't fit... then you must acquit! ;)

  3. I hate chris rix, hes the most worthlesds piece of trash i have ever seen...but seriously, he reminds me of rob johnson...teases you with a good play or 2, then turns to complete stevestojan...


    me and the other 30,000 students here at FSU hate him, but bowden and the boosters love him, so he aint seein the bench anytime soon...


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: chris rix, and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: miami



    And next week Chris will throw for 300 yards passing. I think he has the talent, it just doesn't click up in his head. But you're right, Chris is the golden boy. He can miss exams and park his SUV in all the handicap spaces he wants. What are they going to do to him?

  4. The defense played well for the Irish. I do agree with you about the offense. Last year was supposed to be a "growing" year for the O-line and Quinn. How many more of these games before the ND alumni call for Ty's head.

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