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Benjamin Franklin

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Posts posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. If Rice could still ball and/or teach younger receivers, there's no way in hell Seattle lets him go.  Think about it.



    Not to mention, as good as Rice is, he is not known as a guy who takes young players under his wing.

  2. News Report

    I know that many feel this subject is too full of contraversy but I think that we all need to come together here.


    Michael fell ill today and it is no doubt due to all of the pressure that he has been under lately. Surely there are some on this boadr who feel, "hey good for him" and there are others who feel "how can I help this poor man.


    I say, he is a man, just like any of us. He has feelings too, and we should wait until all of the evidence comes out, and the jury will speak. In the mean time, please just try to remember, Michael is just like us....a human being, and he deserves our love and support as he recovers from this terrible illness that has now hospitalized him.


    I think that a prayer may be in order here.



    He is indeed a good man.

  3. Story Link


    I fail to understand how this guy got elected to lead the democratic party. This has to be a decided upon startegy that the brilliant left has come up with to defeat the wicked Republicans. What other explaination is there?


    If this was not the strategy of the left to have screamin dean out there making these childish, petty, and foolish comments then why has no one of any significance on the lefy come out and called this guy out?


    Comments please..and of course flames from the loveing left.



    They are after the asylum crowd, as if they didn't already have them in their pocket.

  4. algore freaks out again

    First it was dean going nuts and stopping just short of calling republicns the anti-christ.


    Now algore freaks out again claiming the republicans have a "lust for one-party domination", and that they "seek nothing less than absolute power."


    Of course this is somewhat on the mild side for the wild man from Tenn. It appears that algore simply cannot go more then a few months without a wild freakout session in which he blames the republican party for everything from the Tsunami, to Nadia getting booted from American Idle.

    It was refreshing to hear Republican National Committee spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt say that "if Democrats wonder why they are the minority party, they should look no further than Al Gore's comments today. Americans have moved on, and want their leaders to focus on an agenda, rather than obstruction."


    This sums up the status of the democratic party about as well as it can be done. bravo Tracey.




    But. But Al Gore invented the Internet.

  5. You never said in this post that you weren't a Christian. Nor in any others.  Are you denying that you are one? You remind me of Peter (I think it was) who denied knowing Jesus three times.


    Apparently you don't have the brain power to understand that not everything is black and white.  I mentioned in my previous post that we have a Consitution and a Bill of Rights that provides for our free pursuit of happiness.  If I ate you, obviously I would

    be infringing on those rights that our founding fathers set out to provide for you (unless that would make you ultimately happy - sicko).



    I accept your apology, since your continued labeling of me as a Christian serves as an affirmation of how right I am. Thank you BluFire. Try to channel some of your anger into learning more about science.

  6. Best Post Ever! Even though it can be summed up with "morality is relative" its the delivery that counts!


    Yeah. Morality is relative. My morals say it's OK to eat living people, so it's OK. Nice world you live in.


    And where did I say I was Christian, Bluefire? Please post a link. When you can't, here's what you can post. Just copy and paste. "I am an ignorant poster who makes broad assumptions about people's religion, based on nothing, as I did in this case. Mr. Franklin never stated that he was a Christian. I just assumed it because he makes such salient points about ID, and the media have brainwashed me to associate ID with the Christian Right. My inability to think for myself continues to embarrass me. I am sorry."


    My response. "Dear Blue: it's OK. The next time your parents let you use the computer, stay in the teen chat rooms though. You'll be a better match of wits for those kids. -BF"

  7. So you're the one who tells me that I can't hear the word "!@#$" on television if I want to, and I can't drive my car without the seatbelt on if I want to.


    I can take care of myself just fine thank you, and most people can take care of themselves too.  What exactly is a "standard of decency"?  Its all RELATIVE based on what you believe.  What I consider decent you'd consider obscene most likely.


    So in short:  !@#$ you for trying to set your standards on me and everyone else.



    You can't be trusted to keep that language from children, so yes, someone has to look out for you.


    Decency is not relative. There's right. There's wrong. That's it. If you'd like to do "wrong" things, you should be punished.


    Go wash your mouth out, and start setting a good example for people.

  8. Come one God lovers: tell me how important it is to teach ID - a theory so full of holes that it's like swiss cheese that you couldn't fit it through the eye of a needle.


    Evolution is the only way to explain the complexity of the world.  Thankfully, it's finally getting tis day in the schools.  This is a great day for American children and for the future of scientific debate in the US - with an acknowledgement that so-caleld "religious" theories take a back seat to real science.


    See I can be ignorant too.  Geesh.




    Wow. The "I am rubber, you're glue" argument. Good stuff.

  9. WHERE'S THE SCIENCE?? The National Academy of Sciences and the National Center for Science Education have described ID as pseudoscience!



    Pseudosources calling something pseudoscience. I'm impressed.


    Rather than refute your assertion that ID is not science with specifics, I'll just footnote you to an ID site. Refute that you college-y Bi-otch.


    Dare you to click "science" guy


    It's this kind of crap that makes sensible republicans cringe at the religious right...and vote libertarian


    Goody. Now you can talk about a pseudoparty. You're good at this.


    Libertarians basic fault: they trust people to take care of themselves.


    Might as well throw out medical research and treatment also...just let that intelligent designer take care of you.



    Always to the extreme with you science types. ID *IS* science. That's all this is about.

  10. I'll be in graduate school for one more year. I do my research out of the medical school in the Department of Pediatrics and I'll emerge with a PhD in Chemical Engineering. I'd say I'm alot more qualified to discuss biology, science, medicine and evolution than you'll ever be. Your looking down upon those that are educated in college setting is disturbing.



    Please don't put too much faith in college education. What you've learned is what a few people wanted to teach you. That reject other scientific theories out of hand- such as ID- shows how little you get from the establishment.

  11. you're completely delusional if you are going to try and pretend that christians had nothing to do with the creation of the farce called intelligent design



    Even if a Christian did discover ID, does that undermine its credibility? There are billions of Christians- does the fact of their faith undermine their credibility? Darwin was a Christian- is evolution thus a farce?


    Nowhere in the ID curriculum is Jesus mentioned. It's just a scientific alternative. As Beauxsox said, please, stay in school.

  12. Read the post aagin.  I didn't say God is crap.  What is crap, though, is explaining away a scientific black box as some divine mystery.  To me, that is ignorant.



    And that is why our kids aren't learning science. Anyone who thinks this country's lack of science education is the fault of parents alone is counting their chickens despite not knowing whether the egg came first. People like you are not willing to teach viable theories of science. If you were teaching science in 2000 BC, you'd be teaching the square wheel design, rejecting the round wheels. You're fixated on accepting ideas that are admittedly WRONG, instead of at least considering, and teaching, ideas that are right.


    I weep for the US science student.

  13. Pascal's Wager: " 'God is, or He is not'. But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. There is an infinite chaos which separated us. A game is being played at the extremity of this infinite distance where heads or tails will turn up.... which will you choose then? Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good; and two things at stake, your reason and your will, your knowledge and your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than the other, since you must of necessity choose...But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and loss in wagering that God is...If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is. "



    Let's see someone respond to THAT! Ha!

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