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Benjamin Franklin

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Posts posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Well, no children were involved.  And no one was ever raped.  But aside from those minor details, we're looking at a clear case of child rape.  :D


    Foley is a pervert who sent sexual emails to 16 year old boys.  So he should be treated and regarded as a pervert who sent sexual emails to 16 year old boys.  Not a "child rapist."


    He's a douche bag.  He used this job to meet and attempt to coerce 16 year olds into having sex with him by sending them perverse messages.  He's basically a less successful version of that female teacher in Florida who actually did have sex with her high school students.  He's a defective human being but not a "child rapist."


    If he was a 16 year old boy and had sex with another 16 year old boy, no one would give a rat's ass (maybe his parents would).  Or if he was still a middle-aged congressman and had sex with another middle-aged man, no one would give a rat's ass.  It's not "rape," it's sexual harassment of young people.



    I don't know about you but I am against child rapists.

  2. Doesn't everybody do this when they get hammered?


    I can't wait for the republican spin machine to start cranking! I'm sure somehow Clinton had something to do with this.




    Countdown to blaming the Democrats for sitting on this until 5 weeks before the election in 3, 2, 1...Wacka? Wacka? Here boy.

  3. You don't actually read the NY Times do you?


    If you did, you might realize that the entire front section of the paper is an "editorial".



    You have trouble making up your own mind?


    Identify the objective newspaper and I'll give you a cookie. Until then, get over it. The "liberal bias" whiners are ust that: whiners. I read a both a liberal and conservative biased paper. And somehow I can make it through the day and make up my own mind. If you can't do that--make up your own mind--pick the paper with the bias you prefer and read it. That paper will make up your mind for you and you'll be happy.

  4. Sir charge is the largest screwing over of the American legal system of all. You have your fine, in this case it was $250, and then a sir charge of $100. You are charged this because the judge looks at the case. 5 minutes of work, and the douche nozzle gets $100.




    Definitely law school for you. I hear you have to pay a sir charge when you pay tuition though.

  5. You guys are merely looking at targets and garbage like that. If you think that is what terrorism is, you are sadly mistaken. You guys are touching base on the idea of terrorism in general with perspectives and differences in types of terrorism, but you are still not quite getting it. Not to mention your use of only modern topics in terms of things that have occurred in the last 50 years, it is becoming ever so clear that no one truly knows terrorism.



    Please, Oh all-knowing oracle, give us your definition. Elighten the masses. Come down from the mountain or at least shout it down to us.


    Note: I don't care that you're 19. Maybe you're 19 and know more than every person here like you assume. But get real: your know-it-all attitude shows you to be an unlikable prick. Next time you post a topic like this, imagine mommy told you she loved you when you were a kid and try to interact with your fellow humans with some respect.

  6. Just a little interesting pattern for fans of Peyton Manning such as myself. Over the past couple of years, Peyton Mannings first 3-5 games have told what he was going to do for the year, unlike other QB's who go up and down as the season rolls along. For example:


    In 2003, in Peyton Mannings first 4 games he had 914 yards, 9 TD's and 3 INT's. This works out to 3,656 yards, 36 TD's and 12 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 4,267 yards, 29 TD's and 10 INT's. Some what close right?



    Not really, except for INTs.


    In 2004, in Peyton Mannings first 3 games he had 9 TD's and 1 INT. This works out to 4.816 yards, 48 TD's and 6 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 4,557 yards, 49 TD's and 10 INT's. Pretty darn close huh?


    This one is a little closer but INTs are about 50% off. Try again.


    In 2005, in Peyton Mannings first 5 games he had 6 TD's and 2 INT's. This works out to 3,593 yards 24 TD's and 12.8 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 3,747 yards, 28 TD's and 10 INT's. Once again. Pretty darn close.


    This one is a little better. Of course, you picked at random the number of games to project the season over--different in every case: 4 games in 2003, 3 in 2004, and 5 in 2005. Further, it's hardly a shock that how someone plays in their first 4 (or so) games actually projects to how they might play over 16 games. What's the impressive study here?


    Now so far in 2006, he is on pace for 5,408 yards, 32 TD's, and 8 INT. Not really important or anything, just thought you guys would think it was interesting.



    So here you use a 2 game sample to project a 15 game season?


    The Chargers have scored 67 points in 2 games. They are going to score almost 500 points this season. Ryan Denney is on pace for 32 sacks and the NFL sack record. Losman won't throw an INT this season. See how silly this is.

  7. Do any of you actually know any history about terrorism, or what terrorism actually is? Just a question that i was thinking about earlier today, and the fact of the matter is that i think this thread will die within two pages because i think the only terrorist groups you people know about are the IRA and al Queda.


    Anybody who thinks they know what terrorism is, tell me in your own words what you think it is, and we'll see if you know? Also include some examples.



    Thank you for coming down from your Temple to ask us mere mortals to amuse you. When we're done being your playthings on this topic, will you take the form of a swan and rape someone?

  8. well i found out the hard way...  For example, i had all the sabres goal compilations done by someone at tsr (maybe hopelesslyoblivious?  I can't remember at the moment.)


    Well, i had these things saved as random files iwth long ambiguous file names, and then i added them to my itunes library.  Well, itunes 7 erased them from my itunes music directory and my library, so i had to readd them and readjust their names.  I had to do that for other countless mp3s that i downloaded with limewire (legally, if anyone has a problem with that...) 


    I'm just very lucky that i have backups all over the place...



    No issues here. Works fine.

  9. Can someone explain the difference to me?


    When Michael Moore put out his movie that clearly contained half truths, intentionally misleading segments and allegations along with dubious conclusions, Republicans complained and Democrats were either silent or supportive.


    Now ABC is planning on a movie that supposedly shows either (or both) misleading notions/false premises and the Republicans are silent while Democrats complain and have active members of the Senate making overt threats to ABC and strongly suggesting they pull the plug on the movie.



    I agree with the major premises of Moore's movie.


    Bush is not that smart.


    Bush attacked Iraq and pulled resources away from the war on terror, and would have done so even if Iraq had no WMDs.


    The US is willing to back (or ignore) bad people in the Middle East if they are willing to be our puppets. In so doing, we create many of our own problems.


    Never seen the ABC thing and haven't even seen publicity about it.


    I would consider most of the prices i've seen from here so far would be heaven. I also heard something about how they are expecting prices to be down to $2.25 by Thanksgiving.



    Always quote "them." "They" know what's going on.

  11. Word I've read is that Huff's deal is for 5 years.  If so, I seriously HOPE that Whitner and his agent aren't pushing for a 4-year deal, in which case they can sit-out the season and re-enter the draft next year.



    He'll never sit. That's a move Reggie Bush could have made. Not Donte Whitner. Let's not get crazy. They're just negotiating.

  12. There is no other alternative G.

    Talking isn't working. If we do nothing, we'll be looking back in ten years saying, "geez, maybe we should have done something then."



    You are a !@#$ing moron. First, if you think a world war will bring some end to global extremism and terror, you dumber than I already think. Second, in case you didn't get the memo, a world war would be a terror to everyone. Living in fear of an occasional civilian attack is more preferable to war with China and Russia. Third, the last time we had a world war, there was one nuclear power. I assume (risky) you understand there are more now.

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