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Benjamin Franklin

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Posts posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Remember when Moulds' poked his ex-girlfreind in the face and picked her up by the neck...after breaking down her door? Or how about the three years of child support he didn't pay until he was facing jail time?


    Let's all stop sucking his d___ here, OK? Moulds has been a hard-working football player, but he can be a J/O. Maybe he went over the line.

  2. Umm.


    Next season, when he is another year removed from the knee injury, Willis will be better than LT. He is already close to that level.


    Anyone notice how Edgerrin (another year removed from his knee injury) has gotten his burst back? The same will happen with Willis. In 2 years, Willis will be the best NFL runningback AND the best fantasy back as MM loves to pound the ball near the goalline.


    Remember, Willis is a guy that was up for the Heismann and considered a top 3 pick (by Houston) until his knee went backwards. He DOES have the natural ability to be the best RB in football in 2 years.


    "benchbledsoe" has spoken. . . say, that's kinda fun Mr. blackbear!


    Mike Williams, by all accounts is just now starting to play well.


    I just want a veteran QB aboard [next year], in case JP plays like Eli Manning has. [i.e., crappy]
  3. On the day MM was hired, I blew my top on this board. I couldn't believe that TD would again pick a coordinator with no previous head caoching experience after the GW mess.


    Everyone said things like "You never know, he could be a great one" and "I like the way he sounded at his welcoming press conference. . . he said all the right things"


    Well, excuse me for pointing out the obvious now, but that hiring is just as bad as GW. At least with GW we had a good defense. I wanted Tom Coughlin or Jim Fassel. can anyone say that they'd really rather have MM than either of those two guys?


    My dream head coach short list:


    1.) Gary Kubiak, OC Denver: Anyone see what Denver does on offense with Plummer and 32 year old Mike Anderson? That scheme is the best in the biz. Period.


    2.) Charklie Weiss, HC Notre Dame: Again, TD passed on him, couldn't wait a couple of weeks or some such nonsense. Same as Romeo Crennel.


    3.) Urban Meyer, HC Florida: This guy is Saban times 10


    4.) Ron Rivera, DC? Chicago: This guy is getting a lot of ink lately, along with Mike Singletary.




    Dude: you are the man. The man. Plain and simple. I'm so glad you reminded me of how "the man" you are. It had slipped my mind for a second, but now I'm focused on the fact again. Wait, you're not just the man. You are a god. G.O.D. You told us "so," (where's the link--I'm dying to relive the moment), and by god, err, yourself, you were right. And for that, at 5-8, I am grateful.


    Were you also right about Flutie v. Johnson?


    That Todd Collins was a bust?


    That Josh Reed would end up having a fair season?


    That Lindell would have a pretty good season?


    That the O-line would be horrific?


    That the D would go from best to worst in one season?


    That Pat Williams would be a huge loss?


    That Spikes would get hurt?


    That Thurman would misplace his helmet?


    That Ronnie Harmon can't catch a ball in a critical situation?


    That the Bills traded Greg Bell at just the right time?


    Just curious. I forgot your positions on those issues, but I'm dying to know. And do you know where I can get a good deal on car insurance?

  4. They had Losman, Schobel, and Coach Mularkey in the Sirius tent this morning.  It was probably about them, interviews and stuff.  :blink:



    I didn't see the tent, but I heard the show. They also had Milloy, Spikes, and Shaud Williams. There wasn't anything said that hasn't been covered here, but it was nice to get some non-homer perspective on the Bills. I liked most what the players said about Mularkey: takes ST seriously (lead with ST practice this morning), leads by example, and has everyone's respect.

  5. i am posting this from the woods- i just got a short moment of internet connectivity with my sat modem


    one of my fellow deep woods hikers was bitten by a poisonous snake


    his leg is now covered in green pus-ey welts and his eyes are red rimmed


    we are 70 or so miles from the nearest civilization


    can someone tell me what i should do


    here are the materials i have at my disposal


    nylon fabric

    aluminum cooking utensils



    bent fork

    flora in adirondack mountains

    stream water



    misc clothing


    30 ft of rope



    thank you in advance- my signal is fading but any help could save a life- i will check back soon

  6. Point is anyone from that socio-ethnic group can quite rightfully be viewed with a suspicious eye, especially if they're male.



    Why bother with all the "suspicious eye" stuff? You sound like a politician. Try this out.


    darkey: bad


    whitey: good.

  7. No.  It's a Zen koan...you don't understand it, you contemplate it until you're one with the Ten Thousand Things...


    Oh, no, wait...my mistake.  It's just drool.



    I have no doubt that, for you, this seems like a Zen Koan, as you can hardly be expected to grasp the deeper concepts.


    Rather than mock what you don't understand, maybe you should just shut yer trap and read a little bit.

  8. QUOTE(John Adams @ Jun 30 2005, 10:27 AM)

    Sorry I didn't use the veto. As you may recall though, the federal government actually understood its limitations a little better back when I was in charge.


    John- you were such a useless prig as my VP. While I respect you, you sir, were no gentleman, and you let your temper get in the way of good judgment on occasion.



    You and John are just a couple of whippersnappers. Unlike you, I had my priorities straight, even at 80. I just wanted a lass in my lap and I was a happy old man. Bah. Politics.

  9. Then why have the basket passed around at all?  Why not have the basket/box/slot near the entrance to the church where people can unload their pockets on their way in or out?  It's been a while for me, but isn't the basket passed around while the priest is preparing the sacrements?  Shouldn't that be a time for personal reflection rather than emptying your pockets of spare change?


    As an example, maybe a bad one, but here it is none-the-less....

    You're walking down the street thinking about something important (job, kids, life, the Bills), and a homeless person cuts you off and asks for your spare change.  What's the first thought that crosses your mind?  Seriously.  If you are being truthfull, you're probably a bit irritated that this person is begging for change.  You may give them some change, but what was your first reaction?


    Or...you tune into NPR (I know, quite a stretch for some of you) and they are having another damn fund drive.  You wanted to hear the news, and they're asking you for cash on your commute.  You wanted to hear more insightful analysis regarding the MJ trial, and instead these commies are hasseling you for your hard-earned cash.  To top it off, you're at a stoplight and there's yet another vagrant walking between the cars begging for change, and another one soaping up your windshield.  Leave me the hell alone, you say to yourself...the guy at the gas station just squee-geed my windshield, and I tipped him with all my spare change.  This country has gone to hell.




    Ahh- Dr. Biology. Welcome to the thread.


    The basket is important. It serves as a truly visible reminder how, as a bound community, we acheive more than as individuals. Sure, the individual can feed a man a meal, but only together can we teach him to farm.

  10. This is a truly brilliant line of bull sh--.  Really, it's genious.  Pure art work.  I'm going to print it and have it framed. 


    Too bad the intelligent design you so desperately cling to in the real world is so sadly lacking in your own post...



    Even in your higher mammalian brain, I see the hand of God. And I needn't study at a University (or even a college) to see it.


    Let's make a friendly wager. If you cannot refute ID, and I have yet to see a post where you do, attend Mass for a year. The stakes are low: you just need to prove that the hand of God is not at work in all you see. If you fail to do this, going to Mass for a year is a minor thing. If your faith in the science god is so unshakeable, this should be a triviality.


    Take a few days. And please, in the tradition originated by Catholics, "SHOW YOUR WORK."

  11. Dude,


    definition of theory is not equvalent to a fact. The recent imposition of the scientific community to impose theory as fact is constantly attempted. This attempt to persuade anyone that if you make enough excuses why something is almost a fact it must a fact is pseudo-intellectual activity. So much for science being impartial when imposing itself.






    Teaching science to this group is an exercise in futility. The faith of people like the Monkey and our icy friend in Alaska and another named Johnny Coli is great. Oh wait. Did I say "faith"? That's right, I did. They have a great deal of faith in their scientific theories, so much so that they make the faith of the ardent Christians they mock pale in comparison.


    The irony of their grand faith is amusing. As an avid reader of this board, you've no doubt seen the Creationism debate. These fellows feel that ID has no place because it HAS ALL THE ANSWERS. That is the flaw in ID to them- it's utter and beautiful perfection. They believe that the theory with all the holes- evolution- is right.


    And they mock our faith.

  12. Looky there, another fine example of the "Judge not lest ye be judged."  So very Catholic of you.  Make sure you say a couple of "Hail Mary's" and admit your condescension the next time you're in Confession.



    Michael, Beaxsox, and I pray for you. I'm sure you don't accept that, but we do.


    *That*, my ice cold friend, is what sets us apart.


    And Catholicism doesn't rule out judging people: that admonishment you quote is more in the vein that you shouldn't judge others until you have fully judged yourself. Judging people is important. I need to decide who is evil, and who is not, lest my children fall in league with bad influences. Judging is a natural part of life. So please, don't take that out of context, brother.

  13. I was going to do a poll on who believes Ed has really gotten laid.  But who are we kidden, Ed couldn't get laid at a Madonna convention  <_<


    But on a more serious note.  What do people think about flag desecration?  Freedom of speech, disrespectful, both...



    To quote Komachi


    This night of no moon

    There is no way to meet him.

    I rise in longing-

    My breast pounds, a leaping flame,

    My heart is consumed in fire.


    You ignorant souls who mock beaux should listen and learn. We have much to offer.






    NBC -- 5.1 MILLION

    CBS -- 4.4 MILLION

    ABC -- 4.3 MILLION

    MSNBC -- 1.6 MILLION

    CNN -- 1.5 MILLION

    Looks like most people are actually looking for a fair and balanced coverage.



    The fall of the liberal media is neigh! Fox's brand of fair and balanced reporting will soon be the norm, and it's none too late.


    Rush and his 25-30 million listeners are everywhere America. Look out!

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