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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. Stay away from Bose Speakers.


    Energy Speakers, Paradigm, B&W are good.


    Amps, High Current Amps - Denon, Yamaha, HK,


    You need to take YOUR CD's, have your amp set up with speakers and listen to which sound YOU like the best. It's a very personal thing.

  2. STAT OF THE DAY: This is also a reality check for next week: Despite a consistent ground game and good protection for Bledsoe, who was sacked but once, the Bills still converted only two of 11 third-down situations.


    You can't convert 3rd downs, you can't consistently win.



    Also, anyone think that Sam Adams is the best player on our team and possible our only pro-bowler other than the punter.

  3. She's just started watching football (maybe watched 3 games so far this year) and I told her that I really enjoy the fact that she likes watching football with me....and this is what she has to say...


    "I'm glad you like it! Like I said, I don't really mind it b/c now I'm interested in seeing how Magehee? (I think his #'s 21, the guy who had the bad knee injury) I'm interested in seeing how he progresses and stuff like that. See if Bledsoe still sucks!!!! "


    ...god, I'm in love.....she even knows his number! And ALREADY knows Bledsoe sucks...and was asking what a "Hard Count" was.

  4. Didn't G.Host or someone else have a site that tracked players.


    My understanding is that


    Holocek, Sam Rogers, Gabe Northern, Irvin are all out of the NFL now. I'd be interested to know what they're doing these days.


    Watching out team, I often reminsce about the double package (ted and pat) with Holocek, Cowart, Rogers and Newman. That was a good solid defence, not like the one we have on the field now.

  5. It comes down more to people that teams...but he's a short list..


    San Diego - Respect for Wade, Marty, like what Brees has done after everyone has counted him out.


    Minny - Winfield, Cottrell - and I like Mike Tice.


    NE - sorry guys, but I have a great deal of respect for Bill Belichek. I like the way he handles himself and how he prepares his team. This team could be on the front page every day, declaring how great they are and they just work as a team.


    Indy - Dungy/Polian factor.

  6. I'm not sure football at a professional level is a boy's game anymore. Billions of dollars at stake, life threatening injuries in some cases, career ending injuries, players with very little other means of creating wealth are playing for their lively hood, to support their kids, families, etc. How many jobs, are being supported by professional football. I just don't see it as a "boy's game" at this level. It's real life.

  7. "stellar" and I use that term loosly, in the past couple of games does not erase well over 20 other games that he's been poor in.


    Bledsoe just hasn't had his usual brain farts and dumb plays but he has not done anything special to win games. It's been all our defence and our running game.


    Heaven forbid the Pats or anyother team get a lead on us and we have to have Bledsoe win the game from coming from behind. As far as I'm concerned Bledsoe is a huge liablity for us.

  8. Pennington relies on his accuracy and you can see a few passes that the wind played with. Drew is not very accurate at the best of times....


    ...hey, beat NE and I might be a believer. It was a good win, I'd like to see us do it in decent conditions.


    I'm not one of the fans piling on the team when we lose or calling us superbowl champ when we win. We're getting better, I like the progress of our younger players and draft picks. The pieces are coming together. But I think we have alot of work to do.

  9. Our QB position is a dysfunctional position. So the wind negates a good QB. We don't have a good QB so it doesn't hurt so much. Other teams with good QB's are hurt alot more because of the wind.


    If there was no wind that game, we would have got smoked.


    Now, I'm sorry for pissing on the parade.


    But the good news is, we get our QB problems sorted and we look pretty good at the rest of our positions. And our D-line and O-line is coming around.


    I love the calmness of our coach as well. Always composed. I respect that.

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