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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. ....okay, I wasn't gonna say, it but I'll say it.....I know what cost us the season. It's that damn midget on the sideline? What is he, an equipment manager? A trainer. I'm trying to watch the game, and all I can focus on is this damn midget on the sidelines! How the fugg is Drew or anyone else suppose to concentrate with a midget on your sidelines. And he looks like Mini-mee from Austin Powers. Same shaved head, same evil eyes? I think Mike Mularkey is trying to groom him into mini -me, aka mini MM. I was just waiting for an appearance from Dr. Evil. So, now you all know, it's the MIDGET on our sideline that is causing us to be unfocused and lose.

  2. why do so many people love drew?? I can't understand that! He is costing us seasons. He sucked. He gave up more points than he scored. We can win if he is just even. But typically he is a liability to us in most games. He sucks and he sucks most in big games. The bigger the game, the more he sucks.


    If you need a break, don't visit the board.

  3. Come on people....who says were not HAPPY??? Get that thru your thick skulls.


    I'm VERY HAPPY...I'm going to the SF game this weekend. Travelling 100 of miles!


    I AM HAPPY That the Bills are winning. But should we put our heads in the sand and pretend everything is great?


    We can sit here and masterbate about how good the bills are, or talk about things that may cause us problems in future games.


    And the way I see it, a problem for us will be when the special teams can't score our defence can't score for us and we're forced to rely on our offense. That day may never come, and if not, I'll be super happy. But if it does, I wonder if we can succeed if we are forced to rely on our offence.

  4. The guy is not being negative. I'm sure he's cheering as hard for the bills as anyone on this board.


    But when he says the Bills are winning with Smoke and Mirrors. I agree. Can we win when we lose the turn over battle or come up even in turnovers and our special teams don't score for us? That remains to be seen.


    We've been winning with extraordinary special teams and extraordinary defence. Can those two units continue to play at that hight of level? That is my concern?


    But that doesn't mean we're not cheering hard for the Bills.

  5. comparing Drew against Brady how funny.


    I don't recall the numbers, but wasn't belichek 5-20 or something like that with Bledsoe and 20-5 with Brady. The numbers are off, but you get the point.


    I can't believe that Bledsoe plays a few mediocre, acceptable games where he limits his mistakes, and does not loose the game for us (for once!) and he's being compared to a 2 time Superbowl Champion and a MVP QB.


    Brady had a bad game. They all do that once in a while. You win 20 bazillion straight games, it's pretty easy to let one get away against a sub-par team. Even the magnificent Jim Kelly would lay a turd once in a while.


    The denial on this board runs deep. If you want to compare Bledsoe to anyone, lets start with Trent Dilfer. Because basically that's what Bledsoe looks like to me. A liability who is not asked to win the game, just manage it and try not to make mistakes. At this point I can live with that. Because Trent won a superbowl.

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