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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. Look, I'm as excited as the rest of you. I'm flying downt to SF from Canada to watch the game on Boxing day.


    I'm exuberant that we're beating teams very handily when not playing perfect games. We're giving teams a good ass whoopin and our offense isn't playing that well.


    That said...what happens when we play a team that doesn't turn the ball over 3-5 times, there not starting a rookie QB, or a QB that is playing his first game of the season, with a new center, who fumbles the snap, throws directly to our receivers, we block a punt for a score. These are nice, but they can't be counted on as your bread and butter for scoring TD's.


    When we need our offence to move the ball effectively get first downs and keep the ball, then what happens.


    Let me try to put it another way. I'd be much happier if different aspects of the team were performing in different games. It seems to me we can count on our defence to win us a game, and special teams. But can we count on our offence to bail out our defence or special teams when they have a bad game? Can we score consistently if our team is not given a short field.


    I raise these questions, I'm sure that Bills management is also concerend about these issues. I'm sure of all the things that concern them, it's the offense's ability to move the ball.


    The only thing that does alleviate some of my concerns was that maybe we were playing a low risk offence that was just taking what was given. But really, I thought we should have hung up 50 points on these guys considering the other units gave us 14 points and we had good field position all day long and ended up kicking alot of field goals.

  2. I mean, we're getting an unrealistic number of turnover per game. This won't continue for ever. What happens when a team actually shows up to play.


    I was really hoping that Cinncy would bring their A game to really see how we stack up. But I thought they made far too many big mistakes and really gave us the game. I thought we really could have beat them by alot more, but we kicked alot of field goals.


    Next week, we should win convincingly. I guess if the Steelers have anything to play for, that will be the true test. And I don't think the steelers will give us that game, then we can see how good we are.


    I still feel that our offense is just not where it needs to be to play with the big boys yet. But we're on the cusp.


    I'd also be interested in knowing what our 3rd down conversion rate was. I bet it was pretty low.


    But like many of you will say, we won and that's all the counts. But to me, winning against quality opposition counts. Not beating teams that fold over. Cinncy was a good team coming into this game, but they played very bad, especially Kitna, last year's Bills could have won this game.

  3. US Money??? exchange rate is 1.24 The Canadian dollar is steadily gaining on the US. Our economic growth is out pacing the US.


    Scrap the NHL. New Canadian League with select Northern US cities.


    New cap structure. If they players want big money, go make their own league.


    As fans, I want the game back, I could care less how much the players and owners make. And if guys like Lindros or anyone else doesn't like it, find a new occupation. It's a free world.

  4. I respect that, with no kids of my own, I'm not in the position to comment much further.


    But I think that not enough kids, adults, etc...get the message that no one ever said life is gonna be easy. And as a boss I see so many employees who just can't deal with adversity.


    Growing up, my parents were always there for me, but I was generally taught to solve my own problems and that you won't always get your own way. My parents philosophy was that the teachers weren't being hard enough on me, and that they should have been harder. The teachers I thank to this day are the toughest ones, most notably my grade 4 teacher who kept me in detention every day until I learned math. I despised her at the time. Truly, the turning point in my life, I went from one of the dumb kids to the smart kids because she rode my ass every day and made me learn stuff I didn't think I could learn. The rest is history.


    I think it served me well.

  5. "this guy is beyond fugged up."


    how is he fugged up? He's made more money than someone who spends his day posting on a message board and chooses what HE WANTS to do with his life not WHAT society tells him to do.


    All the power to Ricky if this is truly want he wants to do with his life. He must choose his own path in life.

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