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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. I've been in small claims court before. And it's really a kangaroo court. Alot of times, the judges decision depends on what he had for breakfast.


    But I think your safe. Make sure the cheque has cleared. If you didn't get a certified cheque. Then let him take you to court. He had opportunity to get the vehicle inspected and you made no representations.


    Start now, document your conversation with this person. Time, dates. Key parts of the sales negotiations. It will look good in court if you need it.


    Bad transmissions happen. He test drove it. Had a third party conduct an inspection. He should be sueing the guy that inspected it.

  2. Also, the one other thing I'd add. Is puppies grow up so quick. Enjoy the time you have to spend with your puppy. When she's 10 years old and been a great companion you'll think back to these years with great memories of when she was a little puppy. Post some pics if you got some!

  3. any spots where she pees in the house, clean with vinegar to hide the smell of the urine. Otherwise the dog can still smell it. Just make sure the vinegar won't ruing carpets, etc.


    I've also heard that a bit of tobasco after you scold them on the spot and let them smell it. That whey they'll associate the smell with scolding. Suppose to help them remember by smell. But I'd only try this if your having trouble.


    I've always crate trained my dogs. Just remember, they have little bladders and they want to please you and be good dogs.


    I've used the can full of pennies in the past. I had a dog that would chew things when I wasn't home. So, I would leave a shoe out that I knew she would love to chew, I would get a piece of fish line, and tie it to the cans. When she would pull the shoe, the can would fall on the ground and scare her. That taught her that she can't be bad when I'm not around. After that she didn't mess with things because she knew this can would come flying out of no where and scare her.


    You just got to out smart the dog and promote behaviour you want.


    I also wouldn't recommend indoor paper training. If the dog is going to pee outside, get her started peeing outside right away.

  4. I'm glad to hear it. I've thought that Nate is Arguably the BEST player on the Bills. Period. I haven't said much, but that's what my eyes saw. It's good when a respected source confirms what your seeing on a day to day basis.


    I also think that next year, with McGee and Nate, we'll have two of the most dangerous corners in the league. Not that they're the all out best pure cover corners, but they're both bawl hawks and can catch and returners on special teams, so when they make an int, they know what to do with it.


    I still don't like the scheme that the Bills play at times. I think with the talent we have on defence, we should be better than we are. Something just doesn't add up if you ask me.


    For all the props that Sam and Pat have been getting, I think they've been doing a good job, but they're not even comparable to the wall that Pat and Ted had when we were the number one defence with far less talent in Wade Phillips years. I still think we're not as sound in our scheme as we could be.


    Really, our defence is alot like the Kearse years Titans defence. Big defensive plays, but you can move the ball on them. Just like RJ did in the second half of the playoff games. I would say our defence was better than theirs that year.

  5. I'm a professional Chartered Accountant and a Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy. So remembering matters is vitally important. I've been finding that I have a terrible, terrible memory and I'd like to improve it.


    Anyone have any suggestions. I sometimes see the memory books at the store and I wonder if they're worth the money. Any recommendations.

  6. Who cares if he improved. His performance is not acceptable. Looking at an 11 year vets improvement on the down side of his career is comical. Next, Dallas fans will be wondering if VINNY will improve next year?? Duh, he'll be the same slow Vinny just another year slower.


    We need to move in a new direction, lets do it sooner rather than later. Who cares if we go 8-8, 9-7, 10-6 with Drew next year. We won't win the superbowl with him. Unless we hand it off every play. I don't think we're asking alot from our QB position, that's why I don't think a learning JP will be that much of a drop off.


    Heck, Matthews looked better than Drew. Put him in for all I care. Just not Drew.

  7. whatever...I'm sure Randy thinks the establishment hates him already, he might as well play it up for the people that will think he's pretty cool for doing what he did.


    I could really care less, he contributed big time to his team winning.

  8. I guess we agree to disagree. Antoine Winfield will be one of my favourite players of all time, regardless of who's laundry he's wearing. Some of the hits he made were awesome. Even in the GB game, the last play of the game to stop the opposing player from going out of bounds, Winfield smacked him good.


    And the time he was put on the Chiefs ALL Pro TE and held him in check all game.


    I just like the way he played. Chris Spielman had some great quotes about him. I can't exactly remember them, but how he was one of the best to come out of Ohio State or something like that. (don't shoot me if I'm wrong) But the jist is Spielman, use to talk very highly about him.


    I always cheer for teams with Bills connections. So go Indy, SD (okay, they're out) and Vikings.

  9. He's a piece of sh-- because he didn't want to stay in Buffalo? I'm sure there are lots of people who don't want to stay in Buffalo and leave.


    To me, it seems like he brought his A game when he played for the Bills. Fierce tackler, great cover corner. He was offered more than Buffalo would pay and he went to where the money was. Seems pretty prudent to me.

  10. Yes, it's good to see Antoine get some props from the announcers. Collinsworth was really singing his praises.


    I'm cheering for the Vikes....Newman, Cottrell, Winfield!!! I love those guys, the homegrown talent, rather than these free agents we bring in! Just my own opinion.

  11. Put the Drew crap to rest?? I'm just getting warmed up. I was quiet on this topic during the season, because, I believe you judge him over his season of work. I've watched him and it is so painfully obvious that he is washed up.


    I could endure RJ because at least he had the potential of an upside. But this guy is worst than RJ with no upside what so ever at this point in his career. He's just gonna get slower and worst. Drew getting slower, that's a scary thought.


    So, if you don't like listening to it don't read my posts.

  12. ...boy, oh boy, do we need a new QB.


    Hasselback, Pennington, Brees, Bulger. All mobile, quick release, ACCURATE!!


    Put any of these 4 in as the Bills QB and we are an instant superbowl Contender.


    Another point I'd like to make, Drew sucks in good or bad weather. Opposing teams QB's only suck in bad weather. Therefore, the Bills won alot of their games on the winning streak due to bad weather because it just evened the playing field, sh------- QB's for both teams. I bet if we played those teams on a perfect weather day, we'd lose.


    The only real shock of the season is how the offense did so well against the 49'ers. But I guess they are the worst team in the league.


    okay, enough about football...back to my theory about the midget on the bills sideline.

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