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Posts posted by BEAST MODE BABY!

  1. David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


    It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around).


    In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play.


    Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!


    I knew this stupid thread was started by someone with less than 100 posts before I even opened it.


    Another knuckle-dragger to put on ignore.

  2. 41. Grew up in Rochester. First Bills game I went to, Ferguson was QB and Feragamo was playing QB for the Rams. Used to argue with kids in elementary school who was better--Joe Cribbs or Billy SIms? Now I just watch the Bills at home with NFL Sunday Ticket. I can just change the channel when things get ugly...like they did last week. Watched RG3 for a quarter and a half before I put it back on the Bills. No matter how things change, the Bills still stay the same. Until we start winning, that will be my MO while I watch.

  3. Not happy about that either! Just had higher hopes for Young as a backup. Admittedly, I'm prolly being reactionary but I expected him to at least be an upgrade over Thiggy. Sounds like that's far from the case.


    Unless Thigpen totally lights it up, VY is our #2. Buddy loves athletes, and VY has abilities you can't teach. Also, apparently you can't teach him how to learn an offense either :)

  4. I like how Buddy makes the Bills fans look bad (myself included) by choosing a pick many of us didn't want and having it turn out awesome. The previous regime made us look like the smartest person in the room (drafting Whitner instead of Ngata and Orakpo vs. Maybin), and now we're the dumbest person in the room...which is a welcome change.

  5. Well, they have gotten a piece of metal visible to the naked eye to be in two places at once (behave quantumly), so in the next 10-20 years should yield a lot of new insights.


    BTW, with regards to cancer, it's easy to reduce cancer levels. Reduce cancer levels by approximately 30% by eliminating smoking. Reduce cancer rates another 10 to 15% by eliminating processed foods. There you go. You don't even need to prove the God Particle to do that.

  6. As I've said before, I'm friends with the girl that he's dating. He's a really cool guy and I was just at a wedding with him. Out on the dance floor doing some Lebanese dances and by far the largest guy in the room. Seems like another great character guy and I'm hoping he brings some great stuff to the table for the Bills.


    Largest guy in the room? Hell, he's the largest guy in the NFL LOL!

  7. I agree, it is mainly a matter of perception. For example some people here (even some non rabid homers ;) ) think Gailey is a great coach. Though there is nothing specific in his resume, in my opinion anyway, that you could point to to defend that feeling. "Great coach" is in the eye of the beholder.


    I don't know if Gaily is a great coach, but I do know that he's WAY better than the bums we've had in here recently. I like him, and he makes the offense interesting.


    The truly amazing thing. He specifically asked in the shoutbox if an "Off The Wall" board existed. So CowgirlsFan directs him...here?


    Must have wanted us to skin him alive for asking such a dumb question. It's the only reason to send him here.


    I'm sorry, I didn't see it sandwiched between the Shoutbox and the Stadium Wall until yesterday. Probably because I never looked for it before.

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