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Posts posted by BEAST MODE BABY!

  1. But 40% is a sweet deal. Imagine how much money they have made on the ticket in the past if they can afford to give an across the board 40% discount to everyone.


    Or you could look at it this way. DIRECTV just added 327,000 subscribers who paid $0.00 for NFL SUNDAY TICKET™. So imagine trying to re-sell NST to those people for $329. Um, yeah, no.

  2. That may have been discussed, but it's poorly framed logic.


    You get more than 1 pick per year. You need to maximize the value of all your picks - it make no difference if the guy you take is a Hall of Famer - if you took him a round before you had to, it's still a reach because you screwed up an opportunity to ALSO take someone else with the earlier pick.


    Right, but that's also conjecture. You're assuming "value." You never know where he would have been picked. That argument is only valid if all NFL teams release their draft boards afterwards and you can see exactly where each team had players ranked.

  3. If they want Glenn they'd be wise to trade down a good bit, because he is a big reach at 10. They could likely trade down ten spots and still be guaranteed to get Glenn, and a move like that would get them at least an extra third. Then I could see making that move. Otherwise Glenn at 10 is a bitter pill to swallow.


    But I think Buddy's point is if they trade down and then miss out on Glenn, then that is a more bitter pill to swallow.


    As has been discussed before, "value" is a made-up term on on draft day because no one knows the players actual value until they play. A good player is a good player, almost regardless of where selected.

  4. Love how everyone proceeds to jump the floyd bandwagon now. He had his problems he's been great since. To me I will truly be disappointed with any other pick at 10. He fills a major need, he's a great player/value, and he could really give us quality depth at w.r


    I don't think people are jumping the Floyd bandwagon. I, for one, like him. I think people are just trying to figure out what Buddy is going to do. And now people are thinking it could be Kuechly.

  5. Yeah because Evans solves the Jags WR problems.





    When you buy a new toy, even if it's a used toy, it looks shiny when you first get it. And I also think that the jags getting Evans increases the chance that Floyd will be there for us at 10. Doesn't mean Buddy won't take Cordy Glenn, though ;)

  6. Still, Edwards looked like a bad choice immediately and he proved to be. But Gailey himself looked like a bad choice immediately, and now I love the guy.


    Yup. I never liked the Edwards hire. And my memory could be failing me, but I thought Nolan was available at the time. But like someone said, it's not like Buffalo was (or is) a primo destination. Perhaps Chan couldn't get anyone in here. We'll never know. Thank goodness Wanny has a good track record. And now he has some weapons to play with.


    Regarding Gailey, I didn't hate the hire...but I didn't like it. I wanted Marty S. But the thing I did like about Gailey is his prior track record of success on offense...Pittsburgh, making AJ Feely look ok and getting big numbers out of Tyler freakin' Thigpen.


    But now we're all singing Kum-Bay-Ah in anticipation of 2012 :D

  7. Agreed. Edwards was a terrible choice by both of them.


    Which many here said was terrible at the time of hire. Of course some said "Let's see how he does" but first impressions proved right. I think Nolan was available that year, so I didn't understand why we hired a scrub like Edwards who had never been a pro DC before.

  8. The knock on Jeffery is that he doesn't get separation. Can someone show me the last big receiver who was successful in the NFL who didn't get separation? The only one I can think of is Mike Williams, and he wasn't exactly successful.

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