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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. how about this one:

        • The Sporting News' annual pro football scouting guide, which grades every  player in the NFL, has Buffalo's Trey Teague rated as the 26th-best center in the  league. For all the hand-wringing about  Mike Williams, the weakest spot in the  line might be right up the middle.

    Has this guy even been watching the games? Teague has been the most dependable link in the line this summer.


    I'm glad the Sporting News ratings distill the NFL down for him. Maybe we should just pick the guys for the Pro Bowl right now based on Sporting News rankings. Ugh. :P

  2. Which in itself is a gross abrogation of responsibility.  The power to "decide what to do in the best interest of the country" where going to war is concerned is specifically vested in Congress by the Constitution. 


    So what he's effectively saying is that he didn't vote for war, he voted to not have any responsibility for it whatsoever.  Good, strong leadership there...  :P


    I disagree with the vote -- and I felt this way about the end-around Congress all along -- but a majority of the Senate voted for this. I don't respect many of these guys, but by your logic this calls into question the leadership of all those who voted for this measure, including just about every Republican (gotta go to work, otherwise I'd find out exactly who did and didn't vote for it).


    Kerry has given his answer on that one, and it's good enough for some, not good enough for others, and a point that others will look past because they want Bush out of office so badly.


    I wish we could move past that stuff in the campaign and seriously discuss these plans for the future.

  3. I'm curious, did he give this little speech using his Boston Brahmin accent... or the phony one he's cultured and uses now?


    John Kerry=Hugh Carey=Mario Cuomo=Tax & Spend=If you think the economy is bad now, you aint seen NOTHIN' until the socialists (a.k.a. democrats) take it to depths not seen since the Jimmy Carter years.


    Get a clue. Bush is not your dad's conservative. Bush has spent record levels of money and created record levels of government and mentioned a litany of new programs last night.At least Kerry wants to pay for some of this. And oh yeah, that $87 billion he voted FOR was to tell the rich you can't have your freaking cake and eat it, too. Meanwhile our young men and women, particularly from impoverished areas, are footing the bill with their lives, with 85% of this war's dead coming after "major combat operations" ceased.


    I'm sick of how little the rich have to sacrifice in this country. Their investments are on the way to being tax-free, they know the tax code in and out and can exploit all the loopholes.

    Talk about socialism, Bush is the one enacting all the new programs with no funding coming in. Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Bush.


    What's better, Tax & Spend or "Spend, Spend, Refund and uh, Good Luck Taking Care of That, Kids"?

  4. I am aware of Partial Birth Abortion..the term and what it is.  But this must be a new stratosphere for liberals to try and cover up an act of slaughter by using a term like, "Dialation Extraction"?


    Incredible.    :P


    It is the medical term for it. It ain't pretty. But that term existed before Partial Birth Abortion did. The right has pretty much succeeded in applying that label and making it the name for the procedure. Most instances where this is used are when mother's life is in danger, or there is something seriously wrong with the pregnancy.


    Nobody likes it, but if I had a kid with a hideously deformed brain and he was going to enjoy no quality of life, I would like to have the option open for me and my wife. I love and want children, but not at the expense of having to watch and experience severe suffering every day. The choice should exist, and every doctor should caution and recommend against it unless it is the LAST resort in a bad situation.

  5. With all due respect I didn't ask what "Runthedamnball" thinks Kerry might do....

    With all due respect? You really mean that? That was a joke, anyway.


    As far as what Bush has accomplished in 4 years....I know you won't agree with this, but they inherited a recession 4 years ago coming out of a booming economy that was built on a house of cards called the dot.com phenomenon.

    Republican talking-point alert. What about the surplus? He inherited that, too.


    THEN...9 months in, the financial district of the nation was attacked and I would think that kind of action would lead to a bump in the progress of the economy....which seems to be in recovery now.  Remember...that when Regan took office it took 4+ years for that administration to turn the economy around....but given time, it succeeded.


    I know, we're turning the corner. I'll believe it when people I know can actually get jobs that pay them anything close to what the ones they lost were paying, if they get one at all. In the meantime they should just stop being girlie men, eat their Ramen and better themselves.

  6. They're all crooks. And how a BILLIONAIRE can claim to be in touch with the common man is beyond me.


    As compared to a guy who has never had to work a day in his life, got into Yale under the oldest affirmative action program of all, partied away his life until the past few decades, and got to fail at a few businesses before owning a baseball team?


    Please. Bush is as big a phony as any president we've ever had. And I'm sick of the regular guy shtick. Neither of these guys is a common man, and when we had someone who at least had his origins in the working class, people hated him for that, too.


    Kerry married into the Heinz money and did so ten years ago. He hasn't always been a billionaire, and who knows what kind of arrangement he and Teresa have. He can't use "his billions" for his campaign. He slept on friends' couches early on in his Senate career and trucked away on the weekends to spend time with his daughters.


    I'm not saying he's perfect, and I wish he looked a little more comfortable in his own skin and was always speaking from the heart. But I'll take him any day over a polished phony like Bush and his smile-while-I-kick-you-in-the-nards policies.

  7. Yeah, Massachussetts Democrats have a ridiculously difficult time getting elected, especially to Congress.  Ted Kennedy could snort coke of a preschooler's belly and he'd win in a landslide.


    It was a close race with Weld, who was an enormously popular governor despite his conservatism, and the Republicans sunk a lot of money into that race. But I digress. Good night.

  8. Kerry keeps saying all these things he is gonna do as President, but I have yet to hear him ever say how he intends to accomplish any of these plans.


    I believe he would work with Congress on bills and push for them to be passed as legislation.


    For all your complaints, I have to say this: Bush has had four years to do plenty and all he has to say is that more people own houses and he has a lot of plans to introduce new programs.


    1) If these programs are such great ideas, where have they been the past 4 years?


    2) If these programs are not just campaign promise BS that plays well with the mom vote, how the hell are we going to pay for them when we are in TWO WARS and cutting taxes?! This stevestojan is magic.

  9. Thankfully Mr. Kerry is more personable with a better record of amazing accomplishment and the wind firmly planted at his back.  Almost the Anti-Gore. [/sarcasm]


    Maybe not the Anti-Gore, but he's been a strong finisher in every other race. All I'm saying is the debates will finalize this, and not some ridiculous self-congratulatory BS these parties feed themselves.

  10. He's screwed.


    The simple fact that he needed to get some press time before a long weekend let's you know...he's screwed.


    Nevermind what he said. There is no way he is going to get the press he needs to get him through the weekend.


    Game. Set. Match.


    Spin it any way you want. That's your right. But it's a long two months. And Gore had a big lead going into the debates in 2000.

  11. There is no way you want this guy over John Kerry. His speech was terrible. He looked hesitant and worried. He looked like a bumbling fool. He looked like...an assssshole.


    Sorry Lefties...just wanted to beat you to the punch.


    Game. Set. Match.


    Can't wait for the debates.


    I can't wait for them either. I would love to know how we're paying for all these new programs AND making the tax cuts permanent.


    I guess we've been real good so the money fairy is going to help us out these next four years.

  12. You need to be asking yourself who the Dems will run in 2008. Your Hypo-Q is, well, a waste of time.



    Why is it a waste of time? Bush can't run again in 2008, and the Republicans will be running a new candidate win or lose.


    It's a valid question and since these guys have the spotlight, I thought it would be an interesting and timely discussion. If you don't like the question, let the thread die. It was about to anyway.


    I am hoping the Dems are running an incumbent Kerry in '08 but that has nothing to do with who the Republicans run, and it's a boring-ass discussion anyway because everyone knows Hillary has her eye on the prize if Kerry doesn't win this one.

  13. Do you know anything about the job of Texas governor?

    It's one of the weakest of all 50 states. I don't know if its any closer to

    the President's job than that of a U.S. senator.


    It's closer to the job of an executive producer in music or television. Signs a few things, gets updates every few months, and gets a lot of credit for not much at all. And sometimes they take credit for successes that they fought against the whole way.

  14. 10 Greg Zolman QB 6-2 220 1 - practice squad

    18 Drew Haddad WR 5-11 184 2

    19 Jonathan Smith RB 5-10 194 R - practice squad

    30 Ken Simonton RB 5-9 191 2

    35 Joe Burns RB 5-9 215 3

    37 Jabari Greer CB 5-11 169 R - practice squad

    41 Luke Lawton FB 5-11 237 R - practice squad

    42 Gerald Dixon CB 5-10 189 1 - practice squad

    57 Josh Stamer LB 6-2 238 2

    60 Jasen Esposito OT 6-4 305 1 - practice squad

    61 Mike Pucillo G 6-4 311 3

    63 C. Ritzmann DE 6-3 254 R - practice squad

    92 Jason Gildon LB 6-4 250 11        OR  91 Keith McKenzie DE 6-3 267 9

    Add to practice squad (already cut):


    Jason Peters - TE 6-3  330 R - practice squad



    OK, I think you are about 85% right. I think they do cut the three RBs since Jonathan Farking Smith is WR/RB and Reed and McGee are solid for returns (please make them stop using Clements though). Stamer stays, solid STer. Sape goes, maybe to the PS again. Tonight we see whether Shaud Williams or Simonton goes. Shaud has more upside, Simonton has his skills more honed at this point. I'm not so sure Greer goes either. McFarland gets cut but also gets snapped up for the PS.

  15. ...and coaching, pourous offensive line protection, lack of deep threat and lack of turnovers to shorten the field had nothing to do with Drew's troubles, right Mr. Simpleton?


    I know you mentioned coaching, but the word 'Gilbride' still comes to mind because I don't think what he did qualified as "coaching" so much. So in terms of coaching, let's consider game-planning for personnel we didn't have last year, passing on 1st, 2nd and 3rd and anything, and the fact that Gilbride is a portly, mindless sack of stevestojan.

  16. Are you sure his name isnt Rob Johnson?


    nahh, Rob was the prototypical size and strength for a QB. He just had a cavern of a brain and the luck of a hobo here in Buffalo. Then again, he did go on to do absolutely nothing to "earn" a Super Bowl ring. So it worked out OK for ol' Rob.


    Shane's pretty cool. Always liked 'em and thought he was decent in Chi-town. Never a very good line in front of him though.

  17. I'm not sure, but my feeling is that one of those two (Pucillo or Sullivan) will stick. I don't think you can overstate the importance of having a backup OL who can come in at the drop of a hat.

    Yeah, but if that backup is a guy who allows sacks at the drop of a hat, his experience is worth beans.


    The real question is: has McFarland done well enough to earn a roster spot, or is he PS material? My guess is the latter. I think we will keep 9 linemen and the backups will be Price, Sobieski, Tucker, and Sullivan (since Sully can play either guard or tackle).


    Pucillo should be gone by all accounts, unless his conditioning in the offseason impressed enough to offset his performance and McNally thinks he can be coached. I think in McFarland you have a younger version who is fresh and can start out in the NFL under McNally's program. I think we'll see him on the PS and inevitably get called up to the majors once someone gets hurt. If we see McFarland plugged in this year that means we're in trouble, but he certainly has tools and a frame to build on and can ultimately be a McNally player.

  18. I thought the norm was that the opposing party stopped campaigning during the convenstions. I know GWB and Cheney basically took vacations and didn't make any public appearances during the DNC.


    Yet Edwards and Kerry seemed to have continued stumping this week.


    Comments, insight please?


    I think that has been the norm, but with the advent of the "Truth Squads," or rapid-response teams (started with Clinton?) these formalities and any semblance of a gentlemanly battle of ideas have gone out the window.


    I do think some of the charges being levelled at Kerry are so egregious that he has to remain out there defending himself and fighting back, but then again I'm voting for him.

  19. There was this guy at SUNY Fredonia's paper the Leader, named Jonathan Huber, who was the sports editor when "The Great One" retired. He wrote the worst sports column ever about it. I wish I still had it.


    Something along the lines of "We hurt ourselves trying to make the plays that he made the plays." "His smoothness on the ice was awesome to watch."


    That kid made some of the stuff we see on this board look like Shakespeare. We got some real laughs out of it.

  20. I know this team is a far cry from the early 90s squad, but then again, the league is completely different now. That said, this is a good little stat from that era:


    The Buffalo Bills had a combined 6-12 (preseason) record in their four Super Bowl years.


    Preseason don't mean stevestojan. Get over it and let's get ready for some real football. Speaking of which, playing Deion this year has me psyched. I hope Moulds scores 4 on him.

  21. Neither, unless Gildon is doing great in the practices and Mularkey purposesly hasn't shown his passrush in PS.  He has been a complete non-factor in any of the games I've reviewed.  McKenzie looks barely passable as a backup, but I think we'd go with youth over him.


    But who?


    From the bb.com depth chart:


    Chris Kelsay

    Ryan Denney

    Jason Gildon

    Constantin Ritzmann


    Aaron Schobel

    Keith McKenzie


    We're keeping Schobel, Kelsay, Denney. We cut McKenzie and Gildon, because they haven't shown anything. But all that leaves is Ritzmann. I can't see us keeping one 'star,' two second- and third-year prospects who haven't really shown any gametime stuff yet, and Ritzmann. It doesn't speak much for our ends, but it looks to me like we keep McKenzie or Gildon as an end unless something juicy falls off another team's tree in Sunday's cuts. The lack of experience is frightening.


    Yikes. Bring back Bruce, please.

  22. Strictly and honestly asking out of curiousity; the ad must've made the rounds somehow. Was it ever posted on Moveon's website? I honestly don't know the answer to that question, but you can probably tell why I'm asking it.


    I found several other news clips that said the ads were on MoveOn, but removed after the outcry. Reading the rules of the contest, all submissions were posted to the site. The ads were thus on the site and removed quickly but sort of kept alive as plenty of people downloaded them before removal.


    This is from memoryhole.org:

    The liberal activist site MoveOn ran a contest, Bush in 30 Seconds, in which people were invited to create and submit political TV ads critical of the Bush Administration, with the winning entry to air in swing states and on national television.


    Over 1,500 ads were submitted. Out of them, two compared Bush to Hitler.


    Sounds like a standard case of, out of many, a few whackos ruin everything and steal the spotlight, while the intended message is drowned out. Kind of like these protests.

  23. MoveOn thinks Bush is Hitler.


    Apparently this notion hasn't been de-bunked enough. The ad featuring footage of Hitler was not commissioned by MoveOn.org, rather it was entered in a contest that MoveOn sponsored and did not win. Once it reviewed the situation and received complaints, MoveON pulled the ad from being viewed on its site. It has only since been available on sites attacking MoveOn and, I might add, in a Bush ad, strangely enough.


    It was not MoveOn-sponsored or approved, and no one representing the organization is equating Bush with Hitler. It's just another talking point to distract people from a discussion about the state this country is in and how to best move forward.


    That said, anyone see the MoveOn ads featuring Republicans who are voting for Kerry? I think there is a lot of content there if people are willing to suspend their willingness to shoot the messenger.

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