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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I dont know. Three turnovers in the red zone by Indy is the only thing that saved them. They didnt look that good to me. I want to see our D against that O. I predict we split with the Pats, just like last year....


    Looks that way to me, too. Indy was uncharacteristically sloppy. NE gets lucky again and this "Brady just wins" crap continues, when the truth is, Indy just lost.

  2. yeah - really, really fast guys should be on the field, no matter what :pirate:


    time to snap Antonio Brown back up and demote Moulds. :)


    Seriously, Reed has looked effin' great this preseason. And I like him on returns. I didn't notice, has Reed stopped the "one-eye-black" Nelly nonsense? That looked pretty damned stupid.


    If Reed is our Hines Ward and Lee eases into the #1 role under Moulds' tutelage, we are going to have a hell of a receiving corps. And that's not considering how long Moulds hangs around with us.

  3. Happens all the time.  That's why they always want the government to solve it.


    I don't buy it. Anyway, you've got me on record as a liberal who thinks this is a great idea.


    But IF the government were to give incentives for auto companies to speed up this process and offer more of these cars sooner, which I think is one of Kerry's better plans, it would not be the most egregious subsidization this government has offered. It's obvious the marketplace is ready for more hybrids; why are the automakers stuck in third gear if the demand is there?

  4. It is nice to see that the marketplace can dictate our environmental concerns: this is the thing that everyone on the Left said would never happen, i.e., that consumers would never be willing to spend more to get enviro-friendly products. But lo and behold, people are rushing to get all the hybrids.


    I agree with most of your post except for this. When have people on the left argued this? I am pleading ignorance here because I definitely haven't seen it, but I'll believe it if you have some quotes / evidence.


    There is a real, viable trend recently of people who are willing to pay a premium on products that are better for them and their environment; witness the success of the Whole Foods company and the organic movement. I think cars are just a bigger deal all around, an extension of this mindset. And if this raises peoples' consciousness about the positives we can do these products, the prices become more accessible for all.

  5. Many have more money than brains. People used to get in fights over Cabbage Patch Dolls.


    Often true. I actually was thinking in your post that you meant it took years for companies to break even, and deleted it after realizing my misinterpretation.


    Even so, EVEN IF it takes years to break even, if you CAN break even this seems to be worth it with the good it does for the environment. (I'd argue it's worth it regardless, but then again money ain't everything for me, and I don't have a car!)

  6. As the decision has been made regarding starting left D-end, is Denney now

    an actual bust as has apparently been passed over by a 2nd year player?


    Would seem so to me, although I now the opinions very.


    naaah. Look, if Denney was drafted top-15 and was a projected worldbeater, sure, he'd be a bust. But he was a second-rounder, isn't huge, and can fill in capably. I think he'll be a solid backup and can fill in if Kelsay goes down or doesn't do it. Besides, Kelsay was projected first-round material and was a steal in the 2nd.


    No bust here.

  7. i love how he says God told me to play again, God will give me the quickness, speed, knowledge, etc...


    did you see that???  Listen, if God is taking time out to talk to Deion about football... we are all in trouble.  let me say it again for the cheap seats...."GOD DOESN'T CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL!!"


    What if we all pray for a lightning bolt to smote him, or for a career-ender? Do all our prayers cancel out his run of luck?


    At the very least someone could permanently break his mouth. Watching him play would be much easier after that.


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Deion

  8. Liberal taxing and spending will do nothing to help this process and only will delay it that much longer.  Government projects like building a new bridge do not offer sustainable jobs if there isn't a plan to do something with the improved access.  I only hope the Bills can hold on while the region learns a long and painful lesson.  Seems to me Pataki has at least helped out with that.


    Pataki has 'helped out with that' by giving the Bills government funds! Those come from taxes. This for a league where you pay $7 for a beer, $6 for a hot dog, $40 at least for a seat, $7 for parking. What gives? NFL teams crying poverty are a joke. I love this team but seeing them cry for more pork is ridiculous.


    I'm of the mindset that NYS taxes are too high, too, but that's just part of the issue. A lot of towns have "lowered" themselves for businesses and end up getting screwed. Dunkirk gave every break imaginable for business and now people who live there are paying enormous property taxes because the businesses don't pay any. Similar situations abound everywhere in WNY.


    If the state would just cut the crap, and that goes for Pataki and the assembly and senate, it would go a long way. There are too many failed programs, too much waste and excess for both those in need and companies who don't need it, and there is too much secrecy at the state gov't level.


    Anyway, in summation, I think we were a lot less fiscally reckless under Clinton. And I think we can expect the same of Kerry, one reason I'm voting for him. The days of Republicans being fiscally conservative are over, and I only need to point to the (lack of) war funding and numerous new programs Bush is talking up while advocating tax cuts for the wealthy.

  9. Two states that also seem to recognize that when the going gets tough, it's time to send the Dems packing and bring in Republicans to handle the man's work -- e.g., Arnold, Pataki, Guliani.  Unfortunately they can't quite comprehend that concept on the Federal level yet.


    ???? :rolleyes:


    Have you paid attention to fact that the Republicans are in control of both houses of Congress and the presidency?


    NYC is a different example, and Giuliani's policies have been successful, albeit with the double-edged sword of skyrocketing rents, gentrification and police tactics that were not appreciated by the minority community. But I fail to see how things are any better in the states of NY or California. Pataki certainly hasn't done stevestojan for WNY.

  10. Could somebody please explain why Joe Burns made the 53 man roster.  He has done nothing in his career, was injured during the preseason and when he has played has shown nothing.


    Based on his small size and lack of blocking ability, I would have thought Luke Lawton would have been a much sounder choice to be on the roster.


    Somebody, please tell me why this guy is not on the NFL scrapheap.


    Agreed. Unless Burns really means that much to ST? But I don't see it. Lawton is a Buffalo guy bar none. And while we're at it, does Dorenbos really deserve a spot, too? Not a bad kid, but when we are splitting hairs trying to figure out who to keep, a guy who is only a long-snapper merits a spot?

  11. I would not be suprised to see that either yet I also would not have a problem with it.  Especially when we know that two of the most liberal states with highest population, Calif. and NY will go to Kerry.  Two States with the most fiscal problems with the most people looking for the free handout programs that the liberal politicians seem to love to promote.


    Yet they both have Republican governors :flirt:


    Seriously NYS Senate and Assembly are worthless, Dem or Rep. And "Kahl-ee-fornya" has screwed itself with all its voter initiatives.

  12. Want to see the left's intolerance up close?


    Go to www.protestwarrior.com .

    They are a right group that go to the left's protests with signs saying things such as :


    Communism has only killed 100 million people-let's give it another chance!


    Except for ending slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, War has never solved anything!

    They take photos and video's of the extreme hatred the left directs at them.


    I was at the march last weekend. I'm sure their promotional video didn't show them elbowing and punching protesters, calling them racists and trying to incite violence. They were ripping up their own signs and starting fights with themselves (and yes, getting some of the protesters involved) and they were a minor sideshow in what the police and city officials called a largely peaceful protest last Sunday. 99% of the people protesting ignored these hateful people. These people are just as miserable as any of the worst of the leftist protesters and were only there to start trouble.

  13. Well Mick, here is one good way to go about killing filth scumbags.

    Here's to the hope that the other 30 perish. GO ISRAEL!!!!!!!


    The unfortunate truth is that action like this, while it appears to be the right thing to do, is just going to breed more resentment and terrorist acts.

    Read this quote from the article:

    In an unusually strong statement, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia warned that that airstrike would bring Hamas retaliation, which he said would be "justified."

    I don't know what the answer is, but just killing these people hasn't seemed to do the trick. And "kill all Muslims" is not an option, unless you feel strongly that we need to hasten the end of the world.

  14. How about: because his cult of personality detracts from my enjoyment of the season.


    Perhaps a lot of you don't realize that Flutie put a wind in to a lot of Bills fans sails. He was a very, very good poster boy. He had character and a lot of people felt they could relate to him.


    Was he a great QB??? No. Was he an average QB on a team with a decent D? Yes. Was he a leader? Yes.....hmmmmmm....isn't that the same recipe the Pats used to win the SB in two of the last three years?


    # of playoff victories we were led to under Flutie: 0


    He had his chance. He's a douchebag. If this team were run according to the fans' whims we would be in a deeper stevestojan hole than the Chargers.


    You can't compare this situation to that of the Pats'. They are shrewdly managed, their QB has better size and youth on his side, and they have a more solid O-line.

  15. Watching the Daily Show last night was the first I had actually seen of the Hardball segment and parts of Miller's speech.


    Can I ask a serious question of both sides, and that is: Is Zell Miller the emperor from Star Wars? I kept waiting for some blue lightning to come out of his hands, and for him to maybe levitate Mary Cheney or something.

  16. I wouldn't hold Chad under the microscope too much. Besides, that's just the kind of stat you hope to hear the announcers discussing when they're playing the Bills.


    "You know, Phil, in two years Pennington has never thrown a pick in the ....OHHHHH....SPOKE TOO SOON!!! Sam Adams with the pick at the three...he's at the 10...he's at the 20...he's at the 30...he stops and hands it to Fletcher..."


    "...and what's this, he's unwrapping a sandwich?! He's gonna finish it, folks!"

  17. Come on guys. Does it really burn your ass that much that the Bills have to carry 4 QBs due to injury? What about when they carried 2 kickers in past years? That didn't bother you? What if Fletcher and Spikes got hurt and we had to carry and extra 2 linebackers? Would you B word then too? QB is the most important position on the field. Carry 6 of them if you have to.


    But two of them are injured. We only have Bledsoe and Matthews right now. And we have a lot of promising young talent at other positions. It's a worthwhile argument. Why keep 2 guys who are similarly marginal in Brown and Matthews AND keep 2 injured QBs on the roster if there is an alternative solution that will allow us to keep another possible diamond in the rough? If we want to, we can get Brown back later. No one's been busting through our door asking for Travis Brown.


    And if Fletcher and Spikes got hurt this board would be drinking itself to death because the season would be lost, so that's a poor argument. And two kickers was dumb. Daluiso stinks.

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