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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. please show me an example of a time the patriot act has been used to find out what book someone has read at a library, I'm really interested to see it.


    you guys love bringing up that line, but I'm just waiting for some facts behind it please....


    Google news search yielded nothing of arrests, etc. But that doesn't mean the power is not being used.


    And since potential protesters have had the Feds come to their house, without warning or warrant, I'm not picking this out of the blue. It's not unheard of that this administration, or future ones, would use information like this, and other provisions of the Patriot Act, to root out or intimidate people with opposing viewpoints. This is doubly bad -- it shifts focus away from terrorism, which if we recall is the reason we have the Patriot Act in the first place, and it's a deep intrusion into our civil liberties and Constitutional rights.


    The "awww, c'mon, nobody'd ever do that" response makes no sense to me. My point is this is a power that leads to more and more of an accepted Big Brother mindset in our society, and in true Orwellian fashion we're told we need this stuff in order to remain free. The GOP has a good lock on this one -- if the Dems tried it it'd be smacked down as an example of government intrusion into our lives of the worst kind, and that would be the right response.


    Total BS.


    AD, I think the Dems voting for the act was awful, too. I am not apologizing for them. I think some were sucked in by fear of looking soft on terrorism, and have wisely repented. Other congressmen, across party lines, didn't even read the damned thing, as documented crudely enough by Mr. Moore. I am happy to see that many congressmen have repented and are sorry they approved this piece of tripe.

  2. Patriot Act was passed in October of 2001.  If the 2002 law states that the executive branch can't use federal funds to promote legislation pending before Congress...then it doesn't apply, because the legislation wasn't pending.  It was passed.  Ashcroft may have wasted money...but he didn't break the law.


    It was the renewal of the act in '03. Some Dems were pushing for some of the provisions to be removed from the act, which didn't happen.

  3. Yeah, nothing better than a bureaucrat that sits in his office and dictates.  VERY effective leadership.  Very smart to reduce everything to the minutia.  Your inability to look at things with a "big picture" mentality is more evident every day.


    When all else fails, trot out the "my brain is bigger than yours" insults.


    PLEASE, tell me what Ashcroft has accomplished that makes you feel genuinely safer in this country. I don't care where he works out of, I'm sorry you're so attached to the literal. He can be in his office, he can be singing out orders for all I care, but I fail to see the positives in his record as AG. He's just another harbinger of more ineffective government. And he brings out these ridiculous cases like Padilla's that turn out to have little merit and are of little consequence, while he has done nothing to enhance the "big picture" you speak of.


    Any real conservative should be bashing their head every time Aschcroft opens his mouth. Like Ridge, he's just another cog in Bush's "we're safer" / "an attack is imminent" conundrum of fear and lies.

  4. How is this different from any other administration? How much was spend to fly Chelsea and Hillary around the world? A HELL of a lot more than $6000 per trip. Start in the five-figure range, per person.


    1) Were they promoting legislation after 2002 when a law was passed forbidding it?


    2) Did they hold a government position that was essential to national security? Ashcroft was parading his rat-face around the nation when he should have been in his office working to do everything he could to really protect us. And I don't mean by looking to see what books people are getting out of the library.

  5. from the center for american progress, but their info is from the GAO:

    A new Government Accountability Office report found that Attorney General John Ashcroft spent more than $200,000 of taxpayer money on trips to 32 cities in August and September of 2003 to specifically whip up public support for the Patriot Act. In the process, Ashcroft may have broken the law. A 2002 federal law explicitly prohibits federal funds from being used by any executive branch agency – including the Justice Department – to lobby the public for support or defeat of legislation pending before the Congress.

    Nice. Over $6000 a trip. Thanks for responsibly using my money, Ashcroft.

  6. Here's what I know about football. Bledsoe is a loser. His team lost and he did nothing to give them the spark for victory. Leftwich did. Plummer did. Brees did. McNabb did. etc. Bledsoe never produces the goods. If everything goes well for him he may not lose the game for you. If any little obstacle comes up he has many ways to lose the game for you. 


    When was the last time you said, "Wow, thanks to Bledsoe, we pulled out the game?"


    They say it all around the league, but never in Buffalo. You Bledsoe apologists are sickening.


    What was it yesterday? Bad weather? Kevin Gilbride? A rookie coaching staff? Bad karma? There's always an excuse!!!!!!


    Moving the ball between the 20's is great for the stats, moving the ball from the red zone to the end zone creates victories. Bledsoe comes up short time after time. He has done it his whole career. When will he finally get it?


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

    I suppose Moulds' red zone fumble was Bledsoe's fault? Another 3-7 points on the board and it's ballgame.


    Piss off, coach.

  7. Thought they were generally better pass-blocking, which came as a surprise. Bledsoe did get rid of the ball quickly (with a pretty good comp. %, too) so he tended to make the line look a little better passing. Big Mike should be too big for someone to just go around. Looked pretty amateurish at times, never thrilled me. Still holding out hope.


    Run-blocking was spotty; Lawrence Smith actually opened up a few nice holes, Henry screwed up on a few of those assignments, too.


    I know McGahee was in there more because Henry was cramping, but I think it's actually a great idea to open up the 2nd half or 4th quarter with McGahee in there; fresh legs, new guy for the defense to adjust to. That pick was looking better as the game went on. Would like to have seen him on those goal line situations -- it worked in the preseason, right?

  8. If you want to blame this loss on anyone on the offense it's Moulds...that fumble deep in Jags territory cost us at least 3 points...can't blame Moulds on that other fumble, that was a good defensive play, that cost us another 3 points...this is a game that we should have won, the breaks just didn't go our way.


    Yup, that drive continues and we're at least in Lindell FG range, i.e. <25 yards if Moulds doesn't make that fumble. Tie game if they get that fluke TD.

  9. I wouldn't exactly call a 51 yard field-goal perfectly makeable.  Even Vanderjagt misses one occasionally beyond 46 yards.


    Yeah, but based on Lindell's Buffalo track record, he has a 0% chance of making it. In fact, he has a 0% record of making anything over 44 yards. How's that for confidence?

  10. Ok, you got me on the play where the helmet flew off, which i have to say was worth a celebration.  But I'm not going on just that play but their history of this including last year.  These guys are always dancing around like clowns.  As far as I'm concerned, save it for when you knock the ball down on the last play of the game allowing your team to win.


    Takeo's play was awesome. But it spoke for itself. But you're right. I think Mularkey needs to say to these guys once and for all, that they can celebrate as much as they wish when they have won the game. Until then, they should go out there and do their jobs.


    TKO is good at getting the crowd a little riled up, nothing wrong with that, but the crowd was just as easily taken out of it with the 4th and 14 play (Off. pass interference IMO, but my opinion doesn't change football games).

  11. Kudos to you for having the stones to put Delhomme on the list.  He's clutch, and the real deal.


    Delhomme is clutch. Another year and he'll be one of the best of all time like Brady :)


    Honestly, I like Delhomme.

  12. It's not Moss.  It's not Harrison.  It wasn't Montana.  It wasn't Unitas.  It wasn't Kelly.  It wasn't Elway.


    IT WAS THE SYSTEM!!!!!    :)


    Right, Coach Chuck?


    What the hell difference does it make? If you lost Brady and someone else stepped in and performed capably and the Pats got the same results, you'd be crowing about Belicheck's genius. Are you intimating that Belicheck / Weis are overrated and it's Brady that's the man?


    Again, Favre definitely is the man.

  13. Are you serious?!?


    First, you forget Manning.  Second, Pennigton is not even in the same class as Brady.  And Culpepper... ?  please, without Moss he's average at best.


    I think too many people let their personal feelings cloud good judgment.  Look at Brady's stats, his W/L record, his Superbowl record - anyway you slice it Brady is currently one of the best QB's in the game.  He's currently one of the top 2 or 3, period.


    And by the way, Favre was definitely a great QB; but is he currently one of the best in the game?  I think that's definitely debateable.


    In the words of the Dude, that's like, your opinion, man. Montana is nothing without Rice. Brady is nothing without his system. Most of these guys are nothing without the coaching, the opportunity, and the right moment at the right time. What's your point? Favre has been consistently excellent, and watching him last year he still had the touch, and still plays with the fire he had in his mid-20s. I'd take him over Brady because he's been good over multiple coaches and systems, with often limited personnel. Brady has nothing to prove to me, he has two rings and MVP trophies. BUT, I think Pennington has the same capacity for quick decision making, fired-up leadership and awareness of the field that Brady has. Plug him in to that team and I think he succeeds as easily as Brady.


    Fire away.

  14. I swear I think I'm the only person alive who thinks that for the last 5 years that Favre is grossly overrated.


    You can say that, but he does a hell of a lot (and always has) without top-flight receivers, and there is never a moment on the field where it doesn't look like Favre is in charge. If he were cut tomorrow the Bills would be absolute fools not to sign him.


    As for Manning, yeah, shouldn't have left him out.

  15. Since we're all arguing about how Brady is or isn't top 5, who is?:


    I'd take:

    1) Favre till the day he retires

    2) McNabb

    3) Culpepper - huge and he can run, when coached well he's got it

    4) McNair

    5) TIE: Brady, hate to say it. BUT, I think Pennington has got everything Brady's got besides the support network, and thus, the hardware.


    Hasselbeck is on the verge of something good, too. I see the 'Hawks in the NFC championship game. Jury's out on Vick.

  16. The Pats may have gotten lucky to get the win but there is no way anyone who watched the game can bash Brady on his play, he was poised and had great touch on his throws. I know it sucks but the he played well IMO


    Of course not. He was efficient and got 3 TD passes. And he forced a bad INT (may have been Graham's fault on that one). You are right to say that NE won the game based on the fact that Brady didn't make mistakes, and benefited from those of Indy. Perhaps that's the mark of the better QB. The question is, is Indy the better team, but they just made some stupid mistakes? Or because Indy made those mistakes and NE didn't, NE is the better team?


    Regardless, I think the blueprint is there for us if we look closely at what Indy was and was not successful doing, and don't make the same mistakes Indy did. In addition, I think our secondary is better than Indy's.

  17. Man USMC I hope you're right, but, I really believe that the Pats Defense played well, our offense is struggling. I think that Defense is going to have to win this game for us.


    A couple of those turnovers were Indy mistakes, not products of NE's glorious defense. There were definite holes there. James ran for 140+ yards & 4.7 YPC, the idiot just fumbled twice. Rhodes got another 40. Sounds like we can hit them with the same prescription and as long as we don't fumble we have a real shot for an upset.

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